Doctor entering the police gate

Chapter 1 Strange Monitoring

Chapter 1 Strange Monitoring
"Didn't you say that, don't let irrelevant personnel come in casually." Yan Junli looked at Wang Jianshe angrily.

"No, officer, listen to me! The murderer can't be anyone but Yang Wenbin. Yang Wenbin has plotted against my brother for a long time. They had a quarrel the day before my brother's accident. My brother scolded me because of his leg. He said a few words, and almost didn't move his hands. Today he killed my brother in a fit of anger!" Wang Jianshe was still yelling, he didn't know whether it was because of anger or sadness, his eyes were flushed.

Yan Junli got a headache, and quickly raised his hand to make a pause gesture.

"Okay, okay, I didn't say I wouldn't listen to you, but can you explain clearly? Start from the beginning. Who is Yang Wenbin? Who is your brother?"

It seems that Wang Jianshe's language skills are not very good. He stood there sweating profusely and talked for a long time, but Yan Junli didn't understand what he wanted to say.It was a young man standing by the side who spoke.

"Officer, Wang Jianshe is the younger brother of Dr. Wang Jianshu." The young man said, "The Yang Wenbin he mentioned is the chief surgeon who works in the same surgery as Dr. Wang Jianshu. Their offices are next door."

Yan Junli turned his eyes to the doctor named Yang Wenbin again. Yang Wenbin was standing not far from him, his eyes were looking this way, and he didn't know if he heard their conversation.Because Wang Jianshe had mentioned Yang Wenbin's legs before, Yan Junli paid more attention to it. It seemed that Yang Wenbin's legs were a little lame, but he stood stubbornly, without any intention of finding a place to sit down.

With the help of the young man, Yan Junli finally figured out what was going on.It turned out that this young intern named Gu Yan was the intern assistant of the deceased Dr. Wang.The doctor named Yang Wenbin, who was the same surgeon as the deceased, seemed to have some conflicts with the deceased, while the deceased's younger brother Wang Jianshe insisted that Yang Wenbin was the murderer of the deceased.

"You are Yang Wenbin?" Yan Junli turned around, this plain-looking doctor made him want to guess his age.Although he doesn't look old, but his expression is too calm, his expression is not like other people, very calm.

"I'm Yang Wenbin." The doctor nodded and met Yan Junli's eyes.

At that moment, Yan Junli had an illusion, he seemed to see something special in the eyes of this ordinary doctor who couldn't be more ordinary.

At this time, Li Hong, who had been inspecting the corpse, straightened up from the corpse and said to Yan Junli: "Captain Yan! The time of death was between two o'clock and four o'clock last night. The deceased died of a heart puncture. The wound was small, but very serious. Accurate, one-hit kill, death on the spot. The murder weapon should be a scalpel, a scalpel or something like that.”

"Who can get a scalpel or a scalpel in the hospital?" Yan Junli turned around and asked the doctors and nurses outside the room.

Gu Yan glanced at the people around, and said cautiously: "Uh... this, probably every doctor and nurse in the hospital can get it. It's not a rare item."

"What about people other than doctors and nurses?" Yan Junli asked, "For example, patients who come to see a doctor?"

"It's not very likely." A nurse shook her head. "The hospital is so big, and the floor structure is quite complicated. It's not easy to find a place to store medical equipment. In addition, there are security guards nearby, and I saw unrelated people breaking in." Will stop."

Yan Junli nodded clearly, and came to a conclusion: "Then, nine out of ten murderers are doctors or nurses in the hospital."

Immediately there was a commotion in the crowd, and everyone looked at each other with flickering expressions, for fear that the person next to them was the murderer.

"So," Yan Junli turned around, "who was the last person to see him last night?"

"At eight o'clock last night, all the people who were not on the night shift went home." A nurse said, "Dr. Wang was on the night shift in surgery last night, and his assistant Gu Yan. The doctor on duty in the internal medicine department was Wang. Build a doctor."

"And what about the other subjects?"

