Chapter 494 A New Hope Emerges
The chilling atmosphere spread quickly in the living area, and everyone was waiting for the battle, looking ahead with piercing eyes.

On the screen, when the two ancient giant beasts were about to reach the living area, they suddenly turned their heads and walked to the left.

This operation stunned everyone.

When he came back to his senses, Qingfeng Li looked at the map, and his breathing became urgent.

"They seem to be heading towards the command post."

That was the home of Murong Wan'er and Lin Fan, Caiyun Village.

"Quick, everyone stop it, don't let it destroy the command post, protect the wife!"

"They cannot be allowed near the command post, which is the core of our Eastern Alliance."

"Once the command post is over, all human beings will be over. Everyone cheer up and fight hard!"

At first, no one expected that the other party would go directly to the command post.

A large number of military trucks, supersonic fighter jets, and even support helicopters were rushed to the battlefield by soldiers of the Eastern Alliance.

Some excited youths even rushed to the battlefield with daggers in their hands.

They all knew that Murong Wan'er was the most important figure in the Eastern Alliance.

They intended to stop the two ancient behemoths, and a large amount of firepower was concentrated on the two ancient behemoths.

When the firepower hit the scale armor, it was all drawn over, and new weapons such as bullets, new nuclear weapons, ultimate hunting crossbow bolts, etc., would not have any effect at all.

All the combat power has been exhausted several times, and a large number of brave warriors who charged sacrificed their lives, but it was difficult to stop the opponent's pace.

"Hahaha, look at these fools of the Eastern Alliance, can you resist the new equipment of our goddess Athena? I think you are simply wishful thinking!"

"After fighting for so long, the resources of fighting are almost exhausted, but even a little bit of skin has not been broken. I think you can go home and farm directly. What are you talking about saving human beings!"

"Kill Murong Wan'er, and bring peace to the world!"

The people of the Western Alliance can be said to be particularly excited, and finally see the dawn of hope.

This operation of the ancient behemoth is exactly to their liking, Murong Wan'er has always been the character they want to smash to the bone, so naturally they wish for her to die!

When the Eastern Alliance was in crisis, the firm heart was still there at that moment.

"You lackeys of the Western Alliance, the command post is still there, what kind of victory are you talking about? Our wife must have a way!"

"That's right, you idiots are simply asking for your own destruction and suffering. The outcome is uncertain, and everything is unknown!"

"I believe in my wife, we believe in my wife, we will definitely defeat the ancient giant beast, the evil force!"

The fierce war of words between the two parties became more and more intense, but the Eastern Alliance still fell into a slight disadvantage.

on the battlefield.

The soldiers have already died and injured over ten thousand, but they can't even break the opponent's skin.

Murong Wan'er looked at the system in front of her eyes, and a figure suddenly appeared in her mind, it was Lin Fan.

She tried hard to feel it, but she couldn't feel it.

Several soldiers of the wolf pack stood beside Murong Wan'er.

Except for them, all the wolf pack soldiers are already outside preparing to intercept the attack of the ancient giant beast.

It's just that the huge body is intimidating just by looking at it.

The wolves fought repeatedly, and the other fighters were not far behind.

Competing to be the first, advancing one after another, stabbing the ancient giant beast fiercely with the weapon in his hand.

But the powerful scales are like extremely dense metal, only shining and not being damaged.

The ancient behemoth roared.

All the surrounding soldiers covered their ears, but in the next second, they were kicked away.

The battle is getting more intense, and the battlefield is getting closer to the command post.

Everyone is anxiously commanding and supporting, but they still can't stop the advance of the ancient giant beast.

The indestructible body made all the soldiers have a trace of fear in their hearts.

On the battlefield, there were corpses all over the ground, and some soldiers were directly blown into dust in the air. The intense suicide attack of supersonic fighters could not cause damage to these ancient behemoths.

It is less than 500 meters away from Caiyun Village.

For the ancient behemoth, it took less than ten seconds.

Everyone's breathing became a little stagnant, they looked nervously, and their hearts were surging.

As long as you step on it and hit it violently, all the people in the command post will probably die!

Murong Wan'er is inside.

Several soldiers tried to persuade Murong Wan'er to leave, but she didn't move at all.

She knew that the command post contained the highest technology of mankind, and if they retreated, the whole family would be destroyed.

Is the human race really going to perish?

The scene of the "Battle of Private Money" program.

within the institute.

Murong Wan'er stared forward with both eyes, muttering to herself.

Everyone looked at Murong Wan'er, expecting a miracle to happen again.

She is the Eastern Alliance, the only hope for the entire human race!
Not only people from the Eastern Alliance, but Athena and Qiu Wentian were also very nervous.

Qiu Wentian was very nervous when the data from the instrument next to him fluctuated violently.

He remembered the last time he raided Murong Wan'er, he was afraid that there would be an accident.

After Murong Wan'er finished muttering, she looked forward with her eyes, and her pupils looked extremely deep.

in front of the big screen.

Qiu Wentian moved back and blurted out excitedly: "Impossible!"

It was a confident look, exactly the same as last time.

A strong sense of crisis surged up again, and he felt suffocated for a while. Athena next to him couldn't take his eyes off, excitedly wanting to watch the scene where Murong Wan'er was killed.

400 m.

300 m.

200 m.

Getting closer.

However, just as everyone on the show was in despair, the entire ground shook.

Countless luxury cars in the parking lot drove out automatically.

The audience looking at the big screen is very familiar with these luxury cars. These are all kinds of top luxury cars that appeared when they searched for private money before.

Now, they don't need human control, and they open spontaneously.

In the next second, all the luxury cars collapsed, and the parts were full of waste.

A large number of zero armors are quickly and automatically assembled, and all the top luxury cars are integrated into one body in a very short period of time!
A humanoid warrior synthesized from all the luxury car parts!

As high as dozens of meters, it blinded many people's eyes.

The veterans in the live broadcast room were stunned.

"What is that? Is that a mecha? This is really a mecha, this damn visual impact, this is too handsome!"

"What kind of mecha, this is a Transformer robot, which is assembled from luxury cars, my God, what kind of technology is this, this is my wife's trump card, once this trump card comes out, the ancient behemoth will be counted again What."

"Madam did not let us down. When we are in danger, there must be a way out. It seems that our hope has come. I see what those Western Alliance dog legs can say. Go ahead and kill them all! "

(End of this chapter)

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