The cute queen of online games

Chapter 347 is true and false

Chapter 347 is true and false
Judging from this point, I am afraid that Barr's riot was also expected by Mia.

Mia, who has mastered the ancient library, must have known a lot of high technology from the book when the Demon Realm was still a Titan star, so she planned to speed up the technological development of the Celestial People, so that Barr would let the Celestial Realm go ahead before leading the Celestial People to trouble the Demon Realm. Civil strife destroys the tyrant Baal.

What a good game of chess!
Miao Miao has already sincerely admired Mia at this moment, her brain cells are really not normally active for being able to calculate to this step!

When analyzing these things in Miao Miao's mind, Barr hadn't finished speaking, and he continued to tell his own experience.

"The water of life that can have an immortal body was originally in my hands, but when it came to the heaven, the water of life was destroyed in the battle, and one of the fragments fell somewhere. In order to prevent the water of life from being taken by Mian Now, I order the Knight of Light to guard the incomplete water of life in the sealed Lighthouse of Light."

These plots are considered Miaomiao and she knows a little bit, which is completely connected with the previous story of the lighthouse.

Barr's voice became a bit vicissitudes, and finally said a little slowly: "At the last moment of the heavenly war, I was seriously injured and was on the verge of death, so I came to the Three Realms Tower with the fountain of life, where the water of life condensed, although The Fountain of Life doesn't have the ability to bring the dead back to life, but it can still heal serious injuries. What I didn't expect was that Mia was waiting for me here first. She thought that I could kill me easily because of my serious injuries, but she didn't expect that the Three Realms The power of any apostle in the tower will be infinitely weakened, and this is the territory of the ancient gods, how can the power of the apostle be allowed to exist? Not long after we fought, this place was automatically frozen, and both of our bodies turned into stone sculptures. Together with the will, it is sealed here."

Barr really explained the whole story of why he was here.

Except for Miao Miao and Ji Jingxiuxi, the other people present were quite surprised when they saw this plot, because the background story of the game in their hearts was still the story of Mia being a good person and Barr being an evil villain. Turn, I can't accept it at all!

"Then, Lord Barr, do you know why Mia did these things, and what good will it do her to kill you and let the doomsday come to the continent of Arlans?" Miao Miao still asked Barr the question, and did not want to ask Mia at all. the meaning of.

Seeing Miaomiao being so curious and addressing herself respectfully, Barr felt that the little girl in the devil world seemed to be biased towards him, so he said righteously: "Hmph, just like what she said, everything she does It's to revive the demon world, but her hypocrisy has come to an end, such an unscrupulous method is bullshit!"

"What does this have to do with the revival of the Demon World?" Wu Huan, who was standing aside, didn't pay much attention to it at first, but after hearing what Baer said, she couldn't help but blend into the plot and ask.

Barr readily complained about Mia's secret: "You people only know that the Demon Realm, the Alans Continent and the Heaven Realm exist, but what you don't know is that when the Titan star exploded, the Demon Realm was actually attached to Alan On the other side of the Sri Lanka Continent, the Demon Realm and the Continent are basically mirror-like existences. After long-term observation, Mia has discovered that the Demon Realm and the Arance Continent are two existences that ebb and flow. The Arance Continent is attached to the Demon Realm. Afterwards, it became more prosperous and prosperous. This is completely absorbed by the source energy of the demon world. To restore the prosperity of the demon world, the source energy of the continent of Alans must be destroyed. Let us, the apostles who maintain the source energy die, naturally destroy the source energy of the mainland. The best way! The Demon Realm will be able to gain a new life!"

A group of people were completely shocked by this setting, including Miao Miao and Ji Huan Xi. Is there such a relationship between the Demon Realm and the Arance Continent? !
"You're right, it's a pity that you only know part of the truth, but it doesn't make any difference to you." Mia finally finished speaking at Barr, still as calm as water, as if what Barr said had nothing to do with her.

"No matter what you say, it's all an excuse for your hypocrisy. Although I, Barr, am not a party to uphold justice, even I hate your hypocritical face." Barr twisted the stone sculpture's neck vigorously and looked at Miya in disgust.

The two apostles were really jealous when they met each other, and they had to be frozen together and live next to each other for so long. The hatred in their hearts must have accumulated to the limit.

"Since you are not absolutely evil, and I am not absolutely righteous, I will leave today's victory to my chosen successor, Meng Miaomiao." Mia looked at Miaomiao, and could vaguely see some of it from the stone statue. expect.

The right and wrong of these two apostles is really confusing. What Mia did was really not on the table, but her original intention was to revive the demon world. shudder.

