Chapter 307 Together

[World] [Mushroom Cool]: "Together!"

[World] [Wu Xiaoxiao]: "Together!"

[World] [Blood Rose]: "Together!"

[World] [Master Dean]: "Together!"

[World] [Wu Qinghan]: "Together!"


When a credible person like Zero Gunpowder said it, how could some people not believe it? Immediately, countless players, no matter what faction they belonged to, began to line up in the world and shout together!
At this time, Miao Miao was still picking up the items dropped by the boss without realizing it. She was amazed by the level [-] artifacts and equipment. At present, she already had a lot of things over level [-]. It's a pity that eighty The tenth level limit has not yet been opened, and these good things are all visible and unusable.

After picking up the equipment, she saw a silver rectangular metal plate under the equipment. She had never seen this thing before, so she picked it up a little puzzled. The plate was very thick and heavy. .

City building token!

Miaomiao had never touched this thing before she was reborn, so this was the first time she saw the city building token. According to the game's settings, this should be dropped by real world-class bosses after the [-]th-level version is opened. Unexpectedly, the boss mechanical ant queen, which usually exists as a decoration, can also be dropped!
"Cute God! Respond quickly! Everyone is eagerly looking forward to you being together!" At this time, Gu Liang's dissatisfied urging came from the team channel.

Miao Miao just saw the words of silence, joy and zero-degree gunpowder on the speakers of the whole server. Although she was a little surprised, she thought that these two people were just blowing the speakers after beating the boss. Now, when she saw it, the team channel started to shout frequently. what together.

Seeing such a fierce response, Miaomiao opened the blocked channel information, and suddenly saw that the information was written all together, and she was a little frightened, and even the guild channel and the secret language channel were full of such messages. three words.

Ji Jinghuanxi has already walked to Miaomiao's side amidst the crowd's booing, with a subtle smile on his lips, he asked Miaomiao with a helpless look: "Everyone's reaction is so strong, do you want to satisfy the wishes of the players? "

Miao Miao looked at him holding the token of building the city, while gently weighing and playing with the token, she said with a half-smile: "I have fulfilled the wishes of the majority of players, so who will fulfill my wishes?"

"Of course it's me who is with you." Ji Jinghuan replied smoothly, with a smile in his eyes.

"Oh..." With a long voice, Miaomiao's smile became more and more sinister.

[Full server][Meng Miaomiao]: "Since everyone is talking about being together, I'll think about it, but the distance between Ji Jing Huanxi and my boyfriend standard is a bit too big. I tried to lower the requirements and found that the distance is still too big. After thinking about it , he should at least meet a basic requirement to be with me, right?"

Meng Miaomiao is the first time to send a full-server trumpet, and the group of crazy players who shouted together screamed crazily again, and kept asking what Miaomiao wants, even if they go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire Also help the God of Joy to fulfill the requirements!

As the party involved, Jing Huanxi naturally couldn't be left behind, and immediately blew the trumpet again.

[Full Server] [Silence and Joy]: "What are your requirements? For my Queen Meow, I will definitely do it."

The two interacted and confessed their love in public, and the players went crazy with excitement. They all put down the tasks and dungeons at hand, and watched the live broadcast of the confession intently.

[Full server][Meng Miaomiao]: "The male god in my mind should be the one with wings on his back and the ability to create the world in seven days, but now I only have one basic requirement, that is to be higher in level than me!"

Miaomiao's words completely convinced the uproar. Meng Miaomiao is currently at the full level of [-], and because she is the first one to reach the full level, she is ranked first in the level list. Before the death of Silence and Joy, she slipped down one level, but after killing the mechanical ant queen The crazy experience brought him back to the full level, but the ranking in the level list has plummeted, how could he surpass Miaomiao's level.

This request seems to be sincere and embarrassing!It can't be done at all!Do you have to wait until you reach level [-]?
The players were chattering in the world all of a sudden, and suddenly someone came up with a cheating method by honking the whole server.

[Full server] [Salvation]: "Quiet and happy, why don't I help you kill Meng Miaomiao once to complete this request?"

The elegant male God Salvation actually came to join in the fun!All the players on the server are going crazy again... What day is it today? Why are these great masters getting together and going crazy?

Salvation suddenly came out and issued Chi Guoguo's provocation, and the atmosphere of this confession suddenly changed.

[Full Server] [Silence and Joy]: "No need, my queen is inviolable. If you want to challenge, I will accompany you at any time. If you want to challenge my queen, then I will help you resurrect directly back to the Mar Empire .”

Quiet and joyful words are full of gunpowder, he is neither the president nor has any position in the Mengsha faction, so he does not consider the relationship between these guild forces at all, and even if he has these positions, he will not hesitate Protect Miaomiao immediately!All he knew was that if anyone became an enemy of Miao Miao, then he would definitely make this person die a miserable death!
The Salvation who made a provocative sound first did not sound the full-server trumpet again, as if he was really just joking just now. Without the inexplicable provocation of the Salvation, the players couldn't help but continue to boo and gossip, but after much deliberation, It seems that the only way to make An Jing Huanxi meet the requirements is to let Meng Shen die once and lose experience...

"I think you can't help it, do you want to think about ways to save the world?" Miaomiao squinted her eyes and smiled wickedly.

Ji Jinghuanxi is indeed a bit embarrassed, he is very happy to admit the relationship between the two in public, but this condition...

Suddenly his eyes lit up, he took Miaomiao's hand and smiled confidently: "Who said I can't do it, I said I can do it naturally, and I can do it right away."

"Okay, I'll wait and see." Miao Miao looked at him in disbelief.

A group of players on the scene also bravely watched the excitement. Like Miaomiao, they were full of disbelief, especially Wu Huan, who was standing in the Platinum Temple team, had a look of disdain and contempt, but couldn't help it. If you don't want to leave, you have to find out...

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, An Jing Huanxi took out something from the package and crushed it directly. After that, his figure froze, and he turned into a mechanical ant in the next second.

Everyone looked at this scene in amazement, their jaws almost dropped, only Miao Miao was immediately amused.

 During the holidays, the house is much more lively than usual, and I can't code quietly these two days... Forgive me for being late again.

(End of this chapter)

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