Doctor entering the police gate

Chapter 33 The first victim

Chapter 33 The Third Victim

"He forensic doctor?" Yang Wenbin asked in surprise, "How could she..."

"Actually, I'm not sure if it's really her, but forensic doctor He has been working here for at least 20 years. Sometimes she will tell us about the corpses she has dissected and the cases she has handled." Yan Junli She kept her eyes on the road, but there were no vehicles passing by in the dead of night, let alone taxis. "I once heard her tell a case 20 years ago, where a woman whose face was disfigured by acid was abandoned on an unknown mountain. I just remember her saying that the body was one of the most horrifying corpses she had ever seen. I never took that story seriously until you just said that. Then I thought she happened to be in this case I was on maternity leave with me, and none of us had ever heard of her being pregnant before that."

"You mean—"

"Yes, maybe she knew what was going to happen a long time ago, maybe Liu Yang or the man behind the scenes warned her before, and then she wanted to hide." Yan Junli spoke faster and faster, "That's why she is The last one was killed, because she was prepared, so she was the hardest to kill. But now Liu Yang has been exposed, not only exposed but also attacked you, which means they have been cornered, Liu Yang must He will kill Forensic Doctor He soon, if we rush there now, maybe there is still time!"

As soon as Yan Junli's voice fell, a taxi came from a distance, but there were other passengers in the taxi, and there was no intention of stopping at all.

"Stop!" Yan Junli trotted for two steps, took out his police badge and almost stuck it on the front window, his fierce look startled the driver and passengers, "The police are on duty, get out of the car!"

The passengers who were forcibly pulled off by Yan Junli were cursing on the side of the road, while the taxi driver was still in shock and asked tremblingly,
"Uh...where are you going?"

"No. x, building x, Jinghong Community." Yan Junli quickly reported a string of addresses, "Quick!"

"...How fast?" The driver was obviously still blindfolded.

"You can drive as fast as you can!" Yan Junli roared.

When the taxi stopped downstairs at the designated place, it almost took a drift to stop, but at this moment there was a heart-piercing scream from upstairs, and the two quickly jumped out of the car and rushed to unit door.

"Get out of the way!" Yan Junli took a few steps back, then slammed his shoulder against the iron door, and after repeated several times, the door finally opened.

"The third floor!" Yan Junli told Yang Wenbin loudly, and quickly took out his pistol and rushed upstairs.

The door on the third floor was wide open, and it seemed that someone had forced their way in.The female voice continued to scream, and the voice sounded very painful.When Yan Junli and Yang Wenbin rushed into the room, the first scene they saw was a woman covering her face with her hands, screaming in pain and rolling on the ground. The air was full of the smell of sulfuric acid corroding the skin.And Liu Yang held the dagger that attacked Yang Wenbin, and looked at the assailant with a ferocious expression.

"Put down your weapon! Or I will shoot!" Yan Junli shouted.

However, Liu Yang acted as if he hadn't heard it, and was not afraid of the gun in Yan Junli's hand at all, and rushed towards Yan Junli with a knife.Yan Junli first shot and wounded Liu Yang's arm holding the knife, but Liu Yang still didn't give up, and with a loud roar, he rushed at Yan Junli again. This time, Yan Junli didn't show mercy, and shot him directly in the heart.Liu Yang fell into a pool of blood, only twitched twice, and died.

Yang Wenbin was still staring at the fallen body of Liu Yang in a daze, unable to react from the sudden death.Yan Junli had already put away his gun and shouted at Yang Wenbin,
"What are you still doing in a daze! Call an ambulance, hurry up!"

Forensic He, who was doused with acid, was rushed to the emergency room, during which time she never regained any clear consciousness.Yan Junli immediately notified the criminal investigation team and the forensic department to come to the scene, and he and Yang Wenbin followed the ambulance to the hospital to wait for news from He Forensic Doctor.

"Will she be okay?" Yang Wenbin asked in a low voice.

"I hope it will." Yan Junli became very haggard, he sighed deeply, inserted his five fingers into his hair and pulled, trying to lift his spirits, but it didn't seem to be very successful, "Otherwise I will never forgive myself in my life."

"You..." Yang Wenbin looked at Yan Junli's profile, and said hesitantly, "And you just killed Liu Yang."

"Yes, it happens from time to time." Yan Junli smirked self-deprecatingly, and turned his head away, "But it's the first time for you, right?"

"What? Dead people?" Yang Wenbin said, "No, I've seen a lot of corpses."

"Seeing a dead body is a completely different feeling from seeing a living person die in front of you." Yan Junli interrupted Yang Wenbin, with an inexplicable emotion in his eyes, "especially when this person died in front of you." In your hand. The first time I shot someone, it was not long after I became a police officer, the gun went off, the person died, and then I vomited on the ground."

"Like in the TV series?" Yang Wenbin asked.

Yan Junli laughed, "It's just like in the TV series. That person really deserves to die. He was a young girl with a gun. He wanted to attack me, and then I shot his head off. The feeling of killing is very It's weird, whether that person is guilty or not, you get the feeling that you did something you shouldn't, that you shouldn't have the right to approve another person's life. But the weirdest thing is the fact that you have The right. You're taking another human's life, but it's allowed under the circumstances, it's almost like cannibalism."

Yang Wenbin was silent, did not respond to Yan Junli, his eyes just stared at a black dirt in the hospital corridor.

"Sorry, haha..." Yan Junli suddenly realized that he seemed to have said something wrong, and scratched the back of his head haha, "I shouldn't have mentioned this at this time, don't mind it, just treat it as me talking nonsense -"

"No." Yang Wenbin interrupted him suddenly, and said in a very soft voice, "I also feel that way."

"What?" Yan Junli was taken aback.

"As you said... what qualifications do we have to judge these people?" Yang Wenbin closed his eyes, trying not to recall the scene of Liu Yang being killed by Yan Junli, but the trembling of his palms exposed His feelings, "You are right, the feeling of a dead body is completely different from that of a person dying in front of me. I think I was still thinking about all this until I saw He Fayi was disfigured by sulfuric acid and Liu Yang died in front of me. Seen as a puzzle game, this is really... so wrong. It wasn't until I saw all this with my own eyes that I suddenly felt that everything I did was so ridiculous. No matter how much I reasoned and analyzed the cases, people To die is to die, life is wiped out, and nothing can be redeemed. Are we really qualified to judge these people, even murderers? Are these things we are doing... really meaningful?"

(End of this chapter)

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