Chapter 373 Marksman

"Yo? Is this a warning to me? Such a big girl is not timid." General Ji smiled jokingly, and then slowly nodded when he became serious, "A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, okay, okay, Don't say that my old man bullies you, that's it, if you can bear the consequences, I will let the bastard go with you."

Miaomiao made a gesture of invitation, and asked with a smile: "Okay, then how do you plan to let me bear the consequences, old man?"

General Ji said: "You don't need to lose money, can you shoot?"

"Does it count in the game?" Miaomiao said in surprise, not expecting General Ji to test her physical fitness.

Li Sha couldn't help chuckling: "You're ashamed to talk about it in the game."

General Ji smiled: "Sure enough, it's a child. What I'm talking about is shooting with live ammunition. In the game, it's something for children to play. How can we compare it?"

Even Xiao Yan couldn't help frowning, and quietly waved his hand at Miaomiao worriedly. He knew very well that the Ji family taught their children like training soldiers from an early age, so Ji Jingqing and Ji Jingming could have a reaction force that surpassed ordinary people. The quality is completely brought into the game, so as soon as he enters the game, he can perform amazingly, and become a god-level figure in one fell swoop.

However, Xiao Yan knew from Miaomiao's background that she was from an ordinary family and had never practiced these things. Even if she had a quick reaction and superb game talent, she might not be able to play real guns and live ammunition in reality.

"The general wants to test me? How about archery?" Miao Miao didn't care about the contemptuous smile of the other party, and said openly.

"Archery? I didn't expect you to know such a traditional thing. You can do this too. Jingming, let's compare with her." General Ji pointed and asked Ji Jingming to compare with Miaomiao. Obviously, he has also practiced archery before, so he is not afraid at all. What to choose.

Ji Jingming nodded: "Understood."

Originally, he came to Ji's house to look for Ji Jingqing, but as soon as General Ji came out, he immediately turned into a posture of competing.

As soon as General Ji gave orders, several people began to rush to prepare. Miaomiao followed General Ji and the others to an open shooting range in the backyard. Unexpectedly, the Ji's house was equipped with such facilities. Apparently, the family often practiced. practice.

The targets in the shooting range are all new smart targets, but General Ji doesn’t bully others, so he asked Miao Miao to try the equipment by himself first.

She walked to the shooting position and saw that she could freely set the target distance and set up moving targets, and even set them as moving targets such as flying birds, flying across the shooting range without a fixed route at all.

It is really a full set of advanced practice equipment, which is high-end enough, but this should obviously be a shooting practice ground, and bows and arrows can also be practiced here just by the way.

Just watching, Xiao Yan muttered next to her: "Meng God, why are you so unafraid of death, although the old man didn't say what will happen to you if you lose, but it's definitely impossible to just let it go, his family is all professional! We are small family members, don't live with your fate."

Miao Miao gave him a funny look: "Your family is not a small family, don't be so scared, okay? I just fell in love with his son, and I didn't kill his whole family. Is it possible that I will be exterminated?"

It was clear that she was the one who was going to compete, but Xiao Yan was more nervous than her in the end, as if what he said was terrible...

Xiao Yan straightened up quickly when he heard this, and after careful consideration, he thought it made sense. Falling in love is not a felony. worry.

"That's right, it seems like I'm overthinking it, but Mengshen, you'd better be careful, I still count on you to help me build the city, you must not make any mistakes, I fully support you!" Xiao Yan cheered With the hand gesture, my heart calmed down a lot in an instant, but I still didn't forget to mention the matter of building the city, and I really couldn't leave this topic every minute.

At this time, a metal silver bow and arrow was handed over, Miaomiao turned her head and saw that Ji Jingming was holding the bow and arrow.

She took the bow and arrow and weighed it, then took the quiver and carried it back.

The bow and arrow is quite heavy. She held it in her hand and didn't rush to lift it up. Instead, she groped slowly, moving her fingers to find the feel of the bow and arrow, just like trying the keyboard when playing games in the era of keyboard online games.

Seeing her like this, Ji Jingming said with a little contempt: "You also practiced archery in the game, didn't you? There are also people who use this method to try bows?"

As he said that, he picked up his own bow and pulled it firmly with both hands, creating a perfect full moon.

"That's right, it was practiced in the game." Miao Miao was quite honest, continuing to touch the bow and say.

Hearing this, the corners of Xiao Yanxian's mouth twitched. He thought Miaomiao's self-confidence was due to practice, but it turned out to be a game...

Ji Jingming suddenly felt that he had already won, put down his bow and chuckled: "Then you just wait to lose."

The two were still talking, and there was already a man in black who looked like an instructor solemnly asked the two to try the bow for the last time, and began to report the rules of the competition.

There are three competitions for stationary targets, moving targets, and irregular flying targets, with ten arrows each time, and the one with the most rings wins.

