The cute queen of online games

Chapter 359 The Second Skill Tree

Chapter 359 Second Skill Tree
I stayed in Shimmering Stone Forest for three days. Since I hardly needed supplies, Miaomiao never returned to the city at all. The sourness of being leveled by a level [-] pet couldn’t stop at all, and the precious steel she got Stone, so she couldn't help but dig deeper and deeper into the map. Of course, she also wanted to find the fine steel stone veins.

The area of ​​Shimmering Stone Forest has exceeded the size of Zell City, and it is still going deep underground after the edge of Zell City, and the level of monsters is gradually increasing, so that Miaomiao's experience is always flowing and showing the maximum increase.

In addition, there is another layer of support for her upgrade speed. She has accumulated a lot of experience capsules before and never used them. After reincarnation, Miaomiao found that the maximum number of experience capsules has increased. She eats the most, even though the leveling experience requirements after reincarnation have become higher, her level is still rising.

On the third day, she had already reached level [-]. Before she was reincarnated, it would take at least a week of non-stop practice to achieve it. Now she has reached this level without doing anything herself.

The sheriff was already fighting the stone monsters of level [-] to [-], and it was relatively laborious, so she released the puppet she made on weekdays to accompany the sheriff to fight monsters, and she was still digging around leisurely .

Digging with a small mining hoe along the way, even her mining level rose to level 6 without knowing it. She really dug faster and faster, and the amount of shimmering ore she got had already exceeded the mission requirements.

Seeing that the package was almost full, she finally put away the small mining hoe and decided to return to the city of Zell, but it was a pity that after walking so far, she did not find the location of the fine steel quarry. For this precious material, she had to come back to dig later. Looking for three feet.

Seeing that the sheriff is still fighting with the shimmering stone monsters nearby, she can’t help feeling a little itchy since she hasn’t started fighting monsters for a long time. It just so happens that the monster dropped a level [-] purple broom today. With weapons, she can finally start fighting monsters up.

Before fighting monsters, she opened the skill tree and looked at it. She also looked at the skill tree before, but it only showed basic skills before reaching level [-], and then she was busy mining and didn't check it. The skill tree belonging to the Demon Mage is finally revealed.

"Huh?" She was surprised when she looked at the skill tree on the skill panel.

The original single-skill tree has been changed to a dual-skill book, and the skills of one of the skill trees are still very familiar. Most of the above skills correspond to the original sorcery skills, but the original four-line skills have been modified into two ice-dark lines. It's not that the light and fire skills are cancelled, but that the corresponding fire skills are converted into ice skills, and the light skills are converted into dark skills.

For example, the lava skill of the fire system has changed to ice lava, and the effect has been changed from splashing a piece of lava to pouring out the lava in the inner ring and the iceberg in the outer ring. Blocking, it can be said that it is more powerful than the original skill!
In addition, the light-type star bombs are transformed into demon star bombs, and the effect is dark-type.The big skill electric tower has also been transformed into a demon electric tower, which has both light and dark attributes at the same time. After the electric tower ends, there will be a period of blindness effect. The change is not ordinary.

Miaomiao’s commonly used blasting pumpkin stove has been transformed into an ice slurry pumpkin stove, from exploding lava blocks to bursting out corrosive ice slurry. What’s even more amazing is that the original improved skills of Miaomiao School have been preserved, but the fire resistance of monsters has been reduced. Converted into anti-icing resistance, the ice slurry is also doubled in one shot.

However, the effect of reducing ice resistance is repeated with the ability of acid rain. If it cannot be superimposed, the improvement effect is actually reduced. This point has to wait until she reaches the level to test whether it can be superimposed.

Noticing the existence of improved skills, Miao Miao looked at the skill description carefully. It turns out that the corresponding skills that have already been learned in the skill book can be used directly, but only three-quarters of the effect of the skill can be achieved. You need to learn the same skill book again. The full effect is presented, but the skills she has not learned are cheating, and she still needs to learn two skill books to use them.

Thinking about those skill books that have been priced at sky-high prices, it turns out that these enhanced skills are not for nothing...

I have seen the familiar skill tree on this side, and the other skill tree is a completely different skill. There are less than ten skills in total, and there are only two types of ice and darkness, but these skills have one thing in common, they are all summoning types!

However, these skills are not the same as the skills of summoning mages. The summoned objects are all magical equipment related to magic, which is different from the previous incomplete magic. These equipment do not need to be manipulated by players, which is somewhat similar to the magic version. mechanical summoner.

She couldn't help but feel that the demon mage seemed to be a dual-class synthesis of summoning and magic, so she inferred that most of the reincarnation jobs of other classes also meant dual classes.

This pair of skill trees is really cool!In the future, she can lead the magic army to fight with herself, and leading the army to battle is no longer exclusive to summoning professions!
Excited, she looked at the skill learning method on the second skill tree and immediately felt cheated. These skill books will not drop alone. If you want to learn, you need five skill books of your own profession at the same level in exchange for skill learning progress. Use all five books to use this skill!
And the lowest skill on the second skill tree is level [-], and the price of five [-]-level skill books is not low, and the cost of learning the advanced skills later will make people bankrupt!

After looking at these skills, Miao Miao's lips twitched more and more. It seems that at present, he can only get the low-level skills of the first skill tree and the second skill tree. If he wants to obtain advanced skills, he has to continue to struggle...

Familiarized with the skills that can be used at present, she followed the sheriff and walked back while fighting monsters. When she came, she was digging while moving slowly, but when she went back, she went straight and frantically killed monsters. It only took an afternoon.

As soon as she returned to the area of ​​the [-]th District, Miao Miao couldn't help but stop, and the police chief also obediently lay on her shoulders, each of them was surprised to see that the scorched red and black land and stones were covered. A faint "yellow gauze" was cast, and the swaying shadow of the gauze was full of dreamy colors.

Both Miao Miao and the police chief couldn't help looking up along the "yellow yarn", only to find that the huge and bright lantern fruit on the top floor had dimmed a lot. It seems that the lantern fruit here will also emit different lights according to the morning and evening. The day is like the day, and the night becomes a little firefly, and the scenery is very beautiful.

Looking up at the lantern fruit that was blooming with soft light like the moon, I almost wanted to sway gently with the soft yellow light... Wait, sway? !
Miao Miao suddenly felt that something was wrong, this lantern fruit should not move, right?

(End of this chapter)

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