The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 230 Qinye's New Strategic Layout

Chapter 230 Qinye's New Strategic Layout
Zhao Guojun, Shiyi.

Here is where Han Fu stationed his troops against the giant deer Zhang Yan.Because this place is close to Changshan, with the retreat of the Black Mountain Army, Han Fu increased his troops by [-], and General Zhang He led [-] elite troops to garrison here.

At the same time, Han Fu designated the place where Qin Ye was stationed, and it was also here.

Therefore, in the northeast of Shiyi City, there are two Dazhai.

One of them belonged to Qin Ye.

At this time, Qin Ye had been in the base camp for many days.

"Husband, the Buddha will definitely bless you." Diao Chan helped Qin Ye with his military uniform.In fact, she could see that Qin Ye was worried recently.

Qin Ye didn't know if the Buddha would bless him, but after God gave him a pair of magic eyes, he has been unable to do so.

Later, Qin Ye held a military meeting.

Xun You gave a briefing, "The Black Mountain Army has completely withdrawn from the occupied area, and is now gathering in Changshan County. Gongsun Zan, the main force of the encirclement and suppression of the Black Mountain Army, followed the Black Mountain Army, and now the front of the army has advanced to Julu. I am afraid that today, we will be able to control the situation." The entire Julu County."

In the three-way melee in Jizhou, Gongsun Zan has always been the main force against the enemy Heishan Army, and has seized the most critical boundary bridge from the Heishan Army.

Han Fu's side, on the other hand, has been on the defensive.If it weren't for Gongsun Zan's strong rise in Jizhou, Han Fu might be wiped out by the Black Mountain Army now.

At this moment, Xun You and the others are quite worried. This comes from the fact that the situation in Jizhou is completely different from the original idea.This is because after the catastrophe, the situation changed suddenly and unexpectedly.

Qin Ye originally planned to take advantage of the chaos in Jizhou to win a piece of territory.

But now that the Black Mountain Army is retreating across the board, if they want to win the territory, they have to fight a decisive battle with any of Black Mountain, Gongsun Zan, and Han Fu.

The decisive battle is very unfavorable to Qin Ye.

After all, Qinye's troops are only 5000 people, most of them are recruits, and the equipment is not enough.Even if some places can be conquered, they are unable to control too many areas, and there is no follow-up to deal with the enemy's counterattack.

In short, the situation has changed drastically, which is very unfavorable to Qin Ye.

Xun You stood up and said, "My lord, I'm afraid there are only two choices now. One is to fight decisively and seize some places by force. There is certainty, but I'm afraid there is no certainty about the enemy's counterattack later. It can only rely on luck."

"Secondly, hold off on the attack and wait for the opportunity."

The crowd was silent.

Qin Ye closed his eyes tightly and then opened them.Wait for the moment, it is better to use words.In fact, it is to continue in exile, like Liu Bei in later generations, in exile everywhere.Whoever is willing to take them in will be stationed for a while, and if they are not taken in, they will have to speak good words to them and cross the border.

"Yuzhou should be good." Xun You said to himself.


As a traveler, Qin Ye didn't know that Yuzhou was a good place.The most famous place in Yuzhou is Xuchang, the headquarters of the later Cao Wei.

Today, the state shepherd of Yuzhou is Kong Ni.In fact, everyone in the world knows that Kong Ni is one of the weakest princes.In later generations, Cao Cao won Yuzhou without any battles.

The young Zhuge Liang said: "Our army has a lot of money and food, and there is no guarantee that someone will not be tempted along the way. This trip is very dangerous."

Everyone frowned, the situation was difficult and there were not many choices.

Fortunately, I don't have to make the final choice.

Xun You and the others actually had such an idea, which shows the danger of the reality.

Qin Ye actually already had his own understanding of the current situation.He must not make some of the mistakes of later generations, and he must not attack the city now. "I have a plan."

Everyone was immediately refreshed, Qin Ye was definitely a military strategist in their hearts.

Judging by Qin Ye's expression, there should be a new strategy, and everyone is looking forward to it.

All ears state.

"Let's go into the mountains!" Qin Ye said.

Attack the Black Mountain Army!
Everyone glanced at each other, and then showed deep disappointment.They thought they could hear a feasible strategy, but unexpectedly, it was a clearly unfeasible one.

How could the lord propose such a strategy?
Xun You hurriedly reminded: "My lord, the Black Mountain Army is now gathering in Changshan County, with a terrifying strength of more than [-] troops. You must not attack the Black Mountain Army at this time."

Qin Ye affirmed, "I didn't say to attack the Black Mountain Army. I plan to enter the Taihang Mountains before the Black Mountain Army withdraws."

"What are you going to do in the mountains?" the young Zhuge Liang asked in confusion.

"Establish a base area." Qin Ye said, it was inevitable that his subordinates did not understand the meaning of a base area, and he even explained it.

Everyone was stunned.

What!The lord wants to enter the mountains to build a foundation!
Throughout the ages, who has established a foundation in the mountains?

After going through untold hardships, the last city couldn't be touched, and they went into the mountains. Everyone agreed with some of the later generations, and couldn't accept not attacking the city after the incident, so they all moved over.

"My lord, if you go into the mountains, you will be able to find a foothold. But you will also close yourself, and you may not have the opportunity to achieve great things in the future." Xun Youyu said earnestly.

Like Xun You, they are all well-educated.None of the people who have made great achievements throughout the ages started in the mountains.Who doesn't look for a land of prosperity?

