The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 258 Heaven and Hell Are Just Two Steps Away

Chapter 258 Heaven and Hell Are Just Two Steps Away

Seeing Qin Ye, he stepped into the pit.

It's just a few steps away.

Sui Gu and all of them were blown up.

The blood in my heart is called a tumbling, and it has already boiled.

You have to know who Qin Ye is, a big man who is famous all over the world.

Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Gongsun Zan, and Han Fu are all playing with the hands of the stock.

Let’s just say that in the previous paragraph, with huge amounts of wealth, Gongsun Zan and Han Fu were ruined, and Gongsun Zan and Han Fu were hacked with 6 or [-] horses without any loss.

Now that Qin Ye has been killed, the Black Mountain Army will surely shock the world.And get Qin Ye's wealth, that will make the country richer than the enemy.

Thinking of gold, silver and jewellery, Sui Gu's mouth was watering.

According to the words of later generations, it would be a prosperous career, living in a bungalow and raising Erha.

Push him!
Push him!
Sui Gu and the others subconsciously leaned close together, cold currents poured out from their bodies, and their heads were swollen.

It was only two steps away, and the gangsters wished they could finish it for Qin Ye.


Qin Ye stopped the horse.

That horse is a red rabbit horse, the owner won't let it go, Zhang Yan can't pull it.

Sui Gu and the others raised their throats in one breath, thinking that Qin Ye would fall into the ditch, but Nima didn't leave.

Immediately a mouthful of blood spewed out.

What the hell...

They all took off their pants, so this is the result?All cried.

Sui Gu and the others had such violent fluctuations, it really came from the accumulation of too much surge just now.Just waiting for it to spew out, and then hold it back in a daze, who can bear this.

pull him!pull him!push him!quick! ! !

Sui Gu they all growled silently and scratched their hair violently, it was too much to bear.

It's like watching porn all night, and suddenly a big beauty comes, this excited, is about to fuck, click, castrate.

Sui Gu and the others had to vomit blood again and again.

That hundred claws scratching my heart, how else can I explain this matter, that's the only way I can explain it.

At this moment, Zhang Yan couldn't calm down anymore, so he was about to go to Qin Ye who was pulling the horse, to catch him by surprise.

who knows...

Qin Ye took the saber at his waist, but without pulling it out, he used the scabbard to block Zhang Yan's chest.

With a flick of the scabbard, Zhang Yan was pushed aside.

Zhang Yan didn't have time to make a move. Faced with such a situation, she was stunned.

What does he mean?
"My lord, what are you?" Zhang Yan asked cautiously.

Qin Jun didn't understand what he meant either.

It has been fine all the time, why did the lord make a move that is very repulsive to Zhang Yan.

Xun You stroked his beard fiercely, knowing how difficult it is for Zhang Yan to surrender voluntarily.And the current actions of the lord, it is obvious that Zhang Yan is thousands of miles away.Now that the Black Mountain Army has not really been recruited, this kind of move chills people's hearts, and things will happen.

It is said that it is a compulsory course for counselors to figure out what they want.

But at this moment, Xun You, Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi and the others scratched their hair like chicken coops.

The lord's mind is too difficult, I really can't figure it out.

My lord, can you stop being so puzzling, can you express it more simply, and let us figure out your intention once.We are all very faithful.

Qin Ye looked at Zhang Yan and said calmly: "Zhang Yan, you are a good actor. But you are not the best actor."

What the hell is an actor?What kind of yarn is the actor?A question mark popped up on Zhang Yan's head, "Master?"

In fact, Qin Ye was very angry, and he almost fell into Zhang Yan's trick.However, as a traveler, Qin Ye has been well-informed and has supreme insight. He has gradually learned to be calm.

There is no flaw in the world that he can't see through. At this moment, his heart is calm, and he said calmly: "Come here, arrest Zhang Yan and others."


Everyone was stunned.

Dian Wei was only stunned for a few tenths of a second, "Take it!" He stepped forward, grabbed Zhang Yan's neck, and smashed it to the ground with a bang.In fact, Zhang Yan wanted to fight back, but he was not good enough, so he was taken down with one move.

Zhang Yan was dizzy from being hit.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers of the Qin Army surrounded Sui Gu and others like wolves and tigers, and attacked them with sharp spears. "Kneel down!"

Zhang Yan and the gangsters were all stunned for a moment.

In the end what happened!
They simply cannot understand the current situation.

Especially Sui Gu and the others, they just waited for Qin Ye to fall into the pit, and they started to get high.

The trousers were all taken off, click, the beauty became a Transformer, and their passion was completely wiped out with a single heart-warming kick.

Some leaders who really couldn't accept the reversal, slapped themselves loudly.What the hell is going on here?
Qin Mengjie betrayed him!Cross the river and tear down the bridge!This is what Zhang Yan thought for a moment.

Following Sui Gu, they all had the same idea.

Immediately afterwards they vomited blood.


Can you take two more steps and think about even one more breath before regretting it?
Can you stop regretting on the edge of the trap, can you take two more steps?

Can I please~.

The thugs all cried.

They can accept Qin Ye's repentance, because they also repented.If Qin Ye repented in advance, they would also admit it.But there is a trap under your eyes, and now you regret it, is this just right?Isn't this his ravaged man?

Still let them live?

Please, my lord, take two more steps, and we can be friends.

Zhang Yan's thoughts changed, and he sacrificed his kneecap at that time, "My lord, we sincerely surrender, please don't treat us like this."

Suigu and the others suddenly fell to their knees, my lord, please believe us.We all mean it.

Some leaders slapped themselves in the face, on the one hand to confuse Qin Ye, and on the other hand, they couldn't stand the stimulation.

In this way, Xun You and the others couldn't stand it anymore.

How could they kill Zhang Yan and others who sincerely surrendered at such a critical moment?
This kind of news about crossing rivers and demolishing bridges spreads, who will surrender in the future, and everyone must fight to the death?

Not only is the reputation gone, but there is also a notoriety. This is digging one's own grave.

In addition, if Zhang Yan and the others are killed, the tens of thousands of Black Mountain troops outside will definitely not surrender. Doesn't this increase the difficulty of hegemony?
How could such a ridiculous move be made?
Even the soldiers of the Qin army who surrounded Suigu and them felt compassion.They looked at Qin Ye, and it was clearly written in their eyes that they had surrendered like this, should they be treated well.If they were killed, how would it be different from those of Dong Zhuo?

Didn't the protagonist often say that he should unite all those who can be united? Are they all fairy tales and lies?

In his heart, the lord is actually a cruel person?

Qin Ye did this suddenly, no wonder everyone thought so.

My lord, we can't be so shameless, people have surrendered, how can we still kill people?
If you do this, you really lose your face.

In addition, one hundred thousand Montenegro is collected for your own use, what a wonderful thing, please don't be arrogant and ruin your future.

Xun You, Sima Yi, Zhuge Liang and the three all ran over and surrounded Qin Ye, and when they knelt down to explain the truth, they all cried.

Qin Ye said calmly: "Why are you pleading for these unfaithful people? Are you all crazy?"

Xun You and the others widened their eyes.

My lord, it's not us who are crazy, it's you who are crazy.

Everyone smoked it.

(End of this chapter)

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