The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 101 One flag to flatten the world

Chapter 101 A flag to flatten the world
"Brother, what flag?" Zhuge Liang asked.

"Of course it is a red flag. Those who are willing to fight for their loved ones in their homeland should unite together." Qin Ye said.

Everyone is going to pass out, so that they can unite, no kidding.

Zhao Yundao: "Brother, there are no red flags. There are only black flags and white flags."

At such a moment, at this last moment, there is nothing that can unite people's hearts more than a blood-stained flag.

Qin Ye took off his clothes, scratched his fingers, and blood fell on his clothes, "The red flag is in everyone's heart. The red flag is a flag dyed red with the blood of everyone. This is the real red flag. It will lead the people , to victory."

Looking at that resolute face, that firm gaze, everyone was shocked.

Everyone suddenly realized, they began to understand.

Qin Ye dripped the first drop of blood and passed it on, saying: "Although we don't have a red flag, we have blood. We can turn any color into red."

Everyone was shocked even more, and their hearts were washed.

Everyone gathered around to follow the dripping blood, and the red area of ​​the flag suddenly expanded a lot.

The red flag was passed down to every common people.

When they saw the blood on the flag, the faces of the people who were originally frightened gradually changed drastically.

Those who were frightened also began to bleed.After dripping blood, looking at the blood-stained flag, the fearful look on their faces was gradually replaced by determination.

As the people shed their blood, red began to spread, spread on the flags, and spread in people's hearts.

When the blood-stained flag was erected, everyone tightly united around the flag.

Many people cried, but this time, they were not cowardly tears, but boiling hot tears.

Qin Ye stood under the flag and faced the people around him, "This is our flag, this is the blood of the fearless people, the flag dyed red. This flag will lead us to defeat the enemy. This flag will lead us to rebuild our homeland !"

"Defeat the enemy!"

"Rebuild the homeland!" More than ten thousand people shouted.

Rise up the hungry and cold slaves.

Arise, all who suffer in the world.

My blood is boiling, I want to fight for freedom

Beat the enemy to pieces, slaves rise~
This is the final fight, united until tomorrow.

Our dreams will surely come true.

When the war song of the slaves sounded, everyone cheered up.

Tai Shici and the others were all jealous, staring at Qin Ye.

Qin Ye was terrified, did he go crazy again?
Can you cheer up from time to time, and don't have a nervous breakdown every now and then.You can take it, but I can't.

He simply couldn't understand how shocking the song he sang was to people like Tai Shici.

Taton also burst into tears, "He is the hero of the Han people!"

When Qin Ye heard this sentence, everyone heard it.

"I'm not a hero." Qin Ye said
Everyone was dumbfounded.

Zhuge Liang was in a hurry, brother, how could you say that?Modesty is not what it is now.Everyone is counting on you, and if you don't recognize yourself as a hero, morale will crumble.

Sima Yi was also anxious.

Qin Ye said again: "I will fight with the heroes."

Everyone was stunned again, and suddenly, a kind of aura pervaded, it was the smell of heated blood, the smell of hot blood.

Zhao Yun and Xu Huang were shocked again.

Zhao Yun felt that the gap between himself and this elder brother was too great.Whether it is martial courage, or mind, or bearing, there is no comparison at all.

I must kill Qin Ye to accomplish this earth-shattering event, otherwise, I am not even qualified to be with my brother.Zhao Yun swore secretly.

What is a hero?

This is the hero!
As the blood-stained flag fluttered and the inspiring war song sounded, the blood in everyone's heart was aroused, and the slave uprising led by Qin Ye began!


On the head of the barrier city.

Huaxiong's sudden attack outside the barrier has completely ended the suddenness.

The Huns defended impeccably, and their morale was high.

With a meat shield, if others can't hit you, they must be in a good mood, and they must be full of confidence. If you don't come to fight, they will take the initiative to circle around you and beat you.

The Huns are in this mood now, very comfortable.

