The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 289 1 group of bear children

Chapter 289
Qin Ye is practicing his inner strength.

The base area is his dantian, and the soldiers and civilians are his true energy.

To cultivate the dantian, the true energy will be thicker, so that you can compete with the princes from all walks of life.

At this time, Xun You was reporting to work.

The collection of identity information in the base areas has been completed, the household registration system has been thoroughly established, and ID cards have been issued.

Moreover, this ID card uses the most advanced watermarking technology proposed by Qin Ye, which cannot be copied by outsiders.

This watermarking technology, of course, is not the high technology of later generations.

It is the ancient wood watermarking technique.

Thanks to the help of the great inventor Ma Jun, and Qin Ye's idea, it came out.

Its engraving plate is complex in workmanship and unique in texture.Even if you want to imitate it, you can't make it exactly the same without the same craftsman.

Qin Ye intends to vigorously develop this technology to prepare for the future issuance of banknotes.

The most important thing is the complexity of the engraving plate. In the backward technology of ancient times, as long as the engraving plate is made well, if you want to imitate it, it will not be possible to do it in a few decades.

Qin Ye can also imitate the later generations and release the second generation and the third generation.This allows criminals to keep chasing after them, and it is impossible to surpass them.

A watermarked ID card will greatly strengthen Qin Ye's micro-control over the base area.

Especially in the countryside, when villagers meet strangers, they can ask for their ID cards. Those who do not have ID cards must first be isolated and wait for strict identification.

I believe that with this system, everyone will bring their ID card when they go out.And those who don't have an ID card are probably spies.

"In the farmland area, the implementation of identity verification can ensure that the crops will not be lost. The master's thinking and reasoning are beyond our reach."

Xun You sighed.

Ever since he had high-yield crops, Xun You began to think about how to maintain his exclusivity.

The first is the control of crops, and the trade of grain must be controlled by officials just like salt and iron.This kind of control, as long as Qinye's power lasts for a day, will continue until the world is settled.

Secondly, beware of stealing by people with a heart.

But Xun You thought hard and didn't know how to take precautions.

Knowing that Qinye proposed this measure, it seemed to be the best way.


The No. [-] and No. [-] secret agents of the Yuan family sneaked into the base area secretly.

They sneaked in from Mount Wutai.

As far as the concealment ability of the two is concerned, they are really unique in the world, and they have not been noticed.

They came to a village at the foot of Mount Wutai and hid in the woods near the farmland.

The sole purpose of the two of them coming here is to produce high-yield crops.

At this moment, in the farmland, the farmers are planting millet in summer.

Millet, a crop, was one of the earliest plants used for farming in China.Also known as "milk" and "milk", the millet in Sheji refers to millet, which shows the importance of this crop.

Farmers have had a bumper harvest of winter wheat and are now planting it in summer.

There was a smile on his face.

Looking at each other, I have never seen such a smile on the other's face, and I feel very happy in my heart.

"My lord personally selected the seeds, and now the area of ​​the experimental field has been expanded. If you plant this jujube millet this year, you will be able to plant Qin millet next year. It is said that the yield can be increased by about one hundred catties."

The common people call Qin Ye the Lord from the bottom of their hearts, which shows Qin Ye's status in the hearts of the common people.

In fact, at the beginning, the people just hoped to live here.But now, it's all about a real sense of belonging.The base area is their hometown, their homeland.

"Father, our family finally has a surplus of grain! This is the first time in my life that I have seen so much grain at home."

Thinking back, the old farmer sighed: "Don't talk about you, I have never seen Yu Liang in my life."

Of course, everyone has the opportunity to have surplus food, and the surplus food here is the surplus food that can always eat.

The concealed agent No. [-] and agent No. [-] looked at each other.

Sure enough, the rumors are true, Qinye has high-yield crops here.

Agent No. [-]'s thoughts turned, he knew that No. [-] beside him was always thinking of surpassing him to become No. [-], so he said: "No. [-], you stay here to watch the wind, I'll go and grab some seeds, you bring them back, and you will achieve great success. "

In fact, Agent No. [-] wants to use this to send Agent No. [-] away. He will continue to stay and see if he can kidnap some scientists and take them away.In this case, the credit will be great.

Agent No. [-] saw that there were too many peasants in the farmland, so he dared not rob them openly.So I took out the clothes of ordinary people from the bag, put on make-up, and entered the village calmly, ready to catch anyone by surprise, and leave when I find a chance.

Agent No. [-] said: "No. [-], I think it's better to act at night."

Agent No. [-] didn't care about this proposal. He was very confident and looked over proudly, "It's not in a big city, but in this village. There are uneducated ordinary people. What's there to be afraid of? Appearing at night, It will arouse people's ideas. It's fine during the day, so be confident."

Agent No. [-] had never been to Tianxia Prefecture and County. Not long ago, he had just returned from the heavily guarded Cao Cao Mansion.

"Confidence is very important to achieve great things." Agent No. [-] taught.

Agent No. [-] was a little crazy, how could he fail to see that this was an action arrangement for Agent No. [-] to take credit for himself.And it's not that he lacks self-confidence, but he wants to act together with Agent No. [-].Two strange men appearing at the same time during the day will be very eye-catching, so I suggest night.

a while.

Agent No. [-] calmly appeared on the path between the fields, looking everywhere.

In his opinion, the quality of the farmland here in Qinye cannot be compared with that in rich places. The reason for the high yield is all due to the good crops.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, a group of dolls playing in the field ran over.Surround him.

Agent No. [-] showed an amiable smile, and even touched a doll's head, saying: "Go, I don't have anything to see here, let's go and play."

Unexpectedly, the doll retreated to avoid his big hand, and looked up and down, "Where are you a stranger from, show me your ID card."

This child seemed to be the leader of this group of children, and asked with the appearance of a young adult, quite imposing.

bad boy.

Agent No. [-] immediately gave an evaluation.

Still a group.

"You baby, go and play." Agent No. [-] deliberately showed a fierce look, which did not bother him at all.

Secret Agent No. [-] kills people like hemp, his gaze is not comparable to that parents can scare their children.

The murderous look was only slightly revealed, and the brat in front of him backed away in fright.

The corners of Agent No. [-]'s mouth curled up slightly.

Unexpectedly, a group of brats gathered together and shouted: "ID card!"

Agent No. [-] is annoyed by the group of brats.

Also, what the hell is an ID card?

Sounds like the name of a sliver.

He was really unprepared for someone asking for an ID card here. After all, he traveled all over the world and entered the city, or he needed some means.In the countryside, where have you seen someone asking for an ID card?

A group of villagers want ID cards. You must be sick. I have never seen such a place require ID cards in my life.

"You bear babies, what right do you have to ask me for an ID card." He took a step forward and drove away.

Hurrah, the brats who gathered together spread out a certain distance.

He sneered, after all it was a group of children.

"Father, there are spies!" The brats suddenly shouted.

Agent No. [-] is a spy after all, so after hearing this word, Mao was shocked.He was so angry, why should he be called a spy, "Go away quickly." He waved his hand.

In his opinion, these brats were just fooling around, and they didn't really see through his identity at all.

You must know that he is the No. [-] secret agent of the Yuan family. The Yuan family's secret agents have been passed down for more than a hundred years, and there are only a dozen of No. [-] secret agents.Each of them is the all-powerful behind-the-scenes hero of the Yuan family. They have never done any difficult tasks and never missed them.

Therefore, Agent No. [-] is very confident in his disguise.And a group of brats, why should he be defined as a spy?Is it too hasty?Apart from fooling around, how do you explain this?

(End of this chapter)

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