Chapter 333
The black cloak has always been a tasteless thing, especially when used by other forces. I used it here for 300 taels of silver, and it is easy to be exposed when it is not used.

Miaomiao took a look at Wu Qinghan: "It's probably easier to be recognized if you wear a black cloak, I advise you to forget it."

There is no need to say the truth so bluntly, Wu Qinghan nodded silently after being quite shocked.

Ji Jinghuan also nodded: "Most of the players here are busy mining and fighting crystal beasts. If they don't make a move, they shouldn't attract too much attention."

"Landis is considered a friendly force, so there is no need to panic like in the Mar Empire." Miao Miao said, looking at the players who entered and left, and found that many of them were members of the Right Hand of God.

Remembering that Jiang Ye said that this map was developed by the right hand of God, she simply said hello to her right hand in secret.

After saying hello, Miaomiao and Jijing Huanxi just walked in like that, but they put away their pets for fear of being too public, only Wu Qinghan followed behind with a little fear, and he didn't look like a good person at first glance.

After entering the mine, they found that the underground mine in Crystal City is very large. This design can alleviate many disputes about crystal mines. At present, crystal veins are scarce in the game. The underground mine in Crystal City is Yalan It is the largest crystal vein in Sri Lanka, and it will inevitably attract many gold diggers.

The mine is completely different from the ordinary mine map. There are only tunnels and pits. This is almost an underground city. After walking in, you will arrive at the underground Crystal Town. The scale is far smaller than the spectacular Crystal City. It is also full of crystal buildings. , it can be seen how bad the crystal is here. The town is lit with energy crystals everywhere, so the mine is not dim.

The entrance to the town is a descending ramp. Miaomiao and the others can clearly see the layout of the entire Crystal Town as soon as they enter. There is an underground river flowing through Crystal Town, and they can clearly see the mines with many branch lines around them. And there are players walking around from time to time, and there are even players setting up stalls in the town to sell things. There are also a lot of NPCs in the town, and they are quite popular.

"I'll go to the NPC to ask for the quest clues, you can do whatever you want." The three of them walked into Crystal Town, and Miaomiao said.

Silence and joy naturally follow Miaomiao closely all the time. Wu Qinghan realized that the town is a safe zone, and after looking at so many stalls, she couldn't help but rubbed her hands and smiled knowingly: "Then I'll go to the stalls and buy some randy. Special products to take back, hehe."

The so-called Landis special product is not just crystal, but it must be cheaper to buy in the place of origin, and the NPC in the town will definitely sell some special crystal products, which may not have many uses, but they are beautiful and beautiful, Wu Qinghan is really a time Thinking about my girlfriend, I don't forget to buy some good things to take back.

He happily went shopping by himself, and Miaomiao and Jijing Huanxi started looking for NPCs to inquire about Mia's information.

A white-haired NPC sitting in front of a grocery store was lowering his head to polish the crystal with something like sandpaper. Looking at his age, he must know a lot.

Miao Miao immediately decided to ask the nearest one first, and walked over, showing her usual innocent and cute smile, and said hello very politely: "Grandpa, hello."

"Who are you calling grandpa! I'm so old!" NPC suddenly raised his head, glaring at Miaomiao and Ji Jingxi beside him with an angry expression.

As soon as this person looked up, Miao Miao realized that this NPC with delicate features, delicate skin, and pale face was obviously just a young man under 30 years old.

Less graying is too serious...

Miaomiao changed her words with embarrassment: "Hello, little brother."

"What little brother! I'm obviously older than you?!" The NPC was relentless, put down the crystal in his hand and lost his temper at Miaomiao, obviously very concerned about his age.

"I think it's better to find another NPC, such a brat will definitely not know such a long time ago." Ji Jinghuan looked at this white-haired NPC young man a little dissatisfied, even an NPC can't just yell at his Royal Highness !
"Who are you talking about! I'm over 100 years old, and I think you are the ones! I don't know what's in Crystal City! I'm the living dictionary here! Hmph!" The young man still looked dissatisfied. Happy, staring at the two of them for a while.

Over 100 years old?Miao Miao and Ji Jinghuan couldn't help but glance at each other, this NPC doesn't seem like he's talking nonsense, just looking at his white hair, there should be some kind of story, but it's not an exaggeration to call him grandpa at this age, right?I'm so angry at a young age...

"Really? Then do you know that Master Mia came here a few years ago?" Miaomiao didn't delve into the issue of his age, just tilted her head and asked.

The white-haired young man immediately frowned, changed his violent temper just now, and shook his head a little sighingly: "Is there any need to ask about this? Who in the town doesn't know about this matter. If it weren't for the help of Lord Mia, our Crystal City would have already died." It was completely destroyed, and now even Crystal Town doesn't exist at all."

Judging from the tone, it seems that this is an important plot in Crystal City, and it is not a particularly secretive matter.

She asked curiously: "What did Lord Mia do for Crystal Town?"

The white-haired young man picked up the crystal again, continued to polish it with sandpaper, and said impatiently: "Why do you ask me about this kind of thing that everyone knows! Just ask someone!"

This character is really cloudy and uncertain.

Ji Jing Huanxi whispered to Miao Miao: "Let's go ask other NPCs first, I think there is something wrong with this guy."

Wei Wei nodded, Miao Miao also had this idea in her heart, and she felt that she seemed to have directly found the key person of the mission, but it seems that the time to find this NPC is not right.

The two turned around and went into a nearby NPC restaurant with no people there. After ordering some food, they found out about Crystal City's past from the boss.

It turns out that Crystal City was originally a prosperous aboveground city, and it was quite rich because of its rich crystal minerals. However, due to the excessive excavation of crystal mines by the people in the city, a group of ferocious crystal beasts were drawn from the ground.

There is also a very powerful crystal beast king among this group of crystal beasts. It leads the crystal beasts to attack the residents of Crystal City. The crystal beast king is very powerful. It has a unique ability to absorb the energy of energy crystals.

There are barren deserts near Crystal City, and they rely entirely on a piece of source crystal with magical magic power. It can be said that Crystal City can guarantee food, clothing, housing and transportation entirely because of this crystal.

The Crystal Beast King who soon invaded the Crystal City completely took away the energy of the source crystal, which completely cut off the vitality of the Crystal City, and then continued to attack the residents here.

It wasn't until Mia came to Crystal City that she defeated the crystal beast king. She drove the terrifying beast king back to the bottom of the dark mine, and used magic to make it never see the sun. Only then did the remaining residents save their lives. , but they can only move to live in the only mine with water source after losing the source of power crystal.

 Typo has been corrected

(End of this chapter)

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