The cute queen of online games

Chapter 313 Not like a good person

Chapter 313 Not like a good person
Although Wu Qinghan secretly reported the truth, but at this moment Miao Miao and he had already crossed the boundary between the two forces above the Miller Whale. No matter how fast Chasing and Huanxi were, they could not match the flying speed of the Miller Whale.

But how could Miao Miao, God of Destiny and Joy, not chase after him, and immediately rushed over the mountains and ridges to the Mar Empire.

When getting off the Miller Whale, Miaomiao glanced at Wu Qinghan: "Where is the silence and joy?"

"Just arrived at the boundary line..." Wu Qinghan almost knelt down after subconsciously answering, and immediately put on a bitter face, "Meng God, I was wrong! Please forgive me this time, and I will double your thank you right away!"

Miaomiao nodded: "Well, remember to do what you say."

"Yes yes yes, I will definitely do it!" Wu Qinghan immediately agreed, and after agreeing, he suddenly felt like he had been tricked, and after thinking about it silently, he actually dug a big hole for himself!

But if he was cheated, he was cheated, and he didn't dare to refute, so he had to follow Miaomiao silently and began to cross the border map of the Mar Empire.

Seeing Wu Qinghan's bastard appearance who dare not say anything after being tricked, Miao Miao couldn't help laughing as she walked in front, some people are indeed born with the face of being tricked!

The Black Mountains are still at the edge of the Mar Empire. It is said that it is a trek. In fact, it only takes four more maps to reach the Black Mountains. However, the suitable level of that map is already within the reach of most players. In order to Just in case, Miao Miao prepared a black cloak that was a little too revealing.

Wu Qinghan is no longer such a pig-like teammate. When crossing the map, he at least knows to follow Miaomiao's footsteps carefully, avoiding monsters that should not be provoked, and taking detours where there should be detours.

It was only when he crossed the map that he realized that Miaomiao's decision was right. In these maps that were close to level [-], he almost encountered a player from the Mar Empire. He died before leaving the teacher.

It took an hour or so to reach the Black Mountains. This map is relatively empty. From a distance, you can see several teams of players killing monsters at the foot of the mountain.

There are several lightly polluted wild beast monsters inhabiting the foot of the mountain. Polluted wild horses and polluted bison are all gathered together in groups. They are all black fur, and they look like a large black area from a distance.

Such a dense concentration of monsters is indeed a suitable place to farm monsters and level up. These teams seem to be from the same guild, and they are fighting monsters in their respective divisions in a very harmonious and peaceful way.

"Mengshen, how did you get there?" Wu Qinghan couldn't make up her mind, so she directly asked Miaomiao next to her.

Miaomiao threw him a black cloak, carefully looked at the players for a while, and then looked at the surrounding terrain. It seemed that the only way to enter the mountain range was to go from the foot of the mountain.

Miaomiao said: "They are all players over level 50. Let's go straight there. It's best to live in peace. If you get into trouble, do it."

Although there are many opponents, how can Miaomiao, a few leveling teams, be taken seriously.

Wu Qinghan put on the black cloak a little nervously, and Miaomiao also put on the black cloak and walked over in an open manner.

As soon as the two appeared on the map, a leveling team on the edge immediately noticed them, and everyone in the team looked at them with some hostility.

It can't be blamed for their obvious hostility. Will ordinary players wear black cloaks for no reason in the game?Usually it's because you want to do something bad that you want to hide yourself.

It's just that Miaomiao and Wu Qinghan are easier to be found if they don't hide, so they have to use the black cloak to try their luck.

A sword soul fighter in that team immediately walked over frowning, and said loudly from afar: "The leveling points here are already full, you go to level up elsewhere."

Miaomiao glanced at that person's guild badge, and found that it was obviously not the same guild as Genesis. Miaomiao felt relieved a little. Naturally, the most worrying thing in the Mar Empire was meeting the person of Genesis. That savior openly provoked her last time. It would be strange if the people who were created by Genesis knew that she had gone to their territory and didn't bother to kill her.

"We are not for leveling. Going to the mountain to do missions will not affect you to fight monsters." Miaomiao said aloud, there is nothing wrong with what she said, she and Wu Qinghan did go to the mountain to do missions.

The sword soul warrior immediately said unhappily: "What mission can there be on the barren mountain? Who are you lying to? I think you two are hiding it. Genesis wants to attack us!"

After speaking, a whole team from the Sword Soul Warriors ran over, and they had already started the PK mode with obvious hostility, and they seemed to want to start fighting immediately.

"The two of us sneak attacking several of your teams? Do you think it's possible?" Miao Miao said amusedly.

Wu Qinghan couldn't help laughing: "As far as your levels and equipment are concerned, I really don't like you."

After all, he's a big boss, it's really funny to sneak attack a group of kids over level 50 with tattered equipment!
But that's what it said, but the team members were naturally very upset when they heard such sarcasm.

"No! Even if it's not Genesis, I can't let you pass! Seeing that you two are sneaky, you don't look like good people!" The Sword Soul warrior didn't want to make any sense, and immediately raised his lightsaber to put on a posture.

Unable to reason with these people, Miao Miao stopped entanglement, and said: "Whether you can pass or not is not up to you."

Just about to start, there was a commotion in several leveling teams over there, and even the mobs on the map started to commotion. Several people couldn't help but look towards the commotion, and saw a bull head called Pollution at the foot of the mountain. The mini-boss of Blame Pioneer, this kind of mini-boss is randomly refreshed, it is not too difficult to fight, and there is a chance of dropping the artifact, those teams have dealt with the monsters at hand to fight the mini-boss.

The team that Miaomiao met ran over when they were excited, but the sword soul warrior suspected that the two were making trouble to grab the boss, and hesitantly stared at Miaomiao and the others while heading towards the boss.

Seeing that this group of people was busy killing the boss, Miaomiao glanced at Wu Qinghan and immediately said, "Let's go."

Since the trouble can be avoided, the two of them immediately bypassed the mobs and the boss and headed up the mountain, but the boss happened to be a little ahead of the road up the mountain, no matter how they walked, it was unavoidable The ones have to pass in front of the boss.

Miaomiao and Wu Qinghan were advancing, when suddenly a crossed white sword energy stabbed towards them obliquely, the target was facing Miaomiao's back.

As if she had back eyes, Miao Miao lightly turned sideways and flashed the sword energy, and immediately saw the sword soul warrior standing at the outermost edge of the boss fight crowd, staring at Miao Miao and Wu Qinghan unkindly.

Miaomiao squinted her eyes and took the broom in her hand. Since some people like courting death, why wouldn't she give it a chance?

 I wrote a chapter with dizziness, and I don’t know if I can finish the next chapter. The cold is so uncomfortable (╯﹏╰)
(End of this chapter)

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