Chapter 402
When everyone didn't know why, those blue tracks in the air quickly condensed, and instantly extended longitudinally along the blue tracks, long and long ice spikes as sharp as knives!

"Hide in the bra!" Miaomiao yelled out from the team, but her heart was pounding, ice thorns pierced densely, it was so mysterious!
She and Jijing Huanxi reacted very quickly, and at the same time Miaomiao made a sound, they quickly jumped into the invincible big bra where Wu Qinghan was, and Ji Jinghuan also slid the shovel to dodge perfectly.

But Yuan Fang and Ruoshui Sanqian had just run over, and they didn't have the means to move quickly, so they just watched several ice thorns directly piercing towards them.

A piece of summoned beast disappeared directly in the ice thorns, which more or less offset some of the ice thorns.

Ruoshui [-] had summoned the golden guardian before, so the golden guardian summoned beast who was good at protecting the lord immediately stood in front of Ruoshui [-] and Yuan Fang.

The long blood bar of the golden guard still shattered and disappeared with several ice thorns the moment the icicles pierced it, and there were still one or two ice thorns that continued to extend and pierced the two of them.

When the imminence was imminent, Yuan Fang saw that the ice thorns seemed to be neutralized, so he immediately stood in front of Ruoshui Sanqian without thinking, raised his staff, and used the light sacrifice attack without thinking.

The few remaining light elves were sacrificed, a thunderbolt thundered from the sky, and the ice thorns passed through Yuan Fang's body and disappeared in the lightning.

The thunder and lightning passed by, and the body lying on the ground was Yuan Fang's body...

The remaining ice thorns had been extended to the end, and then slowly began to melt and recede. No ice thorns pierced Ruoshui Sanqian, and she survived without any danger, but her expression was more sad than death.

Seeing Yuan Fang's lying corpse, she felt extremely guilty, and rushed to Yuan Fang's corpse before the ice thorns completely melted.

She was moved and guilty at the same time, she shed two tears in a moment of excitement, and said helplessly: "Yuan Fang...I'm sorry, shouldn't have saved me, I'm so useless, I... "

She was incoherent for a moment, and she was so overwhelmed with emotions that she forgot that she was fighting a boss.

The others continued to attack directly in the invincible bra.

Killing a person by beating a boss is not a big deal at all, although the loss of experience is a bit miserable, but Yuan Fang has never cared much about the level, Wu Xiaomo and Wu Qinghan have even seen Yuan Fang's suicidal perverted play a few times, Even Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi knew that Yuan Fang didn't care about rank so much, but the fact that Yuan Fang would block the knife for Ruoshui [-] was particularly surprising.

Ji Jinghuan was happy to see Rui Shui Sanqian's heartbroken look, and couldn't help but tease: "I'm so grateful, why don't I make a promise with my body, and I'll be an introducer for you?"

The tense atmosphere of pushing the boss instantly brought out an ambiguous atmosphere, Miaomiao chuckled, and praised: "God of Huanxi wants to be a matchmaker, it seems that you will not accept the matchmaking."

Wu Xiaomo also echoed excitedly: "Speaking of which, Ruoshui and Yuan Fang are a perfect match! One is shrewd and the other is cute, and they complement each other very well. I agree!"

Yuan Fang, who was already lying dead, was ridiculed for a long time in silence, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, using the resurrection item with double experience punishment to directly resurrect and stand up.

After Yuan Fang stood up, he patted Ruoshui Sanqian who was crying and scared, and said in a low voice, "I'm fine, just keep fighting the boss."

Then he turned his head and said to the others with a blank expression: "Fight your boss first and then talk about others, okay? The gear attack is coming soon."

The only person in the team who is still paying attention to fighting the boss is obviously him...

Miao Miao said not too concerned: "Well, the invincible bra can solve it."

Yuan Fang fell silent again... Well, the invincible bra is indeed a cheating existence!In particular, there is no limit to only one qigong master doll in the non-dungeon map, and the boss is like a wooden stake that doesn't move at all. It is really against the sky for the team members to take turns using the doll!

"Since you use invincible, you might as well play bigger." Ji Jing Huanxi immediately took out a few bottles of potions from his backpack and distributed them to everyone.

Wu Qinghan and the others took the potion and saw that it turned out to be a corrosive potion with a negative state... I felt that I was cheated by the God of Joy. After a closer look, the corrosive potion can reduce the defensive attributes and quantitatively reduce blood, but at the same time it can reduce the attack speed and Double the damage to monsters!
It is so useful for Wu Qinghan and the others who currently have level punishment!
So under the strong protection of the invincible bra, the six people gathered in a good position and drank the corrosive potion one after another, and immediately began to have a very pornographic and violent abuse prophecy.

Miao Miao and Silent Joy even used the active halo effect of the couple rings.

After the two hit at the same time without delay, the halo was activated, and the heart of prophecy was reduced by 30.00% of the defense, and everyone immediately used the skill with the highest damage like chicken blood!

The heart of prophecy was beaten passively like a wooden stake, and its blood volume was rapidly reduced, and the Miaomiao space-time three-stringed instrument broom triggered a percentage of blood reduction several times. Such violent damage made Wu Qinghan and the others envy and hate.

The Heart of Prophecy, which was originally full of mysteries and incomparably weird, was abused all the way to the end so easily, and several of its attack methods were also easily cracked one by one.

Within 10 minutes, the blood bar of the Heart of Prophecy was completely empty, the gears and Bing Xin stopped moving, and completely fell to the ground.

A piece of treasures and coins fell like a torrential rain, and the Duobao boss was awesome, bursting out seven or eight pink artifacts at once.

At the moment when Duobao's prophecy heart died, Miaomiao had no time to see what was lost, so she rushed over. Before the others understood, she took out a tear crystal from the package and quickly placed it in the prophecy. on the gears of the heart.

After a flash, the tear crystal turned into a drop of tears and merged into the fallen heart of prophecy. At the same time, the heart of prophecy began to shrink gradually until it became the size of a fist, and the ice-blue heart suddenly disappeared.

A system announcement came out...

[System Announcement]: "The energy of the prophecy is gradually exhausted. The prophet Wei Lai appeared in the misty valley of the continent of Alans. The collapsed prophecy energy interfered with the entire area, and the vitality of the misty valley was severely damaged. Queen Roulan Desperately hope that brave adventurers help her solve the crisis in Misty Vale."

Then there was the announcement that the Time Frost Forest boss was killed. Miao Miao chose to hide the player name this time. The killing of such a high-level boss is too easy to cause speculation, so it's better to keep a low profile.

The young couple Wu Qinghan and Wu Xiaomo didn't care what Miaomiao did, they rushed to pick up things excitedly, while Ruoshui Sanqian was still blushing in embarrassment. Only Yuan Fang looked at the matter of being matched just now with some inquiring Miaomiao.

He watched quietly for a while, seeing that Miaomiao didn't take the initiative to explain, and finally asked: "What did you do?"

 There is only one chapter again... It's like being cursed... Thank you for the monthly pass for diving in the sea of ​​books. Well, there are so few. I feel very sorry for everyone, but there is always not enough time recently TT
(End of this chapter)

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