The cute queen of online games

Chapter 329 Another possibility

Chapter 329 Another possibility

But besides dying people, there is another kind of people who can obtain secrets...

Mia in the light curtain did not answer Miaomiao's question, and continued to say: "In fact, what you see now is just an illusion of me staying here. If you really want to continue to explore the answers to all these, continue Look for my traces, the answer is actually not far from you, you can reach this step today, which means that you have met my expectations, so I will help you repair part of the career book to help you grow."

The image in the light curtain waved his hand, and the pages of Monica’s diary and the job book flipped by themselves. The gaps in the broken pages of the job book were completely joined together after being shrouded in light, and Monica’s diary fell apart while flipping. , The pages of the book were submerged in the occupation book one by one, and the thickness of the occupation book suddenly increased a lot.

After doing this, Mia in the light curtain showed a mysterious smile, her eyes shifted between blue and purple strangely, she said faintly: "Remember, the stronger you are, the closer you will be to the truth. Sometimes What you see in your eyes does not represent the facts, even if your hands are covered with blood, you may not be an extremely evil person, I am eagerly looking forward to your growth, and when you stand at the highest point, you will be able to see everything clearly."

After speaking, the light curtain suddenly disappeared, as if no image had ever appeared.

Miao Miao's heart sank. It seemed that she was not a dying person, so she belonged to another possibility... She was about to become an accomplice!
Although Mia didn't say it clearly, Miao Miao can understand the meaning in it, which is probably the meaning, and she wants Miao Miao to be in the same boat.

She doesn't really care about the justice and evil in the game, but if the final result of the task is to make her a public enemy of the whole server, it would not be worthwhile. Being a public enemy of the whole server before rebirth was her youthful and ignorant choice. This road is purely a search!
But such an important hidden thread, if you don't do it, just hide it?What a pity!

Because of the tragic experience before rebirth, Miao Miao is very taboo about being a public enemy of the whole server, so she is a little entangled.

However, she quickly picked up the career book that had been combined with Monica's diary, and let out a long breath. She was no longer the Qiao Miaomiao at that time, and now the game had a new meaning for her. meaning, why bother to taboo so much.

Of course, she still intends to do the mission. The mission of the game is often not absolute, and there may be choices and turning points, and it is not too late to make a decision at that time.

Miaomiao checked the equipment, the broken blue teardrop lay quietly in the necklace slot, the heart of tears is still in a damaged state and has not been repaired, it seems that it can only be repaired by continuing the task of searching for Mia This amazing piece of equipment.

It is not a solution to be forced to occupy the necklace slot by a broken piece of equipment all the time. This will always make her lose one piece of equipment. The [-]th version may not reveal any shortcomings, but the attribute value of the [-]th version will be higher and higher in the future. I don't want to keep missing so many attributes, so I really have to do this task if I don't do it.

After checking the equipment, I flipped through the occupation book. After two bursts of broken pages, the occupation book called "The Incomplete Theory of the Book of Dark Magic" has been completely completed, but because the task has just been completed. The first one, the current completion rate is defaulted to 50.00%, and the professional task has already prompted the follow-up. The task requires Miaomiao to investigate the deepest secrets of Zell City, the magic capital of the demon world.

When she saw this task, she suddenly remembered that there were many underground organizations and underground cities in the Demon Realm. It seemed that these underground cities were surrounded by maps around level [-], so they hadn't been opened yet.

However, one of the conditions for completing the task is that the player must reach level LV65. It seems that the system has limited the [-]th version to completely complete the professional task. The current professional book will definitely not be completed.

After checking everything related to the task, she raised her head and felt ashamed. There is only one door in this reading room, which means that after completing the task, she has to come in and go out. The only access is blocked by herself... …

She walked to the door speechlessly, looked at the collapsed bookshelf outside the door, and thought about whether to try to blow up the bookshelf or not. I don’t know if it can be destroyed violently. What is more troublesome is how to deal with the hundreds of monsters on the bookshelf outside. ? !Another clever escape?
Even if it was possible, she didn't know where to go next, she didn't even have a direction.

While thinking about it, suddenly the ground started to shake again, and Miao Miao's heart moved, it should be that someone else came out after completing the trial, and the first thing she thought of was naturally silence and joy, and according to the operation level of the six people, it should be He comes out first.

It would be great if it was Silence and Joy. He could use his camouflage skills to easily break through the group of bookshelf monsters, without worrying about being chased and killed by monsters.

With the shaking of the ground, the room began to rotate. After the rotation, Miaomiao stood at the original position of the ceiling. When she looked outside the door of the room, she found that the bookshelf outside the door was gone.

She tentatively went to the door and looked out, and found that the outside, not to mention the bookshelves, even the room had changed. The outside turned into a huge reading room without any bookshelves. There are stone carvings, and there is a huge statue almost flush with the high ceiling beam in the middle of the reading room.

From a wonderful angle, only the back of the statue can be seen. It seems to be a woman wearing a magic robe. She is wondering what the purpose of this place is. She sees a figure coming from the reading room, even though it is far away. She still recognized the other person's figure at a glance, and the kind of self-confidence when walking is really not something that anyone can walk out of. Besides, there is an iconic big firebird flying around him. I wonder if it is silence. It is also difficult to be happy.

Unconsciously showing a smile, Miaomiao walked out of the room she was in and walked towards him. The sheriff who had been obediently following her also imitated the appearance of matches and flew around the owner. It started to fly up and down, left and right, with concave shapes, like a pet flying show, which made the two owners dumbfounded.

It's amazing to have a pet that can only fly...

After approaching, Miaomiao immediately handed over the invitation to form a team, and the first team asked, "How are the materials?"

Ji Jinghuanxi thought that there would be some thoughtful words of missing, but he didn't know to ask this when he came up.

"Can I not do what you asked?" He raised his eyebrows and replied, then grabbed Miaomiao's waist, quickly pecked the side of her face, and then said with some satisfaction, "Receive some welfare first."

Just as he was proud of his sneak attack, suddenly Miaomiao lightly pecked him on the cheek: "Are you sure this little benefit is enough?"

 Finally one day successfully updated in the morning! (Actually, it’s already noon, isn’t it…)
(End of this chapter)

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