Chapter 323 Zhang He Tears
"What's the situation outside the city?" Xin Ping first asked the messenger soldiers who ran up to the top of the city.

The summoner panted, "My lord, Qin Ye agreed to join the battle, and Qin Ye said that he didn't need to arrange any formations, and could win by adapting to the situation."

Xin Ping's eyeballs popped out of their sockets, and then he sneered again and again, "Hehe, this Qin Ye is really arrogant. It seems that his achievements have clouded his mind."

"Zhang Yun is my famous general in Jizhou, and now he has obtained the true biography of Guiguzi's Juezhen, which is even more extraordinary."

"Qin Ye is so underestimating the enemy, how can he win, he will definitely lose."

Everyone in the city nodded their heads and were delighted at the same time.On the battlefield, what one would most like to see is that the enemy underestimates the enemy.

outside the city.

The generals of the Qin army had mixed feelings about the fact that the lord did not deploy an array.

"My lord, don't underestimate Zhang Yun."

"Although Zhang Xi is not an enemy, you must know that his formation is from Guiguzi!"

Zhao Yun, Tai Shi Ci and others reminded them one after another.

Naturally, Qin Ye would not tell anyone about the Supreme Dharma Eye, and said: "A formation requires unpredictable changes. Although I don't have a formation in my hand, I have a formation in my heart. Although I don't set up a formation, I use it to adapt to all changes. .”

Zhao Yun and the others were very anxious.Although it is said so, who in the world can cope with all kinds of changes?

Whose eyesight can reach this level?

If one is missed, it will be a failure.

"Qin Mengjie, can we start?" Zhang Yun was already impatient.

He felt that he was underestimated. Although he could use this to catch the enemy's underestimation, he was also very upset.

Therefore, Zhang He wanted to start the war as soon as possible.One is to take advantage of the situation to advance troops, and the other is to slap Qin Ye in the face.Let's see if he can still say 'do you need to set up? ' Such arrogant words come.

"Let you attack first." Qin Ye said lightly.

Zhang Xi originally thought that when the war drum sounded, he must take a step ahead of Qin Ye's troops.

At this moment, when he heard that he was asked to attack first, his consciousness buzzed.

You must know that since ancient times, they have always been the first to take the lead, and they can't wait to lead at the starting line.The opposite one is fine, and he gives up his hand.

May I ask the lord on the opposite side, who gave you such arrogant confidence?
Do you think you are a person favored by God?

Zhang He laughed loudly, "Qin Mengjie, since you are so confident, then I will give you a ride!"

In the rumble of drums.

Zhang He commanded his large formation, and covered and killed them.

Soldiers, the momentum is like a rainbow.I'm afraid this time, even if our side won't die 200 people, they will be able to wipe out their opponents.

They are very confident, because yesterday's record is there, and the enemy did not set up an formation, and they gave up the initiative.If this fails, there is no need to come out to mess around in the future.

on the city head.

Xin Ping was shocked when he saw that Qin Ye's army hadn't started to move after Zhang Yun launched the attack.

But he quickly dismissed it, "Qin Mengjie really underestimated Zhang Junyi. In the match, he didn't even try to take the lead. In this way, I am afraid that only one contact is needed, and Zhang Junyi can gain the absolute upper hand."

Zhao Fu and others thought so. "It seems that Qin Ye is nothing more than that."

outside the city.

In front of the Qin army.

"My lord! How do we fight against the enemy?" Zhao Yun and the others were a little flustered, after all, the enemy had already launched a charge, and our side hadn't responded yet.

On the face of Qinye Zhizun Fayan, he was confident at the moment, "I know the origin of the layout of the eight poles of the universe. The enemy's eight poles rotate and change with the Yin and Yang of the universe, so it is unpredictable and difficult to deal with. I can see the enemy's fatal flaws." .”

"Zilong, Ziyi, each of you will bring a thousand soldiers and horses, and fly with both wings. When the enemy's formation is loose, you can join forces to encircle and suppress them."

Zhao Yun, Tai Shici and the others were skeptical, but immediately took orders to leave.

Qin Jun was well-trained and was immediately divided into three parts.

Xin Ping on the top of the city saw the overall situation better than anyone else.

I saw Qin Ye divide his troops.

Xin Ping sneered, "Obviously, Qin Ye couldn't see how to break the formation, so he mobilized his soldiers and horses in order to avoid premature full contact. But it was just delaying the time of failure. He divided his troops like this, but Zhang Xi Able to concentrate superior forces and eliminate them one by one.”

