Chapter 388
The catapults and ballistas of Genesis were finally sent to the Blue Valley map of the Savage Dragon. Although these vehicles are not as high-end as the Platinum Temple, the collision of aerial firepower can at least offset most of the attacks. The remaining three elite teams The members of the group and the second wave of Genesis members finally managed to break through the entrance of the Savage Dragon Blue Valley.

The large team rushed into the blue valley one after another. The members of the Platinum Temple defending the catapult and the fire ballista fought hard at first, but when they saw the large number of Genesis, the members of the Platinum Temple directly Abandoned the catapult and fire ballista and retreated.

Withered Leaf led the team and was about to pursue, but Salvation saw the abandoned catapult and fire ballista and stopped the team first.

He couldn't help but stared at these vehicles and smiled: "The strength of the Platinum Temple is nothing more than that. It would be a waste to have such a good siege vehicle, but at this moment we can only flee. Let's take these catapults with us." , use his own way to treat his own body!"

The people of Genesis immediately took the siege engine of the Platinum Temple for their own use, and chased it into the valley with them.

The Platinum people in front had already run a certain distance, even with a long-range siege engine, they couldn't pursue them, but Salvation knew that they would definitely stop when they ran to the position of other Platinum teams, so they simply chased them at a leisurely pace. People lead the way to find other teams of Platinum, it is best to lead the way directly to the boss fight position and destroy Platinum's city building mission in one fell swoop!
Although there are not many obstacles such as trees in the Blue Valley, the terrain is mostly low-lying hills and water swamps. The road ahead is quite bumpy. The big team of Genesis chased for a while but understood why the opponent gave up the siege engine. Large siege props are really inconvenient to sneak away. At this moment, Genesis walked a little slowly with the siege vehicle, and gradually he couldn't see the platinum person in front of him.

Salvation gradually began to feel a little weird. The area of ​​the map of the Dragon Valley is not particularly large. According to the conditions of the city construction task, the guild needs to kill a certain number of ordinary monsters. Along the way, you should see more talents from the Platinum Temple. .

With doubts in his heart, Salvation immediately contacted Luo Qinghua who was leading a group to Como Heights.

He immediately asked in a whisper: "How about the Platinum defense on the high ground?"

"As the president thought, the defense here is not tight, and there are not many catapults. It seems like a false move." Luo Qinghua immediately replied in a whisper.

Salvation didn't feel at ease after hearing this, but even more worried. The Platinum Temple is too elusive this time, and Zero Gunpowder really took great pains to prevent the task of building the city from being destroyed this time!
At this moment, he is not as sure as he was at the beginning that Blue Valley, the savage dragon, is the location of Platinum to build the city. Gradually, he became suspicious, and began to think about whether he had miscalculated, but he had always been conceited, and he was unwilling to openly admit his mistakes. Just think about it in your mind.

Just as he was thinking about whether to turn around and go to Como Heights, a voice came from the front of the team: "I saw the Platinum team! The boss is here too!"

The people at the front saw that the Platinum Temple was pushing the boss of the savage dragon Blue Valley. Hearing this news, Salvation immediately gave up the idea of ​​going to Como Heights. Bar?
The wild boss of the wild dragon Blue Valley is still notoriously tyrannical, and the boss also fits the name of the map, it is a blue wild dragon.

Soon Salvation saw a huge blue savage dragon appearing in front, and then saw a group of platinum members attacking the blue savage dragon. The defense team that platinum ran away before was also pushing the boss, and depending on the situation Try to lure away the boss to avoid Genesis.

It's a pity that the speed of attracting the boss can be faster than the player's movement speed. Seeing this scene, Salvation couldn't help showing a conceited smile, and immediately ordered the team to speed up to catch up. The goal is naturally to kill people and grab the boss.

As the team approached, Dead Leaf suddenly hesitantly reported to the Salvation World: "President, besides the Platinum people, there seems to be some members from the Moe Killing faction."

"So what, is Genesis still afraid of the Mengsha faction?" Salvation didn't take it seriously. Platinum and the Moesha faction were originally an alliance, and it was expected to help build the city. Sure enough, there was a person with the emblem of the Mengsha faction, and he couldn't help laughing, "It's just in time, let's clean it up together."

He has been displeased with the Mengsha faction for a long time!
"But..." Withered Leaf said hesitantly, "The one conducting seems to be Qiang flute."

Salvation immediately looked over, and found that the person in charge of the Platinum team who was calmly commanding the team was really familiar. The expression that hadn't changed for thousands of years was someone who had been with him for several years.

Seeing his former subordinates, Salvation didn't show any nostalgia, instead he narrowed his eyes and pulled the corners of his mouth to smile: "That's better, clean it up together, put the catapult away, and attack!"

Together with the catapult and fire ballista picked up by Platinum, Genesis did not step forward to fight melee this time, and directly bombed the boss and Platinum's troops.

Platinum's team saw Genesis's catapults lined up, Qiang Di immediately led the team to give up the boss and run away, and many teams disappeared under the disguise, and the rest seemed to have brought custom potions, moved The speed is quite fast.

Salvation was even more disdainful seeing this, and couldn't help applauding from a distance: "It seems that the best trick of the Platinum Temple is to escape, should we just give up the task of building it?"

While talking, the falling stone and the fire crossbow had already been shot out. The primary purpose of Genesis was to attract the hatred of the boss, so all the targets of this shot were aimed at the boss.

The red light all over the sky flew in a fan shape in an instant, the red fire light and the blue valley complement each other, forming a beautiful purple glow, countless flint fire crossbows hit the blue savage dragon in an instant, the boss seemed to be the first time Suffering such a strong attack, at the same time that countless blood-reducing figures appeared, the barbarian dragon opened his mouth to the sky and roared, howling out the pain that shot out from his body instantly.

The thick roar echoed in the valley, and the whole Barbarian Dragon Blue Valley shook in an instant.

The people in Genesis were very excited at first when they saw the boss lose so much blood, but they were still very excited when they heard the roar of the boss. After feeling the vibration brought by the roar, they didn't feel scared, but felt that the blood was boiling with it, one by one. More excited to launch the attack.

No guild has ever tried to attack a boss with a catapult before. If it weren't for a coincidence, Salvation would never have thought of attacking a boss with siege props, so no one thought that the lethality would be so terrible. The speed is simply addictive!
But soon this kind of vibration seemed a little wrong...

 Thank you for the monthly ticket, hazy~
(End of this chapter)

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