Chapter 138

After Oriental Pearl wiped mother Zhao's sweat off with a towel, she asked Zhao Hua to help her go out to bask in the sun to kill germs, and then she came out, saying that she would be completely cured after another acupuncture session at noon.

Mother Zhao was so happy that she couldn't say anything, she just kept crying.And Zhao's father and son also muttered and couldn't say anything, they turned around and boiled water to kill chickens, picked the best vegetables and fruits in the yard, came to greet Dongfang Mingzhu and Cheng Shaoqiang, and expressed their gratitude with actions.

Oriental Pearl couldn't refuse, so Cheng Shaoqiang had to go to Zhao Jin's room, and went to Zhao Hua's bed by himself, and fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes. When she woke up, it was already noon.

"Sister Mingzhu, are you awake? After getting up and washing up, you can eat!" Zhao Hua's voice revealed an unprecedented joy.

"Okay, I can already smell the aroma of food."

Oriental Pearl walked out of the door, and saw Cheng Shaoqiang squatting by the well to help fetch water and wash vegetables. He was really moved. He felt that although he was born in a wealthy family, he did not have the coquettishness and sense of superiority of the rich second generation, which is really rare. Maybe it has something to do with the education of the dead Wang Jun for so many years?

After Oriental Pearl washed, she walked over to see Mother Zhao who was basking in the sun in the yard, and found that she could stand freely. She was so happy that she didn't have time to eat first, so she took out a few long needles, and then I helped her with acupuncture once, and as soon as the needle was pulled out, Zhao's mother recovered completely, calling for miracles.

While eating, Yingzi appeared in front of everyone, leaned into Oriental Pearl's ear and told her that the Metaphysics Summit Forum would be opened earlier tonight, and asked her if she wanted to hurry back to watch it?
Oriental Pearl nodded, and after hastily grabbing a few mouthfuls of rice, she stood up excitedly, preparing to leave after Cheng Shaoqiang was full.

The Zhao family had no choice but to agree, and Oriental Pearl asked Zhao Hua to stay at home for a few days to take good care of her mother, saying that she would ask Cheng Zihao for leave on her behalf, and then headed towards Jitou Town with Yingzi and Cheng Shaoqiang.

As soon as the three of them stepped into Jitou Town, they saw many unusual faces from a distance. Maybe ordinary people like Cheng Shaoqiang couldn't feel them, but Dongfang Mingzhu and Yingzi were particularly sensitive to the breath of others, so who How about the magnetic field, the two of them can still sense it.

"Yingzi, the magnetic fields here are coming in waves one after another, coming from all directions, all mixed together, very messy and powerful."

"Little master, there must be many masters gathered here now."

"Yingzi, the Eastern Sect Master you mentioned is my grandfather, that old guy, will he come?"

"Your grandfather has always disdained these superficial things. Maybe he just sent a representative?" Yingzi never dared to speculate about the unpredictable old master Dongfangbuer, but she had to respond to the Oriental Pearl, so she had no choice but to do so. said.

"Yingzi, look quickly!" Dongfang Mingzhu suddenly pointed to two figures, one tall and one short, not far in front, "Are they Niubi Xuanzhen and his disciple Yuqing Taoist?"

Eiko nodded heavily.

"How about we follow up now and see what they want to do?"

After finishing speaking, Oriental Pearl blocked Cheng Shaoqiang in front of her, and walked towards Xuanzhen and Yuqing.

"Sister, why do I smell the smell of the mountain rain coming and the wind filling the building?" Cheng Shaoqiang said.

The Pearl of the Orient was sweating, thinking that even Xiaoqiang, a layman, could feel it, how heavy the next mountain rain would be!

(End of this chapter)

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