The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 334 Unannounced Visit

Chapter 334 Unannounced Visit
A group of servant girls are accompanying the two mistresses in the back garden.

Diao Chan's belly is already obvious, and she might give birth in two months.

Zhen Mi was by the side, chatting and laughing, watching the girls play, it was also relieved.

At this time, a ball of paper landed on the head of Xiaoyu, the close maid.

"It's so annoying, who lost me?"

Xiaoyu took down the ball of paper stuck in her bun and threw it to Xiaoyun.

So, the ball of paper was thrown around.

"There are words written on this ball of paper!"

Suddenly a girl discovered something.

The ball of paper, which was not seen at once, suddenly became a hot commodity.

It's a pity that the maids couldn't read, so they ran over together to show Diao Chan.

Diao Chan held her stomach, took a look, and frowned.

Zhen Mi also took it over to look at it, her face changed.

"Ma'am, what's written on it?" The maids gathered around, confused.

At this time, Qin Ye appeared here.

Zhen Mi quickly put away the note.

"Master." The maids saluted.

Qin Ye took two quick steps, supported Diao Chan to prevent her from getting up, and said to Zhen Mi: "Have you hidden something good?"

Zhen Mi hesitated for a while, but took it out anyway.

Qin Ye took a look at the note, and his face became gloomy.

The maids were terrified, they didn't dare to breathe, they were all thinking about what was written on the note that made the master so angry.

"Where did this note come from?"

Originally, Qin Ye was in a good mood, but now, it was the complete opposite.

"Husband, this seems to have been thrown in from outside the wall, maybe it's just some nonsense." Diao Chan comforted.

There is no wind, no waves, Qin Ye doesn't believe that someone is free and risky to come to him to throw a note, maybe there is no way to complain?
He also lost the mentality of being here, turned around and left.


In the study of the former house.

Qin Ye sat on the mat, staring at the note on the desk.

On this piece of paper, the simplified characters written neatly were definitely not written by ordinary people.

On the note, Qinye's river engineering policy was criticized.

Qin Ye governed the Yellow River, and the river engineering policy he adopted was by no means corvee, but similar to the recruitment of workers in later generations.Control food and housing, as well as wages.This is definitely a precedent in history. Everyone says that Qin Shijun loves the people, why criticize?
It turned out that Qin Ye's river engineering policy had become a tool for local officials to collect money.The wages of migrant workers have been embezzled.The cost of each meal has been greatly reduced.

The 20 river workers complained, but dared not speak out.

Qin Ye frowned tightly, wondering if this matter is true, if true, it is very serious.

He wanted to call Xun You and others several times to ask.

But now, he's ready to see for himself whether it's true.After all, this incident has affected hundreds of thousands of river workers, and furthermore, it is the opinion of millions of people on him.

But he still informed Xun You.

When Xun You heard the news, Qin Ye had already secretly left Yecheng with Dian Wei.

Qin Ye didn't want to make a big fanfare, so as not to be noticed, thus covering up the real situation.

But when Qin Ye went on patrol, Xun You dared not be careless. He immediately told Zhao Yun secretly about the matter, and asked Zhao Yun to send [-] cavalry to garrison in the Baima area under the pretext of training troops.

After Zhao Yun led the three thousand cavalry to move there, Xun You breathed a sigh of relief.

Three days later.

Qin Ye took Dian Wei to Baima Ferry on the bank of the Yellow River, which is the largest residential area for migrant workers along the coast.

Moreover, he specially chose the lunch break time to come.

"What do you two do, let me see the river worker's note?"

A group of yamen soldiers came over, and the leader of the yamen said with staring eyes.

These government soldiers are not from the Qin army system, but old government soldiers, so they don't know Qin Ye.

"I'm here to find someone." Qin Ye said calmly.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Wang Lin."

"Wang Lin? There are several people named Wang Lin here, you can't find them, so hurry up and leave."

Qin Ye's expression darkened.

Dian Wei rolled his eyes and was about to strike.

"My lord, we can find it by ourselves, don't bother your lord."

A young servant walked out from behind Dian Wei, took out a handful of money from his pocket, and put it in the hand that reached out in time.

Yatou then smiled happily, "Then you take your time looking for it, let's go."

Qin Ye looked at Zhuge Liang who suddenly appeared, and went into the shanty town without saying anything.

"how so!"

Zhuge Liang, who entered the shanty town, was a little dumbfounded at the time.He felt that he had entered a garbage dump, the muddy road, and the sour smell everywhere.

The river workers were all sallow and emaciated, moving like walking corpses.

Zhuge Liang took out the feather fan from his bosom, shook it quickly, and felt that these local officials were too shameless, they really dared to do this. "My lord, please calm down. Ever since Emperor Huan and Emperor Ling came, this has been the case everywhere. I remember that one year, Emperor Ling came to help disasters..."

Looking at Qin Ye in the distance, Zhuge Liang hurriedly ran after him and fanned him, "Picture it slowly, slowly..."

Qin Ye looked at several tents, and they all looked the same, just like the refugee camps in poor countries in later generations.The most important lunch the river workers ate was just some hard pancakes and thin soup made from rotten vegetables.

How do you know it's rotten food? Just smell the smell.

Qin Ye allocated huge sums of money here.

This amount is enough for the daily life and wages of the river workers.

But now it's a refugee camp, and there's only one reason, and it must be that the money is not in place.

Where did that money go?

Qin Ye suppressed his anger and continued to inspect.

At this time, a conversation came from the tent on the side.

"Thanks to the benefactor for saving Xiao Chuanzi in the river."

"Benefactor, hurry up and leave, if not, you will be caught by the river officer as a coolie."

Qin Ye looked over, the rescuer was a young man, and the rescued was a teenager, who looked twelve or thirteen years old.

Even using child labor, Qin Ye became even more angry.

All the people in the tent said: "I thought Qin Shijun was our savior, but he is no different from those cruel people."

"At first he looked like a good guy, but now he's showing his true face..."

The faces of Qin Ye and the others turned black.

Unexpectedly, the young man who rescued people said: "This should not be Qin Shijun's original intention. I heard that Qin Shijun allocated a lot of money and food. Not only did he have enough food for work, but he also had wages. But it was all deducted."

"Can you eat enough and get paid?" The common people thought they had heard a fairy tale.

Young man, although you saved someone, you don't need to fool us like this, do you?
It would be nice to have enough food, and wages.

May I ask this young man, have you seen who has been paid for working for the government for hundreds of years?
Are you an undercover spy sent by the government?
The young man hurriedly said: "It really is. I inquired about it. There are five hundred yuan a month."

Five hundred... a lot of money!
The people smoked it.

If this is the case, let alone recruiting them by force, they will all come to work on their own initiative.

The young man sighed, "Emissary Qin's policy is good, but the following people are still the same as before, and there is no supervision. Since Emperor Huan and Lingdi, the local government has been acting like this for decades. Therefore, Although Qin Shijun is good at governance, it is difficult to implement it in the local area for a while."

"If a monitoring agency can be established, such things can be avoided."

After Zhuge Liang heard these words, he shook his feather fan anxiously. It seemed that this young man was not an ordinary person.

Qin Ye was also quite surprised by the young man's remarks.

a while.

When the young man walked out of the tent, Qin Ye went over to talk, "Brother, can we have a chat?"

The young man looked Qin Ye up and down, and bowed his hands, "You and I have lived a normal life, so I dare not disturb you."

(End of this chapter)

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