Chapter 365
Ji Jinghuanxi was right, in terms of disguise, he was indeed a master!I am afraid that there is no second person in the whole server who has the best magic skill to improve the camouflage.

The two of them didn't come to the Lantern Cave this time for leveling and equipment, so they opened the camouflage as soon as the CD of Silence and Joy arrived, and only went ahead when the CD time after the camouflage disappeared.

Those monsters disguised as purple flowers are called psychedelic flower demons. There are some differences between real flowers and monsters. The monster's flowers will have a faint purple pollen lingering on them, but the real flowers will not. According to the difference between the two, Miaomiao and Silent Huanxi will selectively bypass the vigilance range of some monsters, so that the time to enter the depths of the cave can be shortened to the greatest extent, and strive to get a large enough lantern fruit as soon as possible.

There are many exotic flowers and plants on both sides of the cave, and there are naturally many lantern fruits. As the two go deeper into the cave, the level of monsters is increasing, and the size of the lantern fruit is getting bigger and bigger, but it can be compared with the lantern fruit at the top of Zell City before. A comparable one has not been seen yet.

The lantern fruit in front of me is not even half the size of the one they destroyed, but the monster is getting bigger and bigger.

In the cave, apart from the psychedelic flower demon disguised as a purple flower, there are several strange flowers and weeds such as cave salamanders and poisonous vines, as well as silver fish monsters emerging from the flowing underground river from time to time. The species are as colorful as the plants here.

Miao Miao couldn't help but feel a little strange that the Demon World was so defeated, but this place deep underground was full of vitality, monsters and plants were overgrown, which was completely different from the collapse and mutation of other Demon World maps, which always made people feel a little unreasonable.

Just as he was wondering, he suddenly reminded quietly and happily: "There is an elite monster, do you want to fight it?"

On the side of the two, a small fork appeared in the cave, and a gourd-shaped opening appeared on the left side. At the position where the opening narrowed, there was a small humanoid monster covered with local tyrant golden floret vines. At first glance, it was not hot. Festive, I feel like a boy who spreads money.

The monster was walking leisurely at the entrance of the cave. The two checked the monster's information from a distance, and found that the monster was called the Golden Guardian, and it was already an elite monster of LV65.

Looking at this location, Miaomiao nodded: "It's strange that there are elite monsters in this kind of place. The name of this monster seems to be guarding something. There might be something good at the entrance of the cave. Kill the monster and go in and have a look." .”

Sometimes in the game there will be treasure chests or something on the field map. It is really hard to tell what rare treasures are hidden in such a hidden map.

After the two discussed it, they slowly approached the golden guardian. This local tyrant golden monster had a very long vigilance range. As soon as he approached, the golden guardian immediately raised his head and stared at the two of them.

"No one is allowed to approach here!" He yelled suddenly, and then several local tyrant golden vines stretched out from his body, and swung at the two of them, and the small golden flowers were swung towards them like hidden weapons.

Miao Miao and Ji Jing Huanxi originally wanted to hide, but who knew that the little flower flew out for more than one meter, and the stamens scattered in vain, and the petals immediately scattered, and the celestial girl scattered flowers rushing towards her face, and she couldn't dodge at all.

Miao Miao's reaction was quick. The moment the petals were scattered, she directly put the shadow cloak to catch the nearest psychedelic flower demon, and became invincible at the moment the petals rushed over.

Silence and Joy doesn't have this kind of invincible skill, so he had to throw a grenade at the petals that were rushing towards him. At the same time, the robot and the G-series cannon were released to fight. It's a pity that these petals have no HP limit, but the blocked places are not hit, and other positions are hit. Dressed in gold dots.

The attack power of the petals was not high, and each petal only hurt him a little blood, but those small petals did not disappear after being embedded in him, and it seemed that there was another trick.

Miaomiao quickly understood that she had seen similar skills before her rebirth. This small petal should have the effect of planting a mine, and it would explode at any time to interrupt the player's skills. It was a very cunning skill.

"The petals may explode. Before the explosion is over, you should use more small moves and keep your big moves." Miaomiao reminded him, and then she rushed towards the golden guardian in a short flight. For the attack of this petal, far attack is not as good as close combat Easy to hide.

"Understood." Ji Jinghuanxi understood what Miaomiao was thinking, and approached the golden guardian with a sliding shovel.

The two immediately fought the elite monster in close quarters. Sure enough, whenever Ji Jinghuanxi wanted to use his skills, the petals on his body would burst and injure a small amount of blood, and the skills would be interrupted at the same time, exactly as Miao Miao had guessed.

After getting close, the golden guardian directly attacked the two of them with golden vines on his body, and sprinkled a few 24K pure gold flowers from time to time. The shiny and golden ones are really a local tyrant temperament, and the little pot friend can't hold it!

But it is much easier to avoid the golden flower in close quarters, but Miaomiao fights harder and harder, thinking that this monster must be guarding something valuable!I can't wait to cut off a few of his golden vines to realize it...

Seeing her so excited, Ji Jinghuan couldn't help complaining a little: "Could you restrain that staring gaze a little bit, it makes me want to commit a crime..."

Miao Miao slapped the golden guardian with a broom turned into a fly swatter, while misinterpreting his meaning: "Well, let's rob this monster first."

How dare he disobey the queen's order, and with the tacit cooperation of the two, they quickly brought down the golden guardian.

The little monster fell to the ground mournfully, and instantly scattered gold coins all over the ground.

Miaomiao saw that each pile was full of 9999 gold coins, and they dropped all over the place. It really is a boy who spreads money!Drop more money than the boss!

Generally, the boss will drop tens of thousands of gold coins at a time. This elite monster also dropped 10,000+ gold coins at least. The effect is the same as the previous Golden Guardian. It will disperse after being thrown one meter, and it will burst every 3 to 5 seconds when it hits the enemy, which can interrupt ordinary skills.

This is a good thing, but being able to interrupt ordinary skills means that it should be useless against bosses, but it should be good to use in PVP.

After putting away the gold coins and golden flowers, the two of them immediately walked into the hole behind the golden guardian. There was indeed a treasure chest inside, which was still unlocked.

Miaomiao looked at Ji Jing Huanxi, pointed to the treasure box and asked politely: "Do you want to try your luck?"

"Are you afraid of black hands?" Ji Jinghuanxi directly broke her mind.

Miao Miao calmly spread her hands and asked back: "I have an epic and divine weapon, you say I'm black?"

It's really not black, she's just blackmailing others. According to Miaomiao's experience, other people's treasure chests are more likely to find the things she uses, so... She suddenly smiled cutely and wickedly.

Ji Jing happily looked at her from the beginning to the end with a smile that was not a smile. She did not have black hands, but a black heart... But he just liked the way she murdered people with a black heart, even if the victim was himself.

(End of this chapter)

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