Doctor entering the police gate

Chapter 11 The Truth Comes Out

Chapter 11 The Truth Comes Out

Yang Wenbin nodded and smiled: "That's right, but in fact, Gu Yan didn't come out of the data room at all, he came out of the operating room! He was sweating profusely when he saw you, and naturally it wasn't because he was sorting out the materials What came out was caused by the extreme tension and excitement after killing people!"

"Please wait a moment!" Gu Yan shouted, "Yang Wenbin, what you say is unfounded, it's just a guess! I did sort out the information in the database that night, if you don't believe me, you can check it! If I remember correctly, I You sorted out the part before sorting out yourself, so you should be very clear about whether the data in the back have been sorted out!"

"You don't have to worry about this, I've checked it out a long time ago." Yang Wenbin replied in a deep voice, "The information has indeed been sorted out neatly. But you didn't sort it out yourself at all!"

Gu Yan stammered: "What, what, why do you say that!"

"Captain Yan reminded me of this point." Yang Wenbin glanced at Yan Junli, who was standing aside, and said, "There are no hard and fast rules on how to sort out the materials in our hospital. Individuals have their own habits. But the materials from the data room C onwards, Most of them are sorted according to the progress of the operation and the degree of injury and disease. Captain Yan is an outsider, so he said that if he sorts it out, it must be done in chronological order. This reminds me that you are just a college graduate Assistant, how could it be possible to organize the information so meticulously and in such a detailed way? On the contrary, if Wang Jianshu is replaced by a serious and careful workman, it is very likely to do so."

Gu Yan was speechless for a moment, and after a while, he dared to ask: "Then even if what you said is correct, at most it can only mean that my alibi is not valid. How can you say that I am the murderer!"

"Motive." Yan Junli, who had been standing against the wall for a long time, suddenly spoke up, "Because your motive is too special, and because of this motive, the murderer must be you."

"What? Ridiculous!"

"It's not absurd at all." Yang Wenbin said, "Your hair is used to applying hairspray every day so that it can be combed neatly. And lipstick, you put transparent lipstick on your lips every day, and you also pay too much attention to clothing. If I guessed correctly, Gu Yan, are you gay?"

"Well, even if it is...then..."

"Your feelings for Wang Jianshu are too deep. You have only come to the hospital for an internship for four months. How could it be possible that just friendship and the relationship between teachers and students will make you so heartbroken and cry bitterly? Among all human emotions, only love can drive a person crazy." Yang Wenbin closed his eyes, as if unwilling to reveal the fact, "But as far as I know, Wang Jianshu is an extremely homophobic and anti-homophobe. .”

"What! Gu Yan! You kid has been treating my brother—!" Wang Jianshe was furious after hearing this, as if he was about to pounce on him and tear him apart in the next second, "Disgusting! Gay! You—"

"Wang Jianshe!" Yan Junli shouted loudly, which made him calm down.

At this time, Gu Yan was already gasping for breath, as if being strangled by an invisible hand.

"If I'm not wrong." Yang Wenbin paused for a while, then continued, "You can't hold back your admiration. After confessing your love to Wang Jianshu, your relationship has been very stalemate and bad. And this kind of relationship The final rupture must have been when you were the assistant to assist him in the last operation. Because Dr. Wang, who has always been serious and careful, would actually cut his finger with a scalpel. Maybe you still don’t give up and harass Wang Jianshu during the operation; maybe It was because you had a quarrel during the operation, which distracted Wang Jianshu. But in short, his vicious verbal attacks finally broke your bottom line. Later, you saw the right time and killed Wang Jianshu in the operating room."

"Operating room?" Zhang Ying interjected, "Then the first crime scene is the operating room?"

Yang Wenbin nodded: "It was when he came out of the operating room profusely that you mistook him for coming out of the reference room. I investigated the operating room for a long time and found it at the foot of the operating table. There is a drop of blood that has turned dark red. No matter how much surgery is done, the blood will never drip in that kind of place. Wang Jianshu's blood."

"Even...even so, Yang Wenbin, tell me! How on earth did I manage to kill Wang Jianshu within ten seconds of the power outage, arrange the corpse, and then disappear into the office?!" Gu Yan shouted.

Yang Wenbin smiled slightly: "That's right, I have been thinking hard about this riddle for a long time, but I haven't figured it out yet. But the answer to the riddle couldn't be simpler. It's like magic. It seems mysterious, but it's just a trick. "

Wang Jianshe said impatiently: "Don't be a fucking fool, can you? Tell me what's going on!"

"Have you ever seen the magic that transforms people into living beings? The people who were originally on the stage, under the trick of the magician, miraculously came behind all the audience. But the answer to this magic is actually very simple. The people on the stage and the people in the auditorium are not the same person at all." Yang Wenbin smiled, "The mystery of surveillance is nothing more than that. Please think about it, in the hospital, all the doctors are wearing white coats, so There is no difference between Wang Jianshu's white coat and Gu Yan's white coat, and notice that the hairstyles of the two are also very similar."

Zhang Ying said "ah", and said with a trembling voice: "You, you mean..."

"I don't know if you still remember that Wang Jianshu, who appeared on the monitoring screen at the beginning, read a book for a while, drank tea for a while, and then went out. He went for 10 minutes before returning to continue reading. No Wrong, the person sitting in the office wearing a white coat who came back 10 minutes later is no longer Dr. Wang Jianshu, but Gu Yan who has already killed Wang Jianshu and dumped his body in the operating room." Yang Wenbin looked at the trembling doctor Gu Yan continued, "It was midnight at that time, and the only people on duty in the surgery room were him and Wang Jianshu. If people from the internal medicine department or upstairs came down, he would definitely hear the sound, so he could carry out the plan boldly. Although the exact time of the sunspot’s activity cannot be measured, it is possible to predict the approximate time. Therefore, after the murder, Gu Yan deliberately ran back to Wang Jianshu’s office, flipped through the book and drank tea under the surveillance camera, making us mistakenly think that Dr. Wang Jianshu was still alive Then, when the aging circuit short-circuited, Gu Yan rushed out, carried the corpse from the operating room, and pretended to be an inconceivable ghost killing people. Because the time was less than ten seconds, he was in a hurry, and in the dark Overturned the coffee cups and other sundries on the table, and completed this exquisite murder case!"

There was a long silence in the room, and when everyone seemed to be immersed in this incredible criminal technique, Gu Yan almost broke down and shouted.

"No, no, it's not me! I didn't kill anyone! You have no proof! You say I'm in love with Dr. Wang, but you have no proof! I don't love him at all! I don't love him!"

Yang Wenbin lowered his eyes, limped towards Gu Yan, put a hand over his shoulder, and flipped through the photos that had been locked on the table before.

That is the photo of Dr. Wang Jianshu.

"That's the best evidence."

(End of this chapter)

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