The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 332 Governing the Yellow River

Chapter 332 Governing the Yellow River
Qin Ye walked over and looked around at Cui Terrace.

"Your name is Cui Tai, do you know how to explain this name? Urge to the execution platform."

Cui Tai laughed proudly, "I forgot to tell you, I am the direct descendant of the Cui family. In the past 200 years, no one from my Qinghe Cui family has ever been punished." After saying this, he became even more arrogant.

His subordinates are all looking at Qin Ye like a fool, now they know the background of my young master, right?

The Cui family of Qinghe, a large family that has been passed down since the Spring and Autumn Period, has been a generation of ministers.

Qin Ye smiled and said, "Okay, well, it's indeed Qinghe Cui's family. But I'm here to tell you, no matter how powerful your Cui family is, you will become the first Cui family to go to the execution ground in more than 200 years."

Cui Tai can't be calm anymore, who would dare to say that about Cui's family in 200 years.Even Yuan Shao, who has four generations and three fathers, has to give three points to the Cui family.

Qin Ye said lightly: "Get it for me."

Cui Tai was furious, "I haven't punished you yet, how dare you take me? Come and kill them!"

The dozen or so warriors he brought drew their swords without hesitation and killed them.

Although there are more than a dozen people on Qin Ye's side, they seem to be mostly literati who have no power to restrain chickens.

The old fisherman, his father, and his daughter didn't dare to look at it anymore. Obviously, Qin Ye's side will become a dead soul under the sword.

The old fisherman was powerless and felt guilty.It seems that such a benevolent son of an aristocratic family was implicated by him like this.

"Although it seems that this Mr. Qin has quite a background, how can he be compared with the Cui family. In the prefectures and counties, there are many officials of the Cui family, and we killed him." The old fisherman cried.

The daughter is also crying.

Qin Ye raised his foot and kicked Cui Tai out.

Cui Tai's nerves were broken in pain.

Although the Cui family's warriors are fierce, they are the opponents of Dian Wei and others.

In just one meeting, Dian Wei killed four people himself.

Qin Ye stood with his hands behind his back, while Xun You and the others stood quietly behind.

After a few seconds.

Dian Wei led people to kill ten warriors of Cui's family, and the others were controlled.

Only now did Cui Tai recover from the severe pain, and there were corpses strewn across the field in front of him, all of which were his warriors.He couldn't believe what he saw, and shouted in horror, "You dare to kill my Cui family? You will never end well!"

He was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, he turned around and ran away.

At this time, a Qin army came from a distance.

Cui Tai shouted and ran over.

The Qin army came, and there were hundreds of people in the scale.

The old fisherman Zhao He said in horror: "Benefactor, go away, then Cui Tai must have gone to invite Qin Jun."

In the eyes of the old fisherman, Jizhou Mu's army would definitely not stand idly by.Although the guards brought by this Mr. Qin are superb in martial arts, they are not willing to be the opponent of Qin Jun.

In addition, the Cui family is very powerful, if caught, no matter how old this young man's background is, he will definitely be beheaded for public display.

"Old man, don't panic." Qin Ye said.

Xun You and the others also stood behind Qin Ye calmly.

Seeing this situation, the old fisherman almost pulled away.

You don't want to leave?

Still calmly waiting for Cui Tai to bring Qin Jun over?
That's Qin Junye, do you think you can fight against it?
Are you courting death?

Damn, you idiots!
The old fisherman wanted to leave with his daughter, but he stomped his foot at the end, and he died, which is better than dying of humiliation.

Seeing that the old fisherman did not leave, Qin Ye realized that the common people are the most simple people.

Qin Ye comforted: "Don't panic, those soldiers will come over in a while, I promise your family prosperity and wealth."

what! ! !
Allow me to be rich and prosperous?

May I ask this young man, is your brain not working well?

Still prosperous and rich, not to be torn to death by five horses, and burn high incense if you have a good time.

This son's forehead must have been licked by a pig when he was a child...

The old fisherman cried.

Cui Tai rushed to the front and exclaimed, "My father is Cui Hong, the prefect of Wei County, someone killed more than ten members of my Cui family over there!"

There were 500 people in the Qin army that arrived, they were actually Qin Ye's escort, watching Qin Ye's ship from a distance, and followed them all the way here.

As soon as Fang Zheng, the captain of the guard, heard about this kind of thing, is it okay?Moreover, the lord's boat is parked there, what will the lord think when he sees it?It will definitely be furious.

"Don't panic, I'll bring someone to arrest you right now," Fang Zheng said.

Cui Tai immediately took reassurance that with Qin Jun by his side, his life would not be in any danger. "That person deserves to be unlucky. Qin Jun happened to be passing by. Anyone who dared to kill my Cui family, no matter how big his background is, he must be killed here."

Therefore, Cui Tai was not only not panicking, but also exuberant.

He led the way in front and ran back in one breath.

The crunching footsteps behind him are his confidence.

Pointing angrily, "This general, these are the people."

Fangzheng looked over, his expression changed, and he knelt down at that moment.

Hundreds of soldiers of the Qin army had already raised their spirits and prepared to kill the thieves.One guy lost his mind and all fell to his knees.

Cui Tai was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?
Why are you kneeling?
Just now you were aggressively trying to kill thieves and make meritorious deeds, but now you are kneeling in front of people, are you here to make a joke?

"My lord~." All the soldiers bowed.

"He's Qin Meng... Jie!" Cui Tai immediately pulled over, and after a spin, he fell straight to the ground.

"Young master, I killed you! Huh?"

The moment Qin Jun arrived, the old fisherman yelled, and his face turned pale immediately after.

Suddenly he made a major discovery.

It turns out that this son is actually the legendary General Qin, the great savior!

From this point of view, not only is there nothing wrong, but prosperity and wealth are also real.

The old man couldn't accept it for a while, so he passed it.

Hey~, his daughter passed out too.


Three days later.

When Qin Ye returned to Yecheng, he stopped all military operations.Put the focus of work on the governance of the Yellow River.

And on this day, officials from all over the country were summoned.

Harnessing the Yellow River requires a large number of migrant workers, and corvee labor must never be forced.

Qin Ye ordered officials from all over the country to select strong migrant workers and transport supplies from all over the place to deal with this big project.

When the meeting is over.

Qin Ye asked: "Where is Cui Hong, the prefect of Wei County?"

Cui Hong came out sweating like rain.

Qin Ye said: "Do you know about your son?"

"My lord, I understand, the dog made a big mistake, please calm down my lord." Cui Hong bowed.

Qin Ye said: "If it's just me, you can calm down. But what do the people think of the government when your son does something like that? You have no way to teach your son, and you will be removed from the post of prefect of Wei County."

Cui Hong's face changed, and he couldn't say what he was going to plead for.

The local officials in each county are all of noble origin.They peeked at each other, and although Cui Hong's family was at fault, they dismissed Cui Hong's position in such an understatement.When they left, they expressed their dissatisfaction with each other.They thought it was just a common people's problem, and it was inappropriate for Qin Ye to treat scholars like this.

After the news spread, the gentry of Jizhou had great opinions on Qin Ye.

On the other hand.

Qin Ye pacified most of Jizhou and was appointed as Jizhou Mu.

More and more aspiring young people, even after traveling thousands of miles, came to Qinye's place.I want to come here to find an opportunity to show my strengths and fulfill my dreams.

And Qin Ye asked Xu Shu to take care of these people with lofty ideals.

(End of this chapter)

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