Chapter 380
After checking the teardrop earrings, at the end of the attribute, Miaomiao found a hidden gray suit attribute.

Miya said in a timely manner: "After you grow further, I will open another inheritance item of the Heart of Tears for you."

So the teardrop earrings are just one of the equipment inherited by the heart of tears, and the full attributes will be obtained after adding another magic stone in the right slot.

Just one piece has such miraculous attributes, I believe the set will be even more powerful.

After getting the teardrop earrings, Mia told Miaomiao in detail the content of the next mission, and Miaomiao also asked Mia for some magic melting energy according to Silos' request.

In addition to shaping the demon body, the energy of melting demons also has the function of nourishing the magic power, so Mia agreed to Miaomiao without any suspicion.

Miaomiao left the Palace of Tears after getting the Demon Fusion Qi, and saw Ruoshui Sanqian dangling in the Palace of Tears without taking two steps.

As soon as he saw Miaomiao, Ruoshui Sanqian immediately rushed over as if grabbing a life-saving straw: "Meng God, fortunately you came out!"

"What? You're looking for me?" Miao Miao asked a little puzzled.

Ruoshui Sanqian felt that he was a little excited, and immediately patted his head in embarrassment, twisted his hands and replied: "It's not... I'm just lost..."

The Palace of Tears is not too big, and there is a game map, how could it be possible to get lost.

"Isn't there a map?"

Ruoshui Sanqian felt even more embarrassed, and admitted helplessly: "Well... I'm not very good at reading maps... I'm a road idiot."

"Then it's a miracle that you can walk to the gate of the Palace of Tears." Miao Miao really felt incredible, how did she find the gate of the Palace of Tears if she could get lost in such a big place.

Ruoshui Sanqian said weakly: "You can use the system to guide you outside."

In fact, there are many road idiots in the game, so the game is very intimately equipped with game assistants, which have the function of system guidance, but not all maps provide guidance...

Miaomiao looked at Ruoshui Sanqian with a bit of amused look. She had already known this girl when she heard her name before. This girl is indeed on the list of Summoner professions, but the ranking is not particularly high. But speaking of it, he is quite a legendary figure.

Before Miao Miao's rebirth, Ruoshui Sanqian was actually quite famous in the game. Although her operation was not outstanding or even passable, her Lu Chi and good luck were well-known in the whole server. This girl has played many times. Because Lu Chi accidentally got hidden rewards in the game to hide the plot or something, by coincidence he had a few summoning artifacts and a few special summoning skills.

That's why Ruoshui Sanqian became famous. At that time, I don't know how many people wanted to blow up this dizzy lucky girl, but several sneak attacks or obvious robberies made Ruoshui Sanqian win or escape by mistake. It is the luck of the god who is possessed by the guardian god!
Although Miao Miao has heard about Ruoshui Sanqian's deeds, she is not too superstitious, and always thinks that the rumors are exaggerated, thinking that this girl must have other specialties, how can she play with luck alone? To this extent... But seeing Ruoshui Sanqian in person today, she felt that at least on the surface she fit the description in the rumors.

"Then let's go together." Miao Miao generously pointed to the front to lead the way for Ruoshui Sanqian, and said casually, "It just so happens that Mia issued a task for me to help the Alliance of Nature solve the shortage of potions, and you should also go back to Nature Let's hand in the mission to the alliance, let's get together."

"Thank you Mengshen!" Ruoshui Sanqian immediately followed Miao Miao happily.

Just two steps away, Ruoshui Sanqian who was following Miaomiao suddenly exclaimed: "What kind of flower is that? It's so strange."

When Miaomiao turned her head to look, Ruoshui Sanqian had already walked to the flowers beside the road, and she reached out to touch a special light golden flower.

Just as he was about to remind Ruoshui Sanqian not to touch strange things so carelessly, the other party had already touched the pale golden flower.

With a pop, the flowers suddenly disappeared, and a potion bottle appeared in Ruoshui Sanqian's hands.

"Greedy potion? There is such a strange potion?" Ruoshui Sanqian looked at it, checked the effect of the potion, and read out casually, "The drop rate of artifacts and rare materials will double within 10 minutes after taking it. Effects cannot be superimposed..."

Miaomiao's eyelids twitched, this lucky little red hand!You can pick up such a good medicine just by looking at a flower!

It seems that those rumors are not nonsense!

"Mengshen, do you need it? Give it to you, and thank you for taking me into the Palace of Tears and taking me out." Ruoshui Sanqian walked over and stuffed the bottle of medicine into Miaomiao's hand with a face of gratitude, without the slightest Nostalgia.

"This potion is good, are you sure you want to give it to me?" Miao Miao confirmed holding the potion bottle.

I saw Ruo Shui turned over the package three thousand times and grabbed several bottles of the same potion, and said distressedly: "I still have this, I always lose this kind of thing, every time I use the magic weapon, I don't see a lot of it, only the pink material is lost. The parcels I get are always not enough space, and I often have to pick things up.”

"Thank you then." Miaomiao immediately put away the Greedy Potion unceremoniously.

What kind of politeness is there with this kind of little red hand who picks up the best anywhere!There are so many high-grade materials of pink quality that there is no place to put them, so taking her things is simply helping others!

Next, he took Ruoshui [-] all the way to the Natural Alliance to do missions. Miao Miao had thoroughly seen Ruoshui [-] as a little red hand possessed by a lucky buff!

Along the way, I just picked up precious items four times, and I also ran into a passer-by NPC who forced Ruishui Sanqian to give him a hidden mission, but she refused... Finally, in the Natural Alliance, when Ruoshui Sanqian handed in the task, he still took it. When it comes to hidden rewards, they are really all kinds of unnatural characters.

Miao Miao is really an eye-opener, she finally believes that there are people in this world who play games entirely by character.

Ruoshui Sanqian and Miaomiao received the same task at the Natural Alliance's resident. They were asked to go to the Prophecy Territory to get more sophisticated potion making formulas, and to help contact the potion merchants in the Prophecy Territory to supply long-term potions to make up for the Territory of Tears. insufficient.

Miao Miao's mission is naturally somewhat different, but according to Mia's instructions, she still has the same mission as Ruoshui Sanqian on the surface.

Predicting that the territory is far away and the teleportation has not yet started, Miaomiao thought about what she still had to do, so she made an appointment with Ruoshui Sanqian to cross the map to do this task together the next day.

After the two parted, Miaomiao found the tavern that she had just entered the City of Tears with a couple of turns. After entering, Silos, who was disguised as an ugly girl, was still waiting there.

"Have you brought anything?" Silos asked a little nervously.

Seeing her looking forward to it, Miaomiao deliberately sat down in front of the bar, and said calmly, "Of course I got it."

 My heart has been very disturbed, my mother has not confirmed the illness, I don't know if I can continue to update, but the story of the cute queen is coming to an end, and Mou Shuang promises that she will not be a eunuch.

(End of this chapter)

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