The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 310 Good and Bad Things

Chapter 310 Good and Bad Things
When Gongsun Zan heard that Shan Jing had returned, he hurriedly summoned him.

All the civil and military people in the hall looked at the single scriptures who came in.

Gongsun Zan couldn't wait any longer, signaled Shan Jing not to salute, and asked, "How's the situation?"

Shan Jing came back anxiously, and when he really saw Gongsun Zan, he didn't know how to describe this fact.

Especially when he found that everyone was looking at him eagerly.

However, the ugly daughter-in-law also wants to see her in-laws.

Shan Jing just thought about it, don't embellish anything, keep it short, so he said: "My lord, the new Jizhou Mu is... Qin Ye."

The new Jizhou Mu, everyone beamed with joy when they heard 'new'.

When I heard the last two words, I was stunned.

They all looked at Shan Jing with angry eyes.

You are wrong.

It should be Liu Bei.

How can you make a slip of the tongue at this most critical time?

"What did you just say, who is the new Jizhou Mu?" Gongsun Zan stared at him and asked hurriedly.

"Qin Ye is the new Jizhou shepherd. The imperial edict may have reached Qin Ye by now. The call to action should have spread to the west of Jizhou." Shan Jing said bitterly.

The edict will definitely go to Qin Ye.

In addition, the appointment of officials of this level in ancient times would make a public announcement and let officials and people in all places know.This is like the high-level appointment of a large group in the future, and the notice will be distributed to each branch.In case the big leader comes and the employees don't know each other yet, that would be ridiculous.

Everyone's eyes widened immediately, their breathing became rapid, and their eyes were blazing.

They beat the back of their heads one by one.

Isn't it the recommended Liu Bei?How could he turn into Qin Ye with a click?
Gongsun Zan couldn't accept it, his eyes were red, and he looked at Shan Jing.

Although no one spoke, Shan Jing also knew that he needed to explain, and hurriedly said: "The imperial court originally wanted to appoint Liu Bei, and the imperial edict for Wang Situ's appointment of Liu Bei has been written."

"Then why is it Liu Bei!" Gongsun Zan protested.He finally reacted completely, unable to suppress the anger in his heart at all.

How did he become Qin Ye?
You know, in this way, Qin Ye's reputation will not be damaged.However, after Qin Ye became the shepherd of Jizhou, he attacked them justifiably, and they became rebellious instead.

This is a very serious matter for a prince who is determined to strive for hegemony in the world.

"Later, two old guys, Zheng Xuan and Cai Yong, appeared, and they both supported Qin Ye."

Gongsun Zan said angrily, "Zheng Xuan and Cai Yong are neither Sangong nor Jiuqing. When will the court's decision be changed? Is this how officials listen to them?"

One can only feel that Gongsun Zan was not there at the time, and he might not have realized the true influence of these two old guys.

Then he continued to explain the confusion: "In the beginning, the officials did not agree to change it, but Zheng Xuan took out the 'Confucian Order'."


When Gongsun Zan fell, there was a crack in Xi Ta's seat.

Only then did everyone realize with horror that Qin Ye's influence was not only among the people.

From this point of view, instead of hitting Qin Ye, he even sent an assist from the side.

Moreover, it seems that this assist is not trivial, it seems that it should be an assist to start the first blood.

I failed to get the first blood, but assisted the enemy to get the first blood, which was still my own blood.

Gongsun Zan's pain can be imagined.

He vomited blood.


God pit.

The kind that doesn't fill up.

But this bitter fruit, if you don't want to swallow it, you have to swallow it raw.

At this time, Qin Ye's call for becoming Jizhou Shepherd was about to arrive at Liu Bei's place.

Just at Jieqiao.

Liu Bei barracks.

Holding the wine jar, Zhang Fei rushed into Liu Bei's big tent, "Elder brother, hey? The second brother is also here, just in time. The eldest brother is about to become the shepherd of Jizhou, can we celebrate today?"

Zhang Fei has not drunk for a long time.

I always try to find a reason to drink, but the reasons I find are not hard enough, so I can't get Liu Bei's consent.

But Liu Bei promised Zhang Fei that when the edict arrives, he can celebrate it.

But with Zhang Fei's temper, he couldn't wait for that day at all, so he had to celebrate in advance, and he came to Liu Bei to ask for it every day.

Liu Bei stood with his hands behind his back. He was about to become a great official in the frontier, and his demeanor was very different from before.

Guan Yu smiled slightly, touched the five long beards, and looked up at 45 degrees.

"Okay." Liu Bei finally agreed to Qing Yiqing, after all Zhang Fei had come to look for him several times.Moreover, deep down in Liu Bei's heart, he also wanted to celebrate.

a while.

The generals also came to celebrate Liu Bei's becoming the shepherd of Jizhou.

The generals toasted Liu Bei to become the shepherd of Jizhou, expressing their loyalty one after another.

With a calm demeanor, Liu Bei drank one by one.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food, and when the atmosphere was very lively, a civil servant came in from outside the tent, holding a scroll in his hand, "My lord, the imperial court's call for the appointment of Jizhou Mu has arrived."

The call to action was even faster than the edict, but everyone didn't realize this.

Zhang Fei, who was already drunk, immediately shouted: "Quickly read it to my elder brother."

Everyone listened with all ears.

Then they learned that the new Jizhou Mu was Qin Ye, not Liu Bei.


Guan Yu cut off a few beards.

Zhang Fei crushed the wine glass.

Liu Bei subconsciously hugged the wine jar in front of him.

You must know that just now, everyone sent congratulatory speeches, congratulating Liu Bei on becoming the shepherd of Jizhou.

Here's the call to action, but it's not.

This is too embarrassing.

Liu Bei raised the wine jar and poured wine all over his body.

Why drank the whole body instead of drinking the whole body?

This has to be said that Liu Bei's arms are relatively long. Since his arms are half as long as ordinary people, it is difficult to bring them to his mouth.

But even so, Liu Bei still fainted.

By the second day.

The news of Gongsun Zan reached Liu Bei, and he told Liu Bei why Qin Ye became the shepherd of Jizhou.And let Liu Bei strengthen his guard at Jieqiao, and form a confrontation with him to fight Qin Ye together.

Liu Bei cried.

All the generals expressed that they would definitely avenge Liu Bei.

on the other hand.


Qin army center.

For the past few days, Qin Ye has been discussing with everyone about the next step of the army advance plan.

In the end, it was decided that the preferred target was Han Fu, so as to capture Yecheng.

Yecheng is the economic and cultural center of the North, and capturing such a city is of great significance to the Qin army.

All civil and military officials got up and left.

With the pacification of the enemy's encirclement and suppression, the weather here is completely different now.

At this time, someone came to report, "My lord, the imperial envoy has arrived and is now in Jingxing, waiting to enter the customs."

All civil and military officials did not retreat.

Instead, like Qin Ye, he showed doubts.

The envoy of the imperial court suddenly appeared, what was he here for?

Xun You hurriedly said: "My lord, if there are any dispatches and arrangements from the imperial court, don't agree to them. You need to find a reason to prevaricate."

Everyone felt that what Xun You said was reasonable. In the current situation, the imperial court suddenly sent envoys here. It would definitely not be a good thing for Qin Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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