The cute queen of online games

Chapter 392 Chapter 123

Chapter 392

"Bastards! You are actually bullying the few with the more!" Ussi yelled again without moving the original words, and for some reason, it sounded a little bit of joy.

Immediately after Wuxi was about to amplify his move, Miao Miao, who had already got up, said with a smile, "Think I only have one skill to break the move? I'm so sorry to let you down."

Salvation immediately looked at Miaomiao, only to find that she had already released another large device skill. The moment he looked, an extremely huge magical halo lit up on the ground, including the wooden Ussi, and even the four of them surrounded him. In the halo.

Everyone immediately remembered what kind of skill this was. It was clearly the awakening skill fusion skill of a magician, and it was also a field control skill with the largest magic range!
Multiple sorcery devices will appear in the skill, and when the first device appears, all enemies within the range of the aura will be attacked.

Salvation and the others quickly ran away to leave Miaomiao's skill range, but the first device had already appeared, and the electric eel attacked them, and several of them used stand-in straw figures to escape the attack range.

After breaking away from the attack, the four of them didn't dare to get close easily, because the damage of the awakening skill is not a joke, and the awakening skill of Mo Dao will make the player invincible, and they can't hit anyone even if they go in.

Salvation couldn't help laughing, the awakening skill Fusion Skill does have the effect of holding the enemy's ultimate move, but the corresponding device does not appear until about ten seconds after the skill starts, and there is no time to destroy the boss's magnifying move...

The smile froze quickly, and Salvation realized that he was wrong!
He turned around and ran and shouted in the team channel: "Not good! Get out!"

At this moment, Wuxi has not been fixed within the range of the Miaomiao halo, so he began to zoom in angrily.

Ussi's eyes shot a strange green light, and he said slowly, "One, two, three, wooden people!"

The lines of Ussi's big move are really funny, but the power is not funny. The green light in his eyes spread like a virus, and the speed was extremely fast, quickly filling a large area.

Although Salvation led several elements and thought of running away, it's a pity that the speed is not fast enough, and the range of Wuxi's ultimate move is terrifying, even Wu Huan, who is far away from everyone, is almost covered. Fortunately, he just solved the two Element, found the situation here and immediately avoided.

Where the green light passed, everything turned into wood, and then the sawdust collapsed and flew, and the debris filled the sky like snowflakes.

Salvation soon turned into a wooden man. Although there was no sawdust flying, his blood volume was dropping crazily, and his body froze and couldn't replenish blood. The same was true for the three elements behind him.

Originally, this trick had a chance to teleport away with the stand-in straw man, but unfortunately I used it once to avoid Miaomiao's awakening, and now the CD time is not up, so I can't use it again...

On the other hand, Miaomiao is completely invincible because of using the awakening skill with invincible effect at this moment, and she has not been hurt by the green light at all.

The green light lasted for only six or seven seconds, but the three elements beside Salvation had already died, and only Salvation had more than 100 HP left because of his high level and top equipment.

On the other hand, the boss Wuxi, who was supposed to teleport after using his big move, has already been subdued by Miaomiao's awakening skill, and teleportation has been defeated!
Salvation felt that he was still a wooden man in the green light just now, standing there frozen for a moment, he never dreamed that he would encounter such a situation, the other party was intact, but his side was extremely embarrassed.

In the past, those who were embarrassed were always his opponents...

When he was a little frustrated and hit, he saw the secret message from Dead Leaf again.

Withered Leaf: "President, I don't know what's going on at the entrance. Polaris has brought people to help the Platinum Temple. You have not allowed people to deal with Star Wushuang. What should we do? Do you want to fight?"

The moment he saved the world, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and even the Polaris, which he couldn't let go of, became the helper of the Platinum Temple!

Suddenly, an excited shout came from behind: "President! President! President! I'll help you!"

Chocolate, who had been hiding behind, saw that something was wrong, and rushed out suddenly. Wuhuan saw that although she made a move, Chocolate directly used a substitute straw man to teleport to Salvation.

Chocolate nodded vigorously towards Salvation: "President! Don't worry! I will help you even if I die!"

Smiling foolishly, Chocolate rode a broom and flew out. After the long flight, he immediately aimed at the wooden figure Wu Xi with a spinning broom and hit him down.

Miaomiao stood by and looked at this girl a little funny, seeing that she was slapping the wooden man Wu Xisuo excitedly, she squinted her eyes and tilted her head to watch.

Wu Huan shouted anxiously in the team channel: "Cute meow! You are crazy! Hurry up and stop that crazy woman! I'm afraid you don't have the skills to destroy the boss's big move!"

Wu Huan shouted, and rushed over to kill the grenade that had already been destroyed by Chocolate Thunder, and in an instant, an artifact that could blind people's eyes came out. It was perfectly built, and it really was Nouveau riche.

But Wu Huan is not too rare, she didn't pick it up, she just wanted to clean up the chocolate first.

It's just that Chocolate's speed is faster than him, and the multi-stage rotating broom attack has already hit Ussi.

Chocolate realized that no one was stopping him, so he heroically threw another provocative puppet Xiu Lulu and exploded directly. At this time, Ussi was already shouting angrily.

Miaomiao looked at it, then threw an ice bomb to Xiu Lulu, and snapped her fingers to explode it briskly.

With a bang, equipment, gold coins, and materials fell to the ground...

"What, what, what! How did you die?!" Chocolat looked dumbfounded, and turned around to ask, "President, president, president! Why did you die so fast! I didn't mean it... I... Huh? Where's the president?"

In fact, just now after the demon electric tower skill ended, Ussi was blinded by the skill, which made Miaomiao's subsequent attacks trigger the effects of the weapon continuously, giving Ussy two special percentage blood loss damage, and then Coupled with the high damage of the awakening skills, Ussi's blood volume was running low, so Chocolate hit him twice casually, and Miao Miao took advantage of the situation, and Ussi was just like that...

Miaomiao walked over to pick up things leisurely, and kindly told Chocolate: "Your president of the Salvation Council has already returned home and is waiting for you to eat, you should go too."

"President! You are so wronged to die! Me, me, me..." Chocolat pouted stupidly and shouted. He wanted to say revenge, but when he saw that the other party was cute, he finally thought about it and stomped his feet, " I'm coming to eat with you!"

After chocolate finished talking, he ran away regardless of the direction of Sanqi 21, regardless of the direction of travel...

"I didn't expect that there would be such a bastard in Genesis, which has always been strictly disciplined." Wu Huan saw that this chocolate really had nothing to do, so he stopped chasing, folded his arms and snorted unceremoniously, then abruptly changed the subject and looked at Miao. Miao, "How on earth did you get to level 72?"

(End of this chapter)

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