Chapter 317
Under the burning of the fire skills, the trunk did have large and small holes, but the holes began to close within a few seconds, so we could only see the continuous cracks appearing and disappearing on the trunk, and finally the skill time of lava passed, The trunk has returned to its original shape.

"You're cheating!" Wu Qinghan stood beside him dumbfounded, and squirmed when he saw this scene...

Miaomiao is also a little speechless, can the fire element skills be recovered?Is it possible that this wood has the ability to automatically heal?

But since it was reminded that this is a place similar to an entrance, there must be a way to enter.

Since it is related to the mission, Miaomiao took out the occupation book and dangled it beside her. Wu Qinghan saw that she was using the occupation book to test, so she couldn't help but also took it out and dangled it by the side to see if she could do it. Can't trigger any task response, but unfortunately the two of them tried for a while and there was no response.

Miao Miao stared at the tree trunk with squinted eyes, and suddenly threw lava to burn the tree trunk again.

Wu Qinghan watched from the side without any hope, and couldn't help being a little discouraged: "Isn't it useless, Mengshen, don't try it."

Just after finishing speaking, Miaomiao lifted the broom and threw a frosty snowman towards a big hole in the tree trunk. The snowman's head hit the side of the tree hole and broke, and a layer of ice slag was quickly dispersed. In an instant, half of the tree hole frozen in the snow.

Seeing that the snowman was effective, she immediately threw three frosty snowmen one after another, and the biggest hole in the tree trunk was completely frozen.

Soon the effect of the lava disappeared, and only the hole still existed under the effect of the snowman, and the trunks in other places recovered intact, but the ice slag around the hole where the snowman was frozen was gradually melting.

"Come in." Miao Miao immediately called Wu Qinghan to jump in first.

This guy was still a little hesitant, standing at the entrance of the cave with his head poked down and looking down, he felt a little uncertain when he saw the dark hole below.

Seeing this guy dawdling, Miaomiao swung the broom and slapped Wu Qinghan on the back fiercely.

"Ah! Help!" Wu Qinghan yelled in fright.

What's funny is that because he was shot down unpreparedly, his ass was still stuck in the hole, and he suddenly turned his head downwards and lost his center of gravity. Another hard slap on his ass!
Wu Qinghan suddenly howled again: "Ah! Ah! Ah!"

This time with an echo...

Miaomiao also jumped down from the tree hole immediately afterward, but she slid down lightly and then slowly on a broomstick, not as sad and bumpy as Wu Qinghan at all.

The tree hole was not too deep, and soon Miaomiao landed on the black ground, and saw Wu Qinghan who was sitting on the ground patting a layer of dust on her body, and not far away, the foodie was hugging A strange large flower gnawed and ate.

Miaomiao glanced around the hidden underground map. It is a bit like a large basement, but the decoration is a bit too rudimentary, and all kinds of rough and tree roots are exposed outside.

There are many large black and red flowers growing on the ground. What the foodie is gnawing on is a strange big red flower with a strange shape. Although the shape is normal, it seems to be poisonous, presumably it should be some kind of monster.

Looking up at the ceiling, I am even more ashamed. The lights that seem to be illuminating lights are actually large, alien worms that glow in their stomachs. Each worm has a translucent brown shell, and the abdomen emits light. The abdomens of the bugs were deeply embedded in the black tree roots, as if they were absorbing the nutrients of the black trees, they were completely like parasites.

Miao Miao took a closer look, these bugs seemed to be in a deep sleep, probably the noise or skills would trigger these monsters to wake up and attack players, according to the size and density of these bugs, Miao Miao deeply felt that the bugs must be A group of monsters attacking must be one when triggered.

Fortunately, both Miaomiao and Wu Qinghan have surpassed the initial level set for this mission, so the monsters here are still between LV55 and LV60, and it will not be too difficult to deal with them.

Wu Qinghan just wanted to complain to Miaomiao for pushing him into the tree hole cruelly, but Miaomiao's index finger lightly pointed to the top of his head, and when he saw those bugs, his scalp was numb, and he shivered twice in fear , and habitually quickly hid behind Miaomiao so as to hold the great god's thigh tightly.

"These monsters are so weird. Why do I feel like I'm in an alien movie? Isn't this playing infinite horror?! Will there be an alien queen in a while?" Wu Qinghan lowered her voice and grabbed Miaomiao's broom tail carefully. As he spoke, he glanced at the foodie who was gnawing on the big biochemical flower on the other side, and immediately curled his lips in disgust, "What terrible thing is that foodie eating! Don't be afraid of eating it! Be careful of being possessed by alien insects! "

Just finished speaking, there is a big red flower next to the foodie, the flower's big lips suddenly spit out pink flower powder, I saw the foodie yawned, then suddenly lay down on the ground and fell asleep .

