The cute queen of online games

Chapter 339 Jumping Mission

Chapter 339 Jumping Mission

Seeing Mengzi and Miaomiao's selfless cooperation to kill monsters, Mengzi and Miaomiao openly confessed to each other, thinking how miserable he was when he confessed to being rejected, of course the silence and joy are sour again...

He is really worried that his girlfriend is so unisex!

Moezi suddenly turned back when he was touched, holding his hand cannon and said angrily: "You actually said that I defeated the guild! Humph! Then I want to join the Mengsha faction! See if you can kill you! It's settled!"

Miaomiao sent the guild invitation directly to Mengzi, and Mengzi's emblem immediately appeared on her body.

"Add it first, and review it when I go back." Miaomiao calmly gave Mengzi a back door.

Quiet and joyful momentarily wanted to spit out old blood, he was always playing with people, today Miaomiao actually helped others to play with him, if he didn't play like this, is he still someone's boyfriend...

Everyone else snickered, but the left hand couldn't help feeling sad when seeing this scene. The right hand of God has never had a particularly violent master. The only top master general Ye is not an output-type occupation. It is difficult for a speed-type assassin to appear so in terms of output. Brilliant damage.

He had already quietly set his sights on Moezi just now, and he couldn't pull over the full-server idol-level Meng Miaomiao to be silent and happy. This Moezi seems to have amazing strength, maybe he can try to poach people, besides, he saw Moezi She doesn't have a guild badge on her body, and she is obviously a young master who has not been discovered yet. It is definitely a treasure to dig this girl up.

Who knew that before this idea could be put into practice, Mengzi joined the Mengsha faction... The blood in the heart of his left hand was silently dripping, why did all the masters go to the Mengsha faction!
When this idea came to the left hand, everyone had already crazily beaten the HP of the Crystal Beastmaster to below 20.00%.

The Crystal Beastmaster raised his hooves immediately, lifted his upper body violently, and instantly gathered a force in its front hooves.

"Jump!" Miaomiao immediately sensed that this might be a big move to shock the ground, and commanded in the team channel.

A group of team members jumped up one after another under Miao Miao's command. Sure enough, the Crystal Beast King slammed into the ground, and the ground-shaking attack struck, and countless cracks appeared on the crystal ground.

Fortunately, Miaomiao reminded them in time, but there were still two team members who didn't grasp the timing and jumped half a beat slower. They were hit by the force of the earthquake and lay dead on the ground.

Although there is a paladin in the team who has also learned the resurrection skill, the normal resurrection skill in this game must be aura before death in order to be resurrected at zero health. This paladin is impossible to predict that everyone will almost He would die the next second when he was full of blood, so he didn't wear the aura at all, and the team lost two players in an instant.

After the earthquake ended, the paladin was covered in cold sweat, and said a little depressed: "What should I do next time, who should I give the halo to for the next big move?"

"To yourself." Ji Jing said joyfully and teasingly.

The paladin was speechless, without such a taunting...

The left hand also said solemnly: "Well, do as the God of Joy says."

It's not a joke, is it? !The paladin listened with shame, but immediately the Crystal Beast King made another preparatory move, about to launch a second shock, and he obediently put a resurrection halo on himself.

After the halo was hung up, Miaomiao shouted to jump. Everyone jumped up nervously, and the paladin also jumped up quickly, but the paladin is a professional with short legs and poor jumping ability. When he jumped up, the shock had already hit the ground. This time, he was hit instantly, then fell to the ground, and then the halo automatically revived him.

The paladin broke out in a cold sweat again after getting up, the advice of the Great God was not for nothing...

Healing is the first thing in the team to keep, and Ji Jinghuanxi has long seen that the paladin can't move, so although it is a joke, it is also a conscience suggestion.

After the Crystal Beast King hit the ground twice, the crystals on the ground were already shattered, and soon the Crystal Beast King hit the ground again. After three consecutive hits, crystal shards flew directly on the ground, and crystal shards of various colors flew like crystal rain. The scene is extremely dazzling and gorgeous.

After the crystal broke, the environment on the ground became full of crystal thorns everywhere. A force method from God's right hand landed directly on the crystal thorn, and was bound by three energy rings instantly, and then the force method was forced Adding a provocative halo, the Crystal Beast Dynasty rushed towards him.

Fortunately, Miaomiao reacted quickly and used the shadow cloak to hold back the Crystal Beastmaster. Mozi followed up with an anti-tank gun and pushed the Crystal Beastmaster away. Lifa finally disappeared under the delay of the two, but the crystal thorn itself The incidental attack is also impressive, dropping almost one-third of the blood in one fell swoop.

Walking became difficult in an instant, and the left hand reminded the people on the right hand of God to pay attention to the crystal thorns so as not to kill themselves. As for Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi, they naturally didn't have to worry about it with their left hands, so as to prevent others from being targeted by the boss. The coquettish ones took turns leading the hatred of the crystal beast king around, bringing the boss here and there like a dog.

