The cute queen of online games

Chapter 331 Thick-skinned advantage

Chapter 331 Thick-skinned advantage
How could Jiang Ye not be able to see such a clear line of demarcation, his smile became slightly bitter, he slowly put away the gold coins, and then withdrew from the team.

After Jiang Ye left, he found out that Master Dean and Polaris, who couldn't dig crystals, also made a deal with Miao Miao for the materials and left after saying goodbye. Only Wu Qinghan still stayed in the team as a light bulb.

He was completely worried about his safety on the way home, so he had to follow the Great God!
Ji Jing happily glanced at him: "Why are you still here?"

"God of Huanxi is joking, we are from the same faction, drop by, hehe, drop by."

"I have a mission to go to Crystal City, so I don't want to go back to the Roulan faction yet." As soon as Miao Miao said, Wu Qinghan began to cry again.

"Don't, that, that, I will do the task with you, please don't abandon me, by the way, I invite you to be a foreign aid, it's not good to leave the employer alone with other forces... " said pitifully.

It doesn't sound good, but looking at Wu Qinghan's face really makes one feel sorry for him.

"It doesn't seem to be a problem. I have a better way. If you die, you can go back to Roulan directly, wouldn't it be faster?" Jing Jing happily said sarcastic remarks, purely looking at the light bulb as an eyesore, while saying that he still While touching the trigger of the automatic pistol in his hand, it seemed as if he planned to blow someone's head off if something went wrong.

Wu Qinghan looked at Ji Jingxi's weapon in horror, scolded himself for not having the courage in his heart, and continued to beg to hug his thigh depressedly: "I promise not to affect you! Walk at a distance of three meters! Take me with you, I won't be an oil bottle!"

Seeing that this guy was afraid of being like this, Ji Jing Huanxi finally nodded in reluctant agreement.

Miao Miao looked at Jing Jing and rejoiced: "Did I say I would bring you with me? Actually, you can go back to Roulan with Wu Qinghan."

"Are you sure? Then who will accompany you through the boring mission trip, help you relieve your worries, and who will help you fight monsters and pick up equipment?" Ji Jinghuanxi immediately looked at Miaomiao and asked a question after being repelled by the general.

Miaomiao thought about it, and quickly answered maliciously: "Well, the sheriff and foodie are fine."

"I'm so jealous of your pet, which can be by your side all the time..." Ji Jinghuan immediately looked sourly at the sheriff flying beside Miaomiao.

The sheriff was stared at by this lethal gaze, immediately shivered and fell to the ground, a little afraid to hide behind Miaomiao.

After hearing what he said, Miaomiao curled up a smile, and moved to the next door to her house, isn't it close enough?It was enough to be jealous of her pet.

It is of course a joke not to let An Anxi go on missions with her, and it would be best to have him around.

She stopped arguing, and snapped her fingers and pointed forward: "Let's go, first go to the NPC and ask for clues to the mission."

Jing Jing walked beside her happily, contentedly and proudly, and even the matches beside him began to show off their flying skills gracefully. Wu Qinghan silently waited for the two of them to walk three meters away before slowly following behind, acting as an oil bottle. It's really sad!
Miao Miao called Wu Qinghan without turning her head: "Dally, be careful not to lose track."

Wu Qinghan immediately followed the two of them with a smile on his face, but when he received a cold light from Ji Jinghuanxi's head, he hurriedly kept a distance of one meter... The thigh of the great god is still so difficult to hug!
The three walked out of the crystal building at a strange distance. When they got outside, they found that the crystal city was very empty. There were so few monsters. They could only see one or two crystal beasts wandering in the distance. No wonder there were no people here. To fight monsters and level up, it is estimated that most of the people who come here are mining in the underground crystal mines.

Miaomiao checked the map to find the location of the NPCs in Crystal City, and found that the NPCs here are all living in underground mines, and there is no abandoned city on the ground.

The entrance of the underground mine was on the opposite side of where they were, and the three of them had to cross half of the map to the entrance of the mine.

"Why are there fewer monsters than crystals in this place? What's the point of the existence of this map?" Wu Qinghan quickly forgot his promise and began to sigh in the team.

"These crystal beasts have a chance to drop crystal ore. Do you think it's appropriate for the rarity of crystal ore now?" Miao Miao explained to him, but it was getting more and more difficult to understand what this game novice was. How did you get here.

Wu Qinghan suddenly realized, and immediately rushed to a crystal beast in the distance excitedly: "Hahaha! Mengshen, you said earlier, it turns out that monsters can drop crystals too! I'm going to make crystals for Xiaomo to make jewelry!"

"You are so rich, why don't you just buy some crystal mines." Miao Miao simply couldn't understand why he was such a money addict as a local tycoon.

"The one you get is the one you want! Otherwise, do you think I got Xiaomo by throwing money away? It's all because of a sincere heart!" Wu Qinghan shouted very proudly, and at this moment he had already rushed to the In front of an innocent crystal beast, Sa Hua generally slashed at the crystal beast with a huge sword.

But Wu Qinghan's enthusiasm soon disappeared, and he began to yell strangely: "I'm going! Why is this monster so thick-skinned! It has caught up with the little boss!"

Otherwise... If it is so easy to hack to death casually, the crystal mine would have been rotten for a long time!
Wu Qinghan has a lot of perseverance, even though it is difficult to cut, she still continues to fight, vowing to get Xiaomo a set of crystal jewelry.

Here Ji Jing Huanxi took advantage of the absence of the light bulb, holding Miao Miao's hand and whispering.

"You seemed to hurt Jiang Ye very badly just now." Thinking of Jiang Ye's hurt expression just now, Ji Jing and Joy felt very satisfied and comfortable in his heart. He really liked to base his own happiness on the pain of others !
"Hmm, you should know my principles. If you don't like it, I have always made it clear that you should cut it off early to avoid trouble."

"Yeah, that's why you rejected me so clearly and decisively before." Yaoxiang confessed to Miaomiao for the first time, Ji Jinghuanxi immediately showed sympathy, and then immediately said proudly, "Fortunately, I have a thick skin."

Looking at him miraculously and unreasonably, what's so proud of being thick-skinned...

"Don't get complacent too early. I didn't expose you before. Now that you have brought it up, I would like to ask what you mean by calling Jiang Ye here on purpose. Doing the task together is completely a cover. I don't need to say the real intention." Right." Miao Miao looked at him with a clear face.

Can't she see Ji Jing's joyful intentions? It's clear that she deliberately showed her affection in public to make Jiang Ye completely give up.

"That's right, that's how I do everything I can to eliminate all competitors, so that I'm the only one beside you who can stand side by side." Jing Jing happily touched his nose with an expression of no regrets.

He was so honest, Miao Miao couldn't get angry, but she didn't intend to really care about this matter with him.

"Okay, how about I follow your way in the future?"

"my pleasure."

The two were laughing more sinisterly than the other, and Wu Qinghan shouted again in the team channel: "God of cuteness! God of joy! Help! Someone is chasing me!"

(End of this chapter)

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