Chapter 37

Qin Ye went to the workshop on the bank of the Yellow River in the north of Luoyang Mang Mountain.

The weapons workshop was built completely by the water, using an extremely advanced waterwheel power to drive the bellows. With such a power device, the bellows can be made extremely large.

And with the big bellows, there are huge blast furnaces.

From a distance, you can see patches of workshops, countless chimneys, billowing smoke.

The scale of Dong Zhuojun's workshop is second to none in the world.

In the age of strife among the vassals, the number of troops was calculated in the hundreds of thousands. To arm such a huge army, it was impossible without a production system for mass production of cold weapons.

The raw material of cold weapons is iron, and a system that can provide a large amount of iron is essential.Even in later generations, steel is also the most important material for manufacturing various weapons.

And Huaxia's ironmaking technology has always been in the leading position in the world, which is inseparable from the continuous research and progress of various generations of famous craftsmen since ancient times.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was possible to manufacture high-temperature iron-making furnaces with a temperature of more than 1000 degrees, so that iron could be melted, which was one of the keys to the technology of frying steel.

In addition, the continuous improvement of bellows technology can provide sufficient oxygen for high-temperature ironmaking furnaces. It is important to know that without sufficient oxygen supply, the temperature will never rise.

In addition, coal has replaced charcoal, and the advantage of using high-quality coal for ironmaking is that it can easily obtain high-temperature smelting effects.

Qin Ye and Pu Xiang came to the largest workshop, which is the core of the entire group of workshops, and all the people working here are members of the Pu family.The forging of steel is here, and the technology of steelmaking is a secret of the Pu family.

Qin Ye knew that although the technology of steel frying was advanced, the weapons made by Baisteel by hand were the best.However, it cannot be mass-produced. If the army needs to install steel weapons on a large scale, it must use the technology of frying steel.

With the arrival of Qin Ye, the Pu family here temporarily stopped working.

This young man is Qin Ye, General Zhengdong who is in charge of military supplies.

I didn't expect to be so young, she looked seventeen or eighteen years old.

People were very surprised by Qin Ye's youth. According to people's influence, the famous generals who are powerful in the world should be the kind of old people with long beards.

"General Qin, what do you think of my Pu family?" Pu Xiang picked up a hammer and knocked on the flaming iron block that had just come out of the oven, sparks flew everywhere.

"Based on the current productivity, it's still barely qualified." Qin Ye, as a traveler, is used to large-scale factories.Although the scale here is second to none, it is still too small in his eyes.

There are not many craftsmen who can make steel. Of course, he knows that this is because each family keeps the technology as a secret and does not want to pass it on to outsiders.It was like this in ancient times, and we can't forcefully open the technological blockade, otherwise we will only lose people's hearts.

"Barely qualified!" Pu Xiang slammed the hammer hard, if he said that his Pu family barely passed, there would be no qualified people in the world.

This young man is too arrogant!

"Then, General Qin, can you talk about the technology of frying steel?" Pu Xiang held back his anger, and everything will be clarified when asked.If he can't explain why, then Pu Xiang will definitely explode.

Qin Ye nodded solemnly and said: "Since that's the case, this general will pass on this profound skill to your Pu family."

For a moment, Pu Xiang's expression became serious.

The members of the Pu family were turbulent in their hearts.What?Fried steel technique.This young man has mastered the steel frying technique that my Pu family has not mastered?
Qin Ye walked up the turning ladder to the largest blast furnace, looked at the tumbling red molten iron inside, and pointed out: "Just add fine iron powder and fine carbon powder to oxidize the silicon, manganese, and carbon in it, and reduce the carbon content to [-]%. It is adjusted to the range of steel. It is a successful steel frying process."

Silicon, manganese?What is it?The craftsmen were full of question marks.

But they understand carbon and iron.

Pu Xiang looked even more serious, "My Pu family also used toner powder to adjust the carbon content, but I never thought of adding refined iron powder to the formula. Just trust you, come and get the refined iron powder."

To get the neutral.

The younger Pu Yuan couldn't help asking: "General, what are silicon and manganese?"

Qin Ye smiled slightly, "This is the name of the impurity components you mentioned."

The craftsmen couldn't hide their surprise. In the long history of thousands of years, the craftsmen only knew impurities.But this general actually knows silicon and manganese!It's amazing.

But Pu Xiang was more concerned about steelmaking technology, "Is it really that simple? Just add an extra refined iron powder?"

As the fine iron powder was fetched, Pu Queren refused to give up. After taking the carbon powder and iron powder, they weighed each of them.

He poured it into the iron furnace with his own hands.


The temperature in the iron furnace rose to a higher temperature, and the molten iron rolled with it, like magma boiling.

Pu Xiang took a closer look, and immediately became furious, "It didn't make steel!"

Zhang Liao, who came here following Qin Ye, was dissatisfied: "Master Pu, this hasn't cooled down at all, how do you know it's not steel?"

Pu Yuan on the side said: "With my uncle's 50-year eyesight, you can tell whether it is molten steel or molten iron without cooling it."

Pu Xiang said coldly: "General Qin, what do you say? It seems that you are just talking nonsense. You treat my Pu family like this, and if it spreads, it will damage your prestige."

In fact, Qin Ye had always been anxious, but he breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the flaw with his Supreme Dharma Eye.This Supreme Dharma Eye is really powerful. The previous discussion on fried steel is invisible, and no flaws can be seen.Now that it is tangible, the flaws can be seen.

The old god Qin Ye said: "The weight of this furnace of molten iron was too much added just now. You didn't ask me how much to add or subtract, so you added it with such confidence. You really deserve to be a famous craftsman."

Pu Xiang blushed suddenly, he had studied this technology for decades.As the most qualified master craftsman in the world, after hearing the new formula, he naturally added it based on his own ideas.Unexpectedly, it didn't work out.

"Also, your technique is not good, next time I will add it myself." Qin Ye pointed out.

"What, I can't do it?" Pu Xiang didn't know what to say.

The craftsmen were all dissatisfied. There are thousands of blacksmiths in the world, but none of them dared to say that about Pu Xiang.Pu Xiang's technique is recognized as the number one in the blacksmith world.

Pu Xiang held his breath and said, "Then, let's ask General Qin to add it."

"This furnace of molten iron has already been discarded by you, so replace it with the furnace next to it." Qin Ye walked down the spiral staircase after speaking.

Pu Xiang trembled all over. For many years, he has never broken even one or two irons.But when it came to Qin Ye, hundreds of catties were wasted in one go.

Pu Xiang was really unconvinced, especially since the other party was only a boy of seventeen or eighteen.In the Pu family, such a young man is still an apprentice.

 Thank you~ Brother Wu gave a reward of 3073 starting coins, brother Kumingwa gave a reward of [-] starting coins, brother Jiu, brother Jie, and book friend [-] brothers gave a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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