Chapter 368 Set fire
It doesn't matter to Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuan, they easily dodged the mud arrow with a step back, but the silver guardian in the roaring state was directly hit by the mud arrow.

After the mud arrow hit, the silver guardian couldn't help but deal up to [-] points of damage, and was instantly restrained by the mud and couldn't move. is on.

Two multi-stage stabs, several four-digit damages appeared, and the silver guardian screamed and died.

Small boss level elite monster!Just hit it three times and it will be cannon fodder!The attack power is terrible!

Miaomiao and Jijing rejoiced to see the situation, and finally realized how powerful this boss is. The boss who made Hemo cautious again and again, even though its strength has been weakened by the seal for many years, is still so tough when it comes out!Bosses at the level of ancient gods are really extraordinary!

While the silver guardian was being used as cannon fodder, the two of them had already seen the boss's message... LV70 Crew, the goddess of vitality, with 800 million HP.

Really sturdy!Such a high blood volume is obviously a wild boss suitable for team battles!

At present, Miaomiao has just been upgraded to level 62, and Anxi Huanxi has also just been upgraded to [-]. Although Miaomiao has increased her growth attributes after reincarnating into a new profession, and she has put on her original equipment after returning to her level, most of her skills are still only After learning a semi-finished skill book, the full skill damage cannot be achieved.

Fight against a level [-] wild boss alone with the two of them in their current state?This is not a joke?

But Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi did not intend to run away at all.

"Since you're here, let's try playing." Ji Jing Huanxi had activated the G-series skills and said nonchalantly.

Miaomiao hummed and added status skills. The bosses she has encountered so far rarely run away as soon as they come up. Now she only sees the attack power of the goddess of vitality, but she has not tried its defense yet, and from the few moves just now It seems that the Goddess of Vitality's moves are not very quick. The two skills of Ground Spike and Mud Arrow have delayed actions. As long as they use mobile attacks, it is still very easy to dodge.

Happiness and ingenuity and silence and joy are both thin-skinned, and it is rare to stand up and fight monsters, so I dare to try.

Whether it's a mule or a horse, at least you have to pull it out and have a look!

The two summoned two pets, the matchstick and the sheriff respectively. The two flying pets are very suitable for fighting this boss with no fixed form. Compared with pets running on the ground, they are more difficult to be caught by the boss.

Miao Miao started to throw out the provocative puppet Xiu Lulu, and also threw out a puppet.

As soon as the puppet came out, Ji Jing Huanxi was stunned by the side.

"Hammer lover?" He looked at the name displayed on the doll, it was full of slots...

"Don't underestimate her, she's of pink quality." Miao Miao said with some complacency while releasing skill attacks.

This is a doll of a dwarf girl, with a huge and cute iron hammer on her back.

This girl's occupation was similar to that of a sword soul warrior, and as soon as she made a move, she swung her hammer high and hit the goddess of vitality.

With a hammer, the goddess of vitality entered a state of dizziness.

The abnormal state attached to the player's skills is often impossible to achieve on the boss, or the probability of entering the state is very low, especially the useful abnormal state of dizziness, which is almost 100% when fighting mobs, but nine times out of ten when fighting the boss. miss.

And this hammer lover puppet was able to hit it with one blow, of course, Jing Jinghuanxi was impressed.

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate it, just like you, you can't be fooled by appearances." Ji Jing Huanxi nodded immediately.

Miao Miao suddenly felt that this sounded wrong, and couldn't help asking: "Do I look weak?"

Jing Jing Huanxi snickered and didn't answer, and diverted his attention by reminding Boss Miaomiao to make moves.

Miaomiao glanced at him and didn't care, he really dared to tell the truth...

The design of this puppet is still Miao Miao who got it from the GM of Shuitianyishi. I have seen that the design is a puppet that can stun the boss with a higher chance. I have always found it very useful, but it was only recently It was learned by a master puppeteer, and it was immediately praised as soon as I used it today.

The girl with the big hammer performed extremely bravely, and the goddess of vitality who was frequently smashed was stunned. Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi took this opportunity to gain time to start their skills and recharge their power, especially Miaomiao's big skills are mostly stances, without this person It's really hard for me to help.

Fortunately, the Goddess of Vitality has high attack and low defense. The damage of the skills of the two and the pet can almost reach the damage value of ignoring the defense. With the tacit cooperation, the 800 million blood volume is not slow to decrease, but it is still far away to finish the fight. .

After grinding for a long time, [-]% of the blood volume was finally worn away.

The Goddess of Vitality suddenly led the thorns to tremble crazily. In the blurred face, the muddy mouth opened and closed. She said angrily: "Don't think that you can escape God's punishment! Grow! Catch these disrespectful guys!"

The lush plants growing by the lake suddenly crazily grew thorny vines, branches and leaves or elongated petals, all of them rushed towards the two with their teeth and claws.

"You're still playing tricks? Calling out so many helpers?" Ji Jing Huanxi said dissatisfied while sliding the shovel back.

The goddess of vitality, as the name suggests, is full of vitality. Apart from playing with mud, of course, she can also control flowers and plants.

In this way, the advantage of five-on-one with the addition of pets and dolls instantly becomes weaker.

A group of flowers and plants immediately entangled the two pets and the hammer lover dolls, and only Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi escaped by relying on Xiululu to blow up many flowers and plants.

Flowers and plants can be hit, but the positions are too close to the goddess of vitality, and too dense, if you accidentally get entangled, the boss will definitely take the opportunity to kill. This is not a boss designed for one-on-one, the attack is completely based on the size of the team of.

"How to solve it?" Ji Jinghuanxi stood in a safe position, and while knocking down some vines that protruded for a long distance, he raised his eyebrows and asked Miao Miao.

After thinking for a moment, Miao Miao calmly replied: "What do you think these flowers and plants are most afraid of?"

He immediately gave an answer: "Weeder?"

Miao Miao almost hit him with a broom, the lawn mower is related to the game?Have you played Plants vs. Zombies a lot like Qiangdi? !Thinking is too jumpy!

She directly raised her chin and announced the answer: "Set fire!"

Silence and joy directly sprayed a large flame from the flamethrower, and the vines that rushed over were instantly ignited by the flames. Miaomiao took out a bomb from the package and threw it into the flames. More plants were affected by the flames amidst the explosion.

Sure enough, the damage of the flame is stronger than other spells!

 Let’s take a short break again, tomorrow will be single-shifted, and the day after tomorrow will resume double-shifted.Thank you Jiran for the monthly pass~What~
(End of this chapter)

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