"Huh? Qin Ye's main formation didn't move." Xin Ping laughed and said, "It seems that Qin Ye is using himself as a bait to attract Zhang He and prepare for the encirclement. But how could he know that Zhang He strangled the 1000 people? It's as easy as flipping the palm of your hand. Qin Ye will either be defeated or die, and that's the end of it."

Sure enough, it was the same as Xin Ping's judgment.

After Zhang Yun found that Qin Ye's main formation had not moved, he decided to wipe out Qin Ye's part with a thunderous blow.Then, the entire battle, and even this battle, can end early.

"Qin Mengjie, your idea is good. Use yourself as a bait to let Zhao Yun and others surround me from the outside. But you are wrong. With the power of my formation, eliminating you is just a matter of attack."

In the face of the enemy's incoming tide, even the most elite soldiers of the Qin army cannot guarantee that they will not be nervous.

"Follow me!"

Qin Ye's words became a shot in the arm.The generals of the Qin army will no longer have any thoughts, they will follow Qin Ye's footsteps.

Qin Ye's Supreme Dharma Eyes flashed repeatedly, and looking down from the sky, the Octopus Formation of the Universe, which circled like a spider's web, and the route of advancing soldiers, became Qin Ye's memory clearly.No matter how the route changes, he can adjust it immediately.

This route is the key to destroying the formation, and this route will not directly reach the key area of ​​the formation.

At this moment, if this formation is compared to a building, Qin Ye just needs to go around and demolish a few bricks, and the building will collapse by itself.

Qin Yebu has been overwhelmed by Zhang Yun's formation.

a while.

On the top of the city, Xin Ping was condescending, and he could see clearly that he was full of disbelief at the moment. "This is impossible. How could Qin Ye persist for so long in the siege of 3000 people by Zhang He?"

"You know, there are only 1000 people around Qin Ye, and the strength here is already three times the difference. And Zhang He's Qiankun Baji Formation is so powerful, even yesterday's 3000 people were strangled in an instant."

Xin commented that they couldn't understand.

Zhao Yun and the others couldn't believe it either.

Many times, they had to lead troops to rescue Qin Ye who was in a tight siege.

But it was soon discovered that Qin Ye and the troops he commanded were able to fight in Zhang He's formation with ease.

It seems that the lord really saw the flaws in Zhang Yun's formation.

Wait, the enemy's formation is loose!
As first-class generals, Zhao Yun and the others must have the ability to keenly capture the changes in the enemy's formation.

How could they let go of the opportunity, they were wandering outside the formation, but now they cut into the past immediately.

Xin Ping on the top of the wall widened his eyes.

Zhao Fu and the others were completely dumbfounded.

They stand tall and can see clearly.

And Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi began to analyze with the hairs standing on end,
"As the lord moved in Zhang He's formation, this caused Zhang He's formation to have many empty places."

"Zhao Yun and the others took the opportunity to rush in, and at the same time filled these gaps, they cut off all connections between the Qiankun and Baji of Zhang Xi's formation."

"This changed Zhang Xi's big formation from fighting as a whole to fighting individually. Then the formation will be broken."

"Zhang He's command is useless now, and the troops have not been given orders, and chaos has begun."

"Sure enough, it's full of flaws!"

Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi looked at each other.Full of loopholes?
This is the ultimate formation developed by Guiguzi, which contains his lifelong understanding of marching formations.Among them, the coordination of cavalry, archers and infantry can be seen as tyrannical.Sun Bin became famous with this battle and became one of the greatest strategists. How could he be full of flaws?
But when he came to the lord, he was broken just like that.

Doesn't it mean that Guiguzi is nothing more than that in front of the lord, and Sun Bin, an apprentice, is even less able to stand on the stage.

Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi pulled over.

After all, Sun Bin is the idol of the two of them, and Guiguzi is a mysterious existence that can only be looked up to at the patriarchal level.

But at this moment, Zhang Yun looked at the chaotic troops inside and outside, "My formation has been disintegrated!" The shock in his heart could no longer be expressed in words.

You know, he has devoted himself to research for more than ten years, and then he developed this formation with the help of the remnant. He intends to use this formation to shock the world.And yesterday's battle with Tai Shici has already proved the extraordinaryness of this team.

But at this moment, it was broken by Qin Ye.

If Qin Ye wins him with a more powerful and restrained formation, he can accept it.

But Qin Ye didn't even set up an formation, so he broke it.

How can this be accepted!
Zhang He's eyes were red, and he grabbed his hair violently, his consciousness almost collapsed.

"General be careful!"

Zhang He saw that Qin Ye's Cold Moon Blade had already come in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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