The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 314 What the hell is the old woman?

Chapter 314 What the hell is the old woman?

Seeing that Han Fu was timid, Zhen Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

After the sons and wives came up.

Everyone hugged together.

Then he was thrown into prison.

In a dark cell.

Zhen Yan was still very scared, and asked, "Father, when did you betroth your sister to General Qin?"

"I'm not betrothed." Zhen Yi said weakly.

The sons were shocked.

It turned out to be a lie to Han Fu, so if we ask Qin Ye for proof, then we are doomed?
I thought I had narrowly escaped death, but it turned out that my father was lying to me.

We've grown up and don't want to hear fairy tales.

Zhen Yan and Zhen Yao cried.

"Why are you crying?" Zhen Yi scolded angrily.

Zhen Yan and Zhen Yao wiped their tears. Originally, they were not afraid of death, so how could they cry.

But finally there was a turning point, and they didn't expect it to be a turning point from God. They couldn't stand this, and instinctively shed tears.

Zhen Yi looked over and said calmly: "Don't be afraid, things will come true."

Zhen Yan and Zhen Yao's silently weeping eyes widened, "How do you say that?"

Veins popped out on Zhen Yi's forehead, "You need to say it clearly? When your sister goes to Qin Ye, if Qin Ye is a man, he will definitely take the opportunity to blackmail your sister. Your sister is the most filial, and she will definitely accept his threat. Then, it will be me Son-in-law?"

When the sons heard this, their jaws almost fell to the ground.

"How do you coerce, don't you need to explain it?" Zhen Yi snorted coldly.

It really goes without saying.

Even a man knows how to blackmail a beautiful woman at this time.

Unless this man is not a real man.

"You can have no confidence in me, but you can't have no confidence in your sister." Zhen Yi said.

"I taught for 16 years, just for this critical moment."

Zhen Yi snorted coldly.

The boys were very excited at first.

But at this moment his complexion changed, Zhen Yan said: "Father, don't blame me for giving you two words."

"What word?"


"What!" Zhen Yi almost vomited blood.

"Father, I give you two words too, shameless." Zhen Yao said.

Zhen Yi vomited blood, and his son's face was swollen when he went up to cover his head and face. He said angrily: "So, you two are not as good as your sister. If your sister is a son, don't dream about your family business."

What Zhen Yi said just now, on the one hand, was to relax after escaping from death, and on the other hand, he wanted to teach his son to have means and reserves in doing things.

If it wasn't for Zhen Yi raising his daughter up, how could there be a turning point today?

Unexpectedly, the two sons did not see the essence.

"The two of you have a daughter and you have to cultivate it well. Finding a good son-in-law will save you 30 years of struggle, and you can save lives at critical moments. Marry the emperor, and you will be relatives!"

"Neil relatives!" The sons suddenly thought about it.

"As expected, he is the head of the Zhen family, a treacherous and cunning man."

Suddenly, a deep voice came from the nearby prison.

Zhen Yi was taken aback for a moment, the place was pitch black, and he didn't notice anyone next door at all.

But who are you?It's fine if my son says me, but you dare to say me?

Zhen Yi almost smoked it.He also knew that outsiders could not listen to what he said.

"I'm Zhang He." The figure came.

Hearing this, Zhen Yi walked to the fence, took a closer look, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect General Zhang to have such an experience. Have you ever thought about getting out of the sea of ​​suffering and voting for a wise master?"

Zhang He, with messy hair, snorted coldly and turned to look at the wall.

Instead, Zhen Yi felt relieved, "Don't worry, General, my son-in-law will call soon. With General's ability, I will definitely recommend you, old man, and we will get out of prison together."

Zhen Yi thought, Zhang Yun is definitely a capable person, not inferior to Hua Xiong and others.Recommending a talent is also a red envelope when you meet your son-in-law, so it won't be too embarrassing.

However, the sons of the Zhen family were not as calm as Zhen Yi.

Dad, can you tell people these things at this time?
Is Qin Ye our son-in-law? I haven't even said anything yet.

If you can't become the son-in-law of our family, if this matter gets out, people will laugh out loud.

With the reputation and status of our Zhen family, we would rather die heroically than be so ashamed.

After Zhen Yi's family was imprisoned, some things were still going on outside.

Han Fu wiped out the Zhen family and frightened other big families.

It can be said that the strength of the big clan in Jizhou is still strong, but after suffering successive catastrophes, their strength is not as good as before.

Therefore, they could not face the pressure of a prince as before, so they had to contribute what little money, food and manpower they had left.

Therefore, Han Fu did not make things difficult for them. After receiving some supplements, he sent Xin Ping to lead the army to defend the county of Zhao.


Zhen Mi, who left home looking for support, came to Yuanshi City.

This is a small county located on the northern edge of Zhao Guojun.

Now Qin Ye is stationed here as an outpost for an all-out attack on Zhao Guojun.

Zhen Mi and her personal maid, Xiao Tuanzi, dressed up as men and lived in an inn after entering the city.

in the room.

Zhen Mi solemnly opened the burden that had been carried for a long time.

Xiaotuanzi saw that it was a floor-to-ceiling dress with a hundred flowers.

Xiaotuanzi knew that the young lady had always attached great importance to this baggage, and thought it contained gold and silver treasures, but unexpectedly it was just a skirt.

She had an urge to faint.I thought there was a big gift in the baggage, but I didn't expect it was just a skirt.

Miss, are you going to exchange this dress for support?
Speaking of it, this skirt is indeed a good skirt, unique in the world, and the gems on it are also priceless.

But it's just a skirt, can it really save soldiers?
Could it be a gift for Madam Qin Ye?

Xiaotuanzi vomited blood. At this moment, he should think about giving Qin Ye a luxurious gift bag. Only in this way can he send troops.

"Go and find a carriage."

Xiaotuanzi went out worried.

Zhen Mi dressed up meticulously.

a while.

When Zhen Mi went downstairs.

The shopkeeper just took a look, then knelt down.

The waiter in the shop took it at that time.

When did such a beautiful woman come to my shop.

The fairies must have descended to the store.

The shopkeeper also took it.


At this time, Qin Ye was presiding over a military meeting in the mansion in the city.

at the meeting.

Qin Ye formulated some strategies.

He ordered Zhang Liao to guard Fucheng and guard Gongsun Zan in Nanpi.

Xu Huang marched into Guangzong to contain Liu Bei.

Qin Ye will mobilize the army and prepare to attack Zhao Guojun next.

"My lord, there is a person outside begging to see him, saying that he is an old friend of the lord..." At this time, a servant walked in.

An old friend?

Before the attendant finished speaking, Qin Ye began to think about it. If he had many old friends, it was impossible for him to appear here at this time.

Could it be that there are talents coming to vote, or great talents.

Generally, great sages are very pretentious. Although they don't know each other, they still claim to be old friends.

Recently, many people with lofty ideals have come to vote for Qin Ye.These people are all knowledgeable, which greatly enriched Qinye's middle and low-level talent pool.

"My lord, it's a woman." The guard followed suit.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Qin Ye was also confused.

What the hell is the old lady?

(End of this chapter)

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