"There are only surgery and internal medicine on the first floor of the hospital, and other departments and surgery rooms are not on the first floor. If doctors from other departments come down to kill people, they must go through the elevator or stairs, and the uncle in the guard room will definitely notice." Yang Wenbin said in an interface. , "And after nine o'clock in the evening, for the sake of safety, the hospital requires an access card to go up and down the elevator. Even patients must be led by someone with an access card to go up and down. The record of the access card can be known, so the doctors of other departments The chances of coming downstairs and killing someone are slim."

"Then Dr. Yang, where were you in the early hours of last night?" Yan Junli cast his sharp eyes on Yang Wenbin.

"...Me, it wasn't my shift last night, so I slept at home."

"Can anyone prove it?"

"No." Yang Wenbin shook his head, "I live alone."

"What are you sleeping at home! You clearly took this opportunity to kill my brother to avenge yourself!" Wang Jianshe yelled, pointing his index finger at Yang Wenbin, "You don't have an alibi at all!"

"Wang Jianshe, what about you?" Yan Junli frowned.

"Huh? What am I?"

"Where's your alibi?"

"I...Of course I have been writing work reports in the office, and I have never left the house!"

Yan Junli laughed: "You haven't even stepped out of the house, isn't there no one who can provide your alibi?"

"This this……"

"Then what about you?" Yan Junli turned his head to his assistant Gu Yan and asked, "What were you doing last night?"

"I... I should have been sorting out the data in the database by myself at the time." Gu Yan lowered his head and thought, "Ah, yes, I came out to pour a cup of coffee at 02:30, and the nurse Zhang at the front desk should have seen me gone."

Nurse Zhang at the side immediately thought of it, nodded and said, "Yes, I remember, I saw him come out of the reference room at exactly 02:30, and he complained to me that he was too tired to sort out the materials. I asked him to ask Dr. Wang for a bonus after finishing the arrangement. Alas, I didn't expect Dr. Wang to..."

Yan Junli nodded, glanced at the few people in front of him, frowned, and finally set his eyes on Yang Wenbin.But before he could say anything, a voice interrupted him.

"Captain Yan! Come here!"

It was Shi Lize who he had just sent to investigate the surveillance video.

"what happened?"

"It's not good...that, that surveillance video, it's really weird, you have to come and take a look!" Shi Lize's face was flushed, as if he wanted to explain but couldn't explain clearly.Yan Junli had no choice but to leave Wang Jianshu's office and followed Shi Lize out.

The surveillance video showed Dr. Wang's office. The time was before the incident. Dr. Wang was flipping through the documents under the camera and drinking tea. This action lasted for about 5 minutes.Afterwards, Dr. Wang stood up and walked out the door, looking as if he was going to relieve himself.Then the screen turned into an empty office. This scene lasted for a long time, about 20 minutes, so the staff simply pressed fast forward.

"Are there no surveillance cameras in the corridor outside the office?" Yan Junli interjected.

"It was originally there, but it was broken last month, so no one took care of it." The staff replied.

"Captain Yan, take a quick look, you're about to get to the point!" Shi Lize urged, so Yan Junli's gaze returned to the surveillance video.

After more than 20 minutes of blanking, Dr. Wang in a white coat returned to the screen, sat down, and began to flip through the book.Just when Yan Junli was beginning to feel impatient, there was a sudden snowflake on the screen, and then it became pitch black.

"What's going on here? Did the murderer do it?"

"No, it's just that the monitoring system is aging, and occasionally there will be a short circuit, and it usually only takes a few seconds to be fine, but..." The staff seemed a little embarrassed, didn't say anything, just pointed to the screen.

The time was indeed very short, the screen was black for less than ten seconds, and the screen became clear again.But the picture presented on the screen shocked everyone.

On the screen, Dr. Wang's face was already stiff, and he died lifelessly on the chair, with blood oozing from his chest.

"This... this, how is this possible?" Yan Junli stood up all of a sudden, "In less than ten seconds, the murderer came and went without a trace and killed Dr. Wang? And how could the murderer expect that?" The exact time of the short circuit, and then come to the office to kill people? He is a god!"

(End of this chapter)

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