At this time, a large black flower that had been silent not far away suddenly opened its petals, revealing the strange flower stamen with sharp teeth inside, and at the same time, the two vines beside the flower quickly reached out to the foodie like hands!
In an instant, the foodie was rolled up and dragged by the vines towards the black flowers.

Wu Qinghan suddenly trembled with fright, although she was a little scared, she still had the courage to go up and cut down the big black flower to save the foodie.

Miaomiao didn't rush, she directly pressed Wu Qinghan, and then put the foodie back into the pet pen.

After putting away the food, Miao Miao has almost seen the attack mode of the monsters here. She whispered in the team channel: "The red flowers put sleeping pollen, and the black flowers should only attack close-up and long-range sleeping people. Once they attack , the nearby bugs should be attracted, and if you don’t pay attention, you will be attacked from multiple sides, I think it’s better to be careful and avoid attracting some monsters.”

Wu Qinghan was stunned, holding the giant sword in his hand and said a little ashamedly: "I didn't expect so much, but when I walk for a while, I don't have such a good position as you, Mengshen, and it's likely to attract monsters."

"Don't worry, just remember not to move in a large area after mobilizing the monster. The main thing is to avoid the spray pollen of the red flower. I just looked at it. The red flower will release the sleeping pollen about five seconds after approaching. The footsteps are quick. If you touch the black flowers, the level of monsters here is not high, the two of us can handle it, try to move within a small range to avoid being chased and killed by monsters, and pay attention to deal with the red flowers first and don’t fall asleep.” Miao Miao is very Talking in detail.

Wu Qinghan nodded after listening seriously, and tried hard to memorize her words, and then the two began to explore and move forward.

However, what Miao Miao said sounds not too difficult, but it is not so easy to do in practice, especially Wu Qinghan is a little nervous, and is more likely to be in a hurry. Even if he follows Miao Miao, he still frequently attracts monsters.

The bugs on the top of the head were exactly as Miao Miao guessed. After Wu Qinghan touched the black flower, the two of them used their skills to remove the red flower next to it, and about twenty or thirty bugs in the direction of the top of the head would all wake up from their slumber. After the bug wakes up, both eyes are also full of light. If you are attacked by the bug, you may enter a state of blindness. Within eight seconds, everything in your sight is flashing with white light like a flashlight, and you can only see monsters and scenery vaguely. Outline, completely unable to clearly distinguish the monster's position.

This is nothing to Miao Miao, not to mention that she can hardly get a few attacks if she is in a good position, even if she is blinded, she can still distinguish the monster's position from the faint outline, and she will not miss it at all. typo.

On this point, Miao Miao has actually trained herself before she was reborn, not to mention the state of blindness, even in the state of blindness, she can have the ability to listen to voices and distinguish positions in ancient kung fu, and she can still rely on Accurate anticipation to respond to attacks.

It can be seen that the master is not something that ordinary people can be. Players can only see her brilliance, and who knows how much training and honing she has gone through to be able to predict her current position and other extraordinary abilities!

After touching the monster a few times, Wu Qinghan felt a little guilty. Although Miaomiao didn't blame him, he couldn't help apologizing in the team: "I'm really guilty of holding back the cute god!"

"It doesn't seem like this is what you should regret more?" Miao Miao raised her eyebrows and said, "Tell me, where is Ji Jing's joy?"

Wu Qinghan smiled dryly with a stiff mouth, yes, what he should regret is indeed betraying the position of the cute god, and just now he explained how the tree hole got in, and how to fight the monsters inside, for fear that the happy god would slow down I didn't come to save him, and at the same time, I accidentally got distracted and touched the monster twice more because of distracted chatting in private...

Nothing can be hidden from the cute eyes of God!

"That... just came in less than 5 minutes..." Wu Qinghan carefully reported the time.

It's a pity that the lie was exposed just after telling the lie, and the sound of light footsteps came from behind, and when the two turned their heads, the silent and joyful team had arrived.

The assassins and paladins behind Ji Jinghuanxi are Jiang Ye and Master Dean, and that female qigong is none other than the starless president Polaris!

Miaomiao didn't know Polaris, but when she saw this woman, she immediately felt a little familiar. After a while, she realized that this woman was the Heisi Yujie who opened the door for her at Ji Jing Huanxi's house today!Basically, her appearance has not changed, even the charming expression on her face has not changed at all!

"God of Huanxi, it's a little slow to come." After looking at the North Star, Miaomiao looked at Ji Jinghuanxi again, and immediately said with a slightly provocative tone, with a strong hint of provocation in her tone.

Quiet and happy attitude was quite sincere, nodded and said: "Well, it's too slow, I'll review it."

Then he walked towards Miaomiao and asked in a low voice: "But I finally found you, so you should be able to tell me what's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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