"Qin Ye, where are you? We have never met before. How about you come out and meet?" Yu Fuluo saw that the defense was good, and the more Dong Zhuojun attacked, the greater the loss would be.He couldn't help but "turn on the voice" and yelled such a sentence.On the one hand, I really want to meet the young and promising boy in the legend, and on the other hand, I want to stimulate this boy.

"My lord, what if that person launched a more violent attack?" Hu Chuquan asked.

Hu Chuquan actually saw that the king was pretending to be coercive, so he said this seemingly silly question, but it was actually echoing Fu Luo's heart.

Sure enough, Yu Fuluo said with a smile: "It is precisely to let him launch a more violent attack. The more people he dies in front of the barrier, the easier it will be for us to win the field battle in the future."

"Your Majesty is wise!" Hu Chuquan shouted.

Yu Fuluo suddenly raised his eyes 45 degrees, looked at the bright moon in the sky, and sighed: "It is said that Qin Mengjie was young and promising, and he repelled the eighteen princes by himself. I planned to fight him to the death. Looking at it now , he is nothing more than that."

The king started to pretend again, Hu Chuquan, as a subordinate and the king's younger brother, how could he not help the king to pretend better, and immediately said: "Qin Mengjie was able to defeat the [-]th princes, a generation of outstanding people. This is all My king is very good at commanding, Qin Ye is a generation of outstanding people, and he is not my king's opponent at all."

"Hahahaha..." Yu Fuluo laughed heartily, and felt that tonight was really enjoyable, and in all of his life, it was not as enjoyable as today. "Defeating Qinye, our Xiongnu is so powerful in the world, who would dare to look sideways? Not only will I take away all the money and food here, but I will also send envoys to the Han Dynasty to ask for more money and food."

The morale of the Huns all around suddenly skyrocketed.

"Father, something serious happened!" Liu Bao exclaimed.

Yu Fuluo was dissatisfied immediately, what's the situation, am I happy because I didn't see your father?If you don't say cooperate with it, it's fine. What kind of platform will you dismantle?He didn't want to let go of the coercion he had finally condensed. He stroked his beard and said, "The enemies are all beaten into gophers on the grassland by us. How bad can it be?"

Hu Chuquan and the others felt that what the king said was too meaningful, and I am afraid that the sages of the Han people are in this state.That is, the enemy has been beaten into gophers, what else can happen?You see how calm and calm your father is, this is the state of mind of a king, this is the demeanor of a king, you should study hard.Don't say it's no big deal, even if the sky falls, what is it?
"Father, those people like He Yu and Zheng Xuan are gone, the slaves rebelled!" Liu Bao was also annoyed, if it wasn't for his father, he would have cursed.What time is it, can we stop pretending.

Inside the barrier, in the slave camp, and even in the barracks of our own side, fire broke out on all sides, and the screams of killing were loud.

Standing tall, Yu Fuluo and the others could see silhouettes of people. Our reserve troops had already begun to be strangled, and now they were all crowding towards the city gate.It can be seen that the one who was killed was caught off guard and had no ability to fight back at all.

They are not stupid, how can they not know the seriousness.Well, it turns out that the attack here is a cover, and the fire in the backyard is the fatal thing.

Responding from the inside to the outside, drawing from the bottom of the pot, these famous strategies came to mind one by one.

Kacha, Yu Fuluo was frightened and turbulent, and Bige suddenly fell apart, and he grabbed a handful of beards for himself.

Hu Chuquan and the others changed their expressions drastically.

If Qinye and the others were here, they would definitely be very dissatisfied with the performance of Fuluo and others.

Nima, the sky is falling, what a big deal.How do you feel?How about your temperament?What about your calmness?How about your calmness?

However, in the face of Qin Ye's sympathy and crotch fist, who can calm down?Who dares to stay calm?Don't die?

 Thanks to Zhang Zhenhua 12, Xiao He Xiao, Earl XE and other brothers for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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