Real knowledge comes from practice, Qin Ye grasps the truth, but has a different view.

He continued: "Taihang Mountain divides the north into several parts. There are eight Taihang Xings in the mountain, which control the connection to the north. I intend to seize the fifth Xing, the sixth Xing, and the seventh Xing first."

The fifth Xing is Jingxing, also known as Tumen Pass.On Jingxing Mountain in Jingxing County, Hebei Province today, Jingxing is an important link connecting Shanxi, Hebei and Shandong, and its military status is very important.

The sixth Xing is Feihu Xing, also known as Feihukou.The Xing is located in the north of Laiyuan County and the south of Yu County in present-day Hebei Province.Two cliffs stand steeply, with a slight connection, winding for more than a hundred miles.The ancients said: squatting on a flying fox, strangling its throat and slamming its back, pushing you and Yan, is the most victorious place.

The seventh Xing is Puyin Xing.On the West Bauhinia Ridge in Yi County, Hebei Province today.There is Zijing Pass in the mountains, also known as Zizhuang Pass.It was called Jinpi Pass in Song Dynasty, and it was called Zijing Pass since Yuan and Ming Dynasties.Its peaks and ridges are steep, and it is a military pass to reach Datong in Shanxi.

In the triangular zone formed by the three Xings, there are more than [-] square kilometers of land available for reclamation.

There are also Cangyan Mountain, Baishi Mountain, and Xiaowutai Mountain from south to north, which are important defensive areas.

And Sanxing is in the interlaced area of ​​Bingzhou, Youzhou, and Jizhou, where the tiger sees the three states.

These three Xings are the west of Changshan County, the north of Youzhou Daijun, the west of Bingzhou Taiyuan, the south of Jizhou Handan, and the east of Jizhou Julu.

In general, it is the center of Jinchaji.

Qin Ye finally concluded: ""Whoever controls the Taihang Mountains will control Jinchaji.Therefore, I intend to establish the Taihang Mountain base there.If you go out, you will attack the world, and if you go in, you will be impeccable. "

However, under the influence of Qin Ye's remarks, everyone was completely confused.

Whoever controls Taihang Mountain controls Jinchaji?

What the hell is Jinchaji?

Xun You was confused at first, but then suddenly realized, and said excitedly to the crowd: "My lord is talking about Jizhou, Bingzhou, and the western part of Youzhou."

He solemnly bowed, "My lord, Xun You suddenly realized it at this moment. My lord's strategic vision cannot be compared with mine."

He said to the bewildered crowd: "Our army has no foundation now, but Yuan Shao, Han Fu, and Gongsun Zan all have deep backgrounds. Our army hastily seized counties, but it will attract attention."

If Qin Ye had a decisive battle with Gongsun Zan and others now, Qin Ye's strength would not be able to fight against any one of them for a long time.Moreover, even if Qin Ye can choose one to eliminate, the others will definitely take advantage of the situation to attack Qin Ye.

Then with Qin Ye's strength, he couldn't resist the successive attacks at all.

But entering the mountain is different. You can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, go out to attack the world, and enter to be invulnerable.

The real sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

And the location of the base chosen by Qin Ye is not without development potential.

Xun You pointed to the military map and said, "The area between Sanxing is a rare and fertile land in the Taihang Mountains. It is also surrounded by Cangyan Mountain, Baishi Mountain, and Xiaowutai Mountain. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack."

Everyone completely comprehended, and looked at the past, full of admiration.

Qin Ye has considered this strategy for a long time, and it is difficult to make a decision.But now the situation in Jizhou has changed drastically, and it is easier to choose.

So far, Qin Ye's strategic layout has subdued Xun You and others.Xun You and the others are very ashamed. Now it seems that although their strategic vision is very deep, compared with Qin Ye, it seems very short-sighted.

Qin Ye nodded secretly, Grandpa Mao sincerely did not deceive me.The countryside encircles the city, killing ancient and modern.Think about it too, in the era when bullets are like lightning, cannonballs are like meteors, and car wheels run to death, it can still work.Not to mention the ancient times when technology was backward and local control was even weaker.

The blueprint is thus complete.

At this moment, young Sima Yi stood up and said, "My lord, I seem to have overlooked some things."

Qin Ye signaled him to continue.

Sima Yi said: "Our army has a lot of money and food. If our army enters the mountain and stays here, I'm afraid someone will come and take it."

Everyone nodded heavily, Sima Yi was right.

"Just take it away together." Dian Wei couldn't help but also suggested.

The crowd shook their heads.

Things are by no means that simple, such a huge amount of money and food must be watched by people.If you move, if you don't move well, people will see through your military intentions.Moreover, so much money and food cannot be transported at one time.


Zhang Yan was on his way back to Changshan County.

In Changshan County, Zhang Yan will never give up again.

At this time, the heads of various ministries came to Zhang Yan together.

"What's the matter, brothers?" Zhang Yan looked over.

Sui Gu, Zhang Baiqi and others nodded repeatedly, they were more than busy, they were too busy.

Zhang Yan was more puzzled, why everyone was so excited, did something big happen?

"What?" he asked.

Zhang Baiqi was already yelling, and said: "Commander, I heard that Qinye has gathered a large amount of money and food, and the brothers are going to make a big deal!"

"Yes!" Everyone echoed.

"Qin Mengjie's money and food are as rich as an enemy's country. If you do this, you can go back to the mountains to retire."

(End of this chapter)

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