Chapter 377 Doubt
Ji Jing and Huanxi didn't explain, he knew that the old man would only be in a difficult mood for those who prefer to admire, if he didn't care at all, the old man would not pay attention at all, let alone make an appointment with Miaomiao to compete, and let him go so easily.

God knows that the previous few times when he was tied back, it took him a lot of effort to escape, how could it be as easy as today.

He had laughed enough, and suddenly took Miaomiao's hand and said sincerely, "Thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Miao Miao looked at him.

"Thank you for being so steadfast to me." Ji Jingqing smiled, "Thank you for not disliking my family for having so many troubles."

He knew that Miao Miao didn't like trouble, and when he was tied back, he was really afraid that she would simply ignore him because he thought his family's affairs were too troublesome. Because this incident scared Miaomiao away, she never expected that Miaomiao would show up on her own initiative.

But things are really overjoyed!

"Do I look like I'm going to run away at any moment?" Miao Miao squinted at him, "You are the biggest trouble, okay? Even you and I don't hate you, your family is a big deal."

Although she didn't show much, Ji Jingqing completely underestimated the depth of her affection... She is afraid of trouble, but some troubles will haunt her for a lifetime. Without this psychological preparation, how could she accept him.

"Then thank you for not despising me." Ji Jingqing was very grateful for being called a big trouble by her. Anyway, this time he knew that he had a lot of weight in Miaomiao's heart, so he was happy no matter what!
Xiao Yan, who had been forced to watch the two show their affection all the time, couldn't help but said, "It's hard for you to face this big trouble every day. If I had already had enough! If I had such a boyfriend, I would definitely just break up."

Ji Jingqing replied immediately: "Your boyfriend is still waiting for you in the game, drive your car properly."

Xiao Yan was heartbroken that being a driver with good intentions could ruin his fame for a lifetime. Why do these two people always call him a crook!
After returning from Ji’s house, Ji Jingqing worked very diligently to be the chef at Miaomiao’s house again, and brought her own ingredients. Qiao’s couple and Qiao Nannan enjoyed a luxurious dinner inexplicably without knowing what was going on, and they didn’t know they were celebrating. What.

Miaomiao couldn't help but think, did his family know that he was so sad in other people's house?
In the end, to express their gratitude, the Qiao family sent Miao Miao out to go on a date with Ji Jingqing, and generously told Miao Miao that it doesn't matter if she doesn't come home at night...

Miao Miao felt that Ji Jingqing had made a lot of money, her parents could sell their daughter with just one meal!

Of course, Qiao Miaomiao didn't consider her parents' absurd suggestion at all, and even rejected Ji Jingqing's seduction, went home to sleep at ten o'clock as usual, and played the game normally the next day.

Silence and Joy finally appeared in the game. The first thing the two of them did was not to leave Zell City, but to check the underground mineral veins of stainless steel. Although the mineral veins were still there, they were blocked by a magic seal. See In the future, you still have to complete the task given by Silos to get this vein.

After leaving Zell City, although Zero Gunpowder kept sending private chats to discuss the construction of the city, Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi ignored him and went to work on their own tasks first, only throwing poor Phoenix Weiyang to Zero Degree Gunpowder to bomb.

Zero Gunpowder immediately hated the two guys who crossed the river and demolished the bridge, but who told him to ask the two great gods for something, and in the end he could only resign himself to his fate and discuss the city building with Fenghuang Weiyang.

Although Ji Jinghuanxi wanted to continue sticking to Miaomiao, but the tasks of the latter two did not overlap, so Miaomiao went to the Land of Tears to find Mia and continued to hide the main line, while Ji Jing Huanxi went to the task of the ancient gods line.

He is going to complete the tasks that can be completed at this stage before reincarnating into a new profession. If players of other gunner professions know that this great god with a profession book in his hand is so calm, his nose will be crooked...

Because of the inheritance of Mia of Tears, the teleportation authority of all cities in the Territory of Tears has been automatically fully opened. When she arrived at the marked city closest to the deserted city of Zell, she was directly teleported to the central city of the Territory of Tears. city.

As soon as she left the teleportation array, she felt that the atmosphere of the city was a bit strange. There were many groups of people coming and going in the streets and alleys, and they were neatly dressed and very imposing. The City of Tears was also surrounded by seventy or eighty-level areas. There are still very few players here, so these people are naturally not players, but it is rare for NPCs to be in groups like this...

She suddenly remembered that after the city of Zell was abandoned, the underground organizations had been transferred to the Land of Tears, but she didn't expect that these people were actually stationed in the City of Tears majestically.

Are they so assured of Mia?
After entering the city with some doubts, Miao Miao originally wanted to go directly to the Palace of Tears in the center of the city to meet Mia, but after walking two steps, she found that her physical strength was a little lacking. It turned out that she had been traveling all the way after going online and had not forgotten to replenish her physical strength.

I simply went to the city, and I simply found a restaurant to take a break and eat something.

When she looked up, she saw a tavern opened by an NPC on the side of the road. It looked quite clean, so she went in directly.

The tavern was more deserted than Miaomiao imagined, there were no NPC guests, only a proprietress standing by the bar, Miaomiao couldn't help frowning slightly when she saw the proprietress pause.

The proprietress has black and white cow birthmarks on her face, she is clearly the ugly girl from Zell City that Silos pretended to be!
After a short pause, she still walked over and sat directly on the high chair in front of the bar.

Miaomiao tapped the bar with her fingertips and asked her, "Still pretending in your own territory? Is it necessary?"

After hearing this, Silos still didn't change his appearance, and said to Miaomiao with an ugly face: "It's only on my own land."

If you lower your eyelashes and pretend to be on your own territory, then the person you want to deceive is obvious, and it must be Mia...

Miaomiao smiled with an ambiguous meaning: "Don't tell me you betrayed Lord Mia?"

"You think too much, I just want to ask you about the last time alone." Silos said without changing his expression.

Sure enough, she was still suspicious of whether she was an ancient god. Miaomiao didn't expect that there was a quest line hidden in Silos, but shouldn't this quest line be the quest line of the ancient gods that Ji Jinghuanxi did?Why did Silos find him?

Miao Miao already understood it in her heart, but she looked as if she had nothing to say: "Last time? Oh, you said that matter, isn't it already clear? There is nothing more to ask."

"Although they are all crazy words, I still want to prove it." Silos said, and then stared at Miaomiao, "Only you can help me prove whether that thing is true! My lord trusts you the most now, if If you ask for it, she will definitely give it to you! As long as you help me, I can directly open the adamantite vein for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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