The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 273 The Value of a Lobster

Chapter 273 The Value of a Lobster

Ma Jun is one of the most prestigious inventors in the history of ancient Chinese science and technology, which determines that he is the most important talent besides poetry, poetry, military affairs and government affairs.

Choose a great writer of poetry and poetry, or choose Ma Jun.

Qin Ye must choose Ma Jun.

There are many great writers, but Ma Jun is only one.

But because everyone appreciates great writers, no one appreciates Ma Jun.

Ma Jun was in a state of exile, looking for a stage where he could show off his strengths.

There was also a drought in Yuan Shao, so he asked Ma Jun to go out of the mountain to build aqueducts.

Everyone wanted to come, Yuan Shao's place was also in drought, so they must have gone after hearing about Ma Jun.

Xun You came out and said, "I invite you with courtesy..."

That is, digging.

Zaoyi immediately said that he had thought of this matter a long time ago, and had dug ahead of time, "I won't come."

If you don't come, there's nothing you can do.

Qin Ye couldn't let his foundation disappear like this, so he decided to invite him in person.


Bingzhou, Taiyuan.

The city of Taiyuan has been the political, economic and cultural center of Bingzhou since ancient times.

Today, this is already Yuan Shao's base camp.

Yuan Shao presided over Bingzhou, and the gentry in Bingzhou welcomed it.And Yuan Shao also showed the demeanor of a gentry leader. After coming to Bingzhou, not only did he not do anything wrong to the gentry, but he also vigorously promoted the local gentry to work in important positions in the state and county.

This allowed Yuan Shao to get the support of more local gentry, and the gentry contributed money and grain to form an armed force of 5 for Yuan Shao.

The gentry complained one after another, saying that life was difficult, and they hoped that Yuan Shao could calm the world and improve their status.

Yuan Shao agreed with this, as the lintel of the fourth generation and the third lord, as the leader of the world's gentry.Yuan Shao said that he would definitely let the gentry live a better life.

this day.

Outside Yuan Shao's mansion, a middle-aged man walked up and down with an anxious look on his face.

The guards couldn't help but move their eyes and mutter in private.

"The lord comes several times a day."

"We are all bored, but he is not bored."

"Obviously the lord doesn't intend to see him, but he still comes, it's too blind, no wonder he wants to see him."

After a while, a soldier in personal clothes came out from inside, "Master Ma Jun, my lord is not feeling well, so I can't see you today. My lord tells you to go back first. When I can see you, my lord will send someone to inform you." Yours. If you don’t get summoned in the future, don’t come.”

Ma Jun was taken aback when he heard this.

Don't come without summons....

He sighed, he thought that Yuan Shao, who was an official, finally met the Ming Lord and could show his strengths, but he didn't expect that he was very unhappy now.

Why is this!

That's not what Tian Feng said when he was invited to serve as an official.

It was Yuan Shao who wanted to build the canal, so he came out of the mountain after inviting him.

Ma Jun walked back in a daze, and happened to bump into Tian Feng.

Tian Feng also heard that Ma Jun had come three times in one day, so he hurried over and asked, "Did you see the lord?"

Ma Jun shook his head.

Tian Feng immediately said: "Sir, don't leave, I will definitely persuade the Lord to give you money, food and manpower."

a while.

The same guard came out and said, "Master Tian, ​​please enter the residence."

The guard looked at Ma Jun who was next to Tian Feng, and just smiled.

Ma Jun was furious.

Tian Feng was angry, obviously these people looked down on Ma Jun.But how could these people know that Yuan Shao's future will depend on this person.What a blind and stupid person.

"Take me to see the lord." Tian Feng said angrily.

"Yes." The guard was taken aback and hurried forward to lead the way.

After a while, in the meeting hall.

"Yuan Hao has something important to do?" Yuan Shao sat in the hall with a red face, and asked directly when he saw Tian Feng coming in.

"My lord, we can't delay the construction of the canal any longer. Please send money and food to Ma Jun as soon as possible." Tian Feng was more direct, and made no secret of his dissatisfaction.

Yuan Shao frowned. Although he knew that he was a counselor, he was angry.Therefore, he said lightly: "How can you not know the current situation of the government treasury? It is not easy to maintain local stability. Ma Jun's plan requires 20 people, and there is no extra money and food supply. It can only be put on hold temporarily."

When Yuan Shao invited Ma Jun out of the mountain at first, he also wanted to build the canal.But when Ma Jun talked about the project and the huge financial expenditure, Yuan Shao was dumbfounded at that time.

He was the one who invited him out of the mountain on his own initiative, so he couldn't slap himself in the face and say quit, so he shied away from seeing Ma Jun.

Tian Feng said: "But now there is a severe drought, if the canals are not repaired as soon as possible, the food production may be reduced, which is not good. My lord should cut down on food and clothing, stop the construction of the mansion, limit local expenses, and raise funds..."

When Yuan Shao saw that Tian Feng was colder than himself, he became angry.As a prince, how could he not know this.But in the current situation, if money and food were provided to Ma Jun, then Yuan Shao would have no money to spend elsewhere.

Are you still eating?

Can you still recruit troops?

"I'm in a mess, so there's no need to discuss this matter. Let's talk about it later." Yuan Shao said with a haggard look, rubbing his forehead.

Tian Feng didn't leave, and said in his heart, my lord, every time this happens, you say you have a headache, which is not good.

Seeing Tian Feng not retreating, Yuan Shao threw up his sleeves and left angrily.

Tian Feng came out depressed.

Ma Jun originally had some hope, and seeing Tian Feng's face, he knew the result, but he still asked without giving up: "How is the situation?"

Tian Feng shook his head.

Ma Jun sighed bitterly, feeling depressed and frustrated.

Tian Feng said with relief: "Now the treasury is empty, and my lord is frugal for three meals a day, so I really have no money." He agreed to make an admonition in the future, and then got into the carriage and left.

Ma Jun walked home and felt that Yuan Shao's three meals were all frugal, probably because he really had no money.This matter can't be so forced anymore, let's go back and wait for a while.

He walked not far along the road of the mansion, and saw a group of servants from Yuan Shao's mansion carrying cattle, sheep and luxury goods into the alley.

Naturally, Ma Jun knew that the alley was the side entrance of the mansion, and when he saw these luxurious items, he was stunned and asked, "Who are these for?"

The steward saw that Ma Jun was also dressed as a petty official, and said, "It's for entertaining the masters."

Ma Jun suddenly remembered that Yuan Shao had a small banquet every three days and a big banquet every five days, and he spent money like running water on banquets for the powerful and powerful.

If you have these money and food, you can start the construction of the first phase of the project.

Then he smiled bitterly in his heart, he was distracted just now, and he actually believed Tian Feng's words.

Seeing Ma Jun stunned, the servants said disdainfully: "Haven't you seen these ingredients? Have you seen this big lobster, but it was delivered urgently from eight hundred miles in Shandong. It is very expensive. One is worth your salary for one year. This is specially prepared for the master of the Wang family in Taiyuan."

Ma Jun then remembered that even if Yuan Shao had no money, these gentry families were all wealthy, so it would be impossible not to borrow money, right?

He went away in a rage.

"I couldn't afford it and got angry." The servants sneered again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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