Especially Miao Miao is even more amazing, directly flying up and down with the help of the protruding crystal ore on the cave wall, launching a 360-degree attack without dead ends, and even gliding and jumping on the top of the cave in an instant, just like a bird flying in the flowers of butterflies.

Mengzi was almost dazzled, and couldn't help admiring: "It's so dazzling! Your position has evolved again!"

She accidentally used the word again, and then quickly pretended not to say anything and continued to push the boss.

Although Mengzi had a prejudice against Miaomiao before, she only played this game because she watched the much-anticipated video of Mengshen. Before that, she was fighting in a game of Rainbow International, and her brother was very shameless. Asking her to play this game, and showing her the video of Meng Miaomiao, Moezi was immediately attracted by the gorgeous operation of Meng Miaomiao in the video, and then entered "The Field of Origin".

Speaking of which, Mengzi’s ability to change the reverse push hand cannon is also learned from Miaomiao. Since Meng Miaomiao played the trick of pumpkin fireball reverse push and running, not only mages are eager to imitate and learn, but the only one with similar skills The heavy gunners are also learning one by one, Miao Miao has really benefited countless players!
Miaomiao pretended not to notice what Moezi had said, and said modestly: "The location still depends on the terrain. This terrain is just suitable for flying into the sky and escaping from the ground."

Soon the boss was firmly held back, and the team continued to crush violently. Finally, the boss fell to the ground after the last layer of blood was worn off. The system announcement issued the achievement of the crystal beast king being beheaded. The right hand of the most gods is on the right hand, but the names of the team members are reported one by one, and the names of Miaomiao and the others are also revealed.

[World] [Fashion Night]: "Damn it! Meng Miao Miao, when did you run away to our Landis again! I've been staying in Crystal City, when did you go there!? Damn it, why is that cute kid also in God? You are in the right hand team! You god right hand is determined to unite with Roulan's forces!"

Fashion Night's scolding suddenly appeared on the World Channel. At this moment, I realized that I was preempted by the right hand of God again, and I was tricked by Meng Miaomiao and the others without realizing it. The cute child they fought actually had a part in it! ?
However, no one paid any attention to him at Fashion Night. It is well known that Roulan forces and Landis forces have a good relationship. Who in the group of people like Zhanhun is serious about this matter.

As for Miaomiao and the others, they didn't even see the fashion night talk, they were too busy looking at the boss's dropped items and checking the rewards.

Although the Crystal Beast King who had been lying down had dropped items, he did not immediately turn into a corpse, but lay weakly on the ground and confessed his last words.

The Crystal Beastmaster half-closed his eyes and said to Miaomiao: "Master Miaomiao, you have completed the test, as long as you find the complete water of life, you will naturally become the true successor of Lord Mia."

After explaining this matter, the Crystal Beast King closed his eyes and lay down completely.

Miaomiao was stunned on the spot, what kind of task reminder is this?She couldn't help but carefully checked the task information again, and found that the task of this step had been completed, and the next task reminded her that she needed to find the complete water of life to become the descendant of Mia of Tears.

Do you dare to cheat a little more?

After closing the task information, Miao Miao frowned lightly. She got an incomplete water of life, but how could she repair the complete one?The water of life did not generate repair tasks...

She suddenly remembered that it was Ji Jing Huanxi who got the task of opening the Three Realms Tower, and the water of life was what he wanted to get in the first place, so it can be seen that his task was related to the water of life!

Just about to ask about Ji Jinghuanxi's mission, Moezi in the team channel suddenly asked in puzzlement: "Why is there no source power crystal?! Where is my mission item?"

The left hand over there had checked all the dropped items, but Moeko found that there was nothing she wanted among the dropped items from the boss.

"Obviously it's your poor character." Ji Jing Huanxi was looking at his left hand to see if there was any equipment he wanted, and he heard Moezi's words, and it was obvious that his sour smell hadn't passed yet.

Mengzi gave An Jinghuan a hard look, then turned to Miaomiao and said, "Take care of your An Jing and Huanxi, he is so cruel and violent, it is immoral to let him out to bite people!"

Miaomiao's words choked in her throat for a few seconds. This description seems to be talking about pets and beasts, and she is in charge of silence and joy...

On the contrary, Ji Jinghuanxi reversed the tit-for-tat confrontation with Moezi just now, squinting his eyes and rubbing his chin in an instant, which was very helpful. For some reason, this sentence sounded very pleasant to the ear!
"Let me help you find the source crystal, don't thank me too much if you find it." He suddenly showed kindness, and began to look down to see if there was anything that was suspected of the source crystal.

Moezi doesn't understand his logic at all. How can anyone be happy after being scolded? The perverted logic is really incomprehensible to ordinary people.

She immediately walked up to Miaomiao and asked in a low voice: "What is your God of Joy happy about? Does he like being called a dog?"

Miaomiao smiled immediately, nodded and replied: "You can say that, but he may have only heard the first half of what you said."

(End of this chapter)

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