Miaomiao never drew the bow once during the bow test, but just touched the bow and arrow.

Li Sha, who was watching from the sidelines from a distance, saw Miaomiao's unhurried appearance, and couldn't help making a small report to General Ji: "Dad, do you think she really knows how to shoot arrows? I think she is just a show , can only bluff people."

General Ji has been watching Miaomiao, and smiled when he heard Li Sha's words: "Since you think it's a show, why worry?"

"I'm not worried..." Li Sha immediately denied.

General Ji suddenly said in a commanding tone: "Don't worry, just watch quietly, and you will soon know if she is putting on airs."

Li Sha couldn't help trembling, and realized that she seemed to be upset with the old man, so she quickly shut up, but still stood beside General Ji with a sour taste and continued to stare at Miaomiao on the field.

Soon the man in black announced the start of the competition. Ji Jingming shot the arrow first. Just like what he showed before, he bent his bow and drew the string like a full moon every time. The arrows he shot were fast and accurate. Ten static targets were shot. , with a full score of 98 rings, he reached a very high score of [-] rings.

When it was Miaomiao's turn to shoot, she stood on the shooting position with her feet spread apart, her shoulders flattened, and she raised her bow. She raised the bow and arrow, and stretched the bowstring with three fingers of her right hand. She even pulled out an arc like a full moon. When she loosened her fingertips, The arrow flew out like a startled rainbow.

The arrow was nailed to the center of the target impartially!Perfect ten rings!

Ji Jingming, who had finished shooting the arrow, watched from the sidelines, and felt that this was not at the level that could be practiced in the game. The strength just now was not like what such a weak and cute girl would have. When he shot the second arrow, he observed carefully, and found that when she pulled the bow hard, she could see the muscle protrusion on the forearm. Although it was not obvious, it was definitely not something a gamer could have. Miaomiao must have been exercising regularly.

Shocked for a moment, Ji Jingming felt that she was nothing to be afraid of. How could her training be as good as the special forces training she had since childhood? If it takes longer, her stamina will definitely fail!

Miaomiao got ten rings again for the second time, and then skillfully shot one arrow after another, ten rings for ten times in a row!
After the shooting, there was a clear applause, and General Ji praised unsparingly on the sidelines: "You are amazing in archery. I really underestimated you. It seems that you have learned it before. Where did you learn it?"

Miao Miao put down her bow and replied neither humble nor overbearing: "Hua Xia learned it."

General Ji was puzzled after hearing this, Xiao Yan whispered, "It's a game..."

"Hey! Can you really learn exquisite archery in this game? Interesting." General Ji shook his head in disbelief.

Miao Miao took a seat on the sidelines, she learned her archery skills in a Chinese mythical game called Huaxia.

At that time, she was still No.7 in the strength list of the archer profession in that game. In that game, she once encountered an adventure mission to learn archery from the NPC Hou Yi in the game. The mission was completely based on the actual archery strength and strength. According to the technique requirements, in order to complete the final test, she spent a full three months, practicing crazily both in and out of the game, and developed amazing accuracy and control of arm strength.

Since then, she has never lost her aim in any game or occupation, which can be described as an example. Later, in the years of fleeing before her rebirth, she relied on the archery skills she learned in the game to survive in the wild for several months.

In such an extreme environment, a single misalignment will endanger her life. She is literally using her life to shoot arrows, so how can she fail to become a good archer? I really want to thank the holographic game for teaching her a survival skill.

But these are the past that no longer exists, and now archery is just a small skill she has mastered, and it happens to be used today.

Soon the second round of the moving target competition began. Ji Jingming suffered a loss of underestimating the enemy. In order to show himself in front of the old man, he worked hard this time and even completed a full score of [-] in the more difficult moving target. !

When Miaomiao went up, Xiao Yan resentfully said: "It seems that Ji Jingming has been annoyed, this time it can only be a tie at most, Mengshen, you have to work hard!"

She didn't respond to Xiao Yan's words, and went straight up, drew her bow and started shooting arrows. The first nine times she reached the tenth ring like Ji Jingming, and when the tenth target started to move, she pulled out two arrows at the same time. His surprised eyes drew back his bow.

The arrow flew out, and the two arrows hit the ten rings at the same time!
The shooting range was suddenly quiet, and there was a faint and gasping sound... This is simply the legendary archery technique!How could someone play it in reality!

Li Sha quickly jumped out and said dissatisfiedly: "This can't be counted! This is cheating!"

She had just finished shouting, with a whoosh, Li Sha felt a gust of cool wind sweeping by, she was startled in fear, a moment later she felt a bit chilly on her head, she raised her head tremblingly, and saw only a feathered arrow A white female hat was nailed to the wall behind her, and the position where the arrow penetrated happened to be the stamen of the only rose flower pattern on the hat!

(End of this chapter)

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