As for Barr, although he is against Mia, his actions are also unacceptable. The tyranny has oppressed the people of the heavens, and the methods are brutal, and the main reason why he opposes Mia is that he does not want to be cannon fodder. If he is cannon fodder, he probably doesn't care how Mia destroys the Arance continent!
Think about it carefully... This is simply a dog biting a dog!
"What do you want me to decide?" After realizing that these two apostles are not very good people, Miao Miao actually hesitated, but the plot must continue.

"The water of life has been repaired. Our current body cannot use the power of the water of life to restore itself, so we need you to choose who to resurrect." Mia looked at Miaomiao and gave her this multiple-choice question.

Neither of them is a good person. This is no longer a choice between justice and evil. Miaomiao looked at the water of life floating in the fountain in front of her, and fell into deep thought.

"Choose Barr! This guy has great power, so there must be a lot of benefits!" Finally, the second group of Mengsha became agitated, and couldn't help but start talking on the team channel, and Moezi was the first to jump out and shout.

"Choose Mia! She is very powerful in the Demon Realm! Baal is powerless now, what good is there for him!" The famous Phoenix family also shouted.

Others also began to express their opinions, and the debate became crazy after a while.

"You all stop." Qiang Di said suddenly in the team channel, and the team channel quieted down. Everyone realized that they were talking too much, but Qiang Di answered blankly, "Why don't you place a bet at the opening of the market?" .”


"The leader is wise!"

The whole group immediately applauded unanimously, and immediately everyone began to bet...

That's enough, Miaomiao doesn't expect any good suggestions from this group of people, she has to make this decision by herself.

Ji Jing Huanxi said softly beside him: "Just do what you think is the right choice, don't worry, everything is up to me."

Miaomiao looked at him sideways, and found that his eyes were smiling but full of firmness and trust.

It turned out that he knew what she was hesitating about, and knew that she didn't want the development of the game to be detrimental to the players because of her wrong decision...

Unknowingly, An Jing Huanxi already knew her so well that she could understand what the other person was thinking with just one glance.

Miao Miao, who was a little undecided, smiled and nodded to him.

"Do you want to dawdle like this? Don't you just make a choice?" Wu Huan said impatiently, especially unwilling to see the two show their affection, and looked at the two unhappy, then he asked Barr and Mia, "Such an important choice, shouldn't you two show some sincerity?"

Bal immediately looked at Miaomiao domineeringly and said: "Restore me, and you will naturally get my apostle inheritance, and the light knight, dark knight, and dragon army are at your disposal at any time. When I leave here, I will resume my rule over the heavens, you and you All my friends will be guests of the heavens, and our Dragon Clan has always been the most trustworthy race, and I will never break my promise!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Miya with contempt, and said mockingly, "I think all this woman can give is the barren land of the Demon Realm?"

The corners of Miya's stone mouth were raised stiffly, and he said: "Yes, I don't have so many rights to promise you, but you are already my chosen successor, and my inheritance will completely belong to you, and I will do it for you. Consecrate the Heart of Tears to obtain its full power, and in addition to your professional book, I will unlock the profound meanings in it for you, so that you can complete the transformation of the new magic profession."

The whole group suddenly changed from a state of betting to a state of envy, jealousy and hatred!What kind of rewards are these!Just take out any one and it will blow up the sky!There are so many kinds!

You are so generous, do the other apostles know? !
Wu Huan felt a little regretful asking, he actually wanted to know what he could get, but it turned out that such a terrible reward was all from Meng Miaomiao, and all his fragments were taken for nothing?It's really useless to make a wedding dress for others!

Miaomiao herself was deeply shocked, but this choice was even more difficult to make. Barr promised huge power, and Mia promised huge advantages.

She drew a few circles on the ground with her feet, then looked up at Mia, and asked abruptly, "It's not exactly like this, is it? You've already died, right? Are you a soul now?"

Her question confuses the already shocked members of the Meng Killing Group again. Is Mia dead?What does this statue mean?
After Miaomiao's questioning, the stone sculpture Mia nodded, and with her nodding, the stone statue shattered little by little, and immediately turned into dust, leaving behind a cloud of black mist.

This time Barr looked dumbfounded, and asked inexplicably, "What's going on? Could it be that you died before you fought with me?"

The black mist slowly swelled and gradually condensed into a vague human form, and Mia's voice continued to come out from the black mist: "That's right, but I am not a soul. Part of my will has been hidden in the ancient library waiting for my successor to appear. It was not until recently that Meng Miaomiao arrived at the ancient library and released me. For the revival of the demon world, what if I just die a few apostles? Only all the apostles with source power will perish, including myself!"

 Well, the task is more complicated, and it hasn't been revealed yet.Thank you for the monthly ticket voted by Xiao Wen, huh~ It seems that if you don’t add the rhythm tomorrow, you will be pierced by thousands of arrows, and you have to add a chapter even if you try your best!
(End of this chapter)

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