Chapter 47 Cafe

It was past ten o'clock in the evening when Yang Wenbin left the police station.There were not many people deserted on the street, only a round moon hung incompletely in the sky.

Yang Wenbin shrank his neck, feeling that the cold wind of the winter night was a bit biting.

After all, he still didn't tell Yan Junli and Li Hong about the "inner ghost".He knew very well that the reason why the murderer passed the note to him in this way was to avoid other people's eyes and ears, and to ensure that the information was only passed on to him alone.It's not that he really doesn't trust Yan Junli and Li Hong, it's just that he can't take the risk until he understands the correct meaning of "inner ghost" and the murderer's purpose.

But having said that, the murderer's modus operandi was indeed very shrewd, careful and cautious, leaving almost no traces.Yang Wenbin knew that this time they encountered a very difficult opponent.

Could it be that person?Once the appearance of that person emerged in his mind, Yang Wenbin became excited from head to toe.Could it be Xia Baiyan?
"It's so cold, this weather." Just when Yang Wenbin was thinking about the case, he suddenly heard a voice from the side.Yang Wenbin turned his head and found that the person who spoke to him was the witness policeman who was said to be sitting opposite Li Hong and Wu Lei tonight.Yang Wenbin slowed down and walked side by side with the policeman.

"Yeah, it's the beginning of winter two days ago, it's time to change the sweater." Yang Wenbin followed his words, "Why did you get off work so late? I think the other policemen have almost left."

The policeman smiled and said, "I can't help it. Who told me to be an eyewitness? There are always some troublesome things like procedures. Where's Dr. Yang?"

"Which time have I been called to the police station for work? Look at the dead body, investigate the case, it's too late to do these things."

"Well, it's really not easy for Dr. Yang." The policeman asked with a smile, "Has anything been found out of the corpse?"

"What?" Obviously did not expect to be asked such a question, Yang Wenbin was taken aback.

"While examining the corpse, Dr. Yang didn't happen to find a small note in the corpse's mouth, did he?" the policeman still asked with a smile.

Yang Wenbin's scalp exploded, and he stopped immediately: "What...what are you doing! You are not a policeman, who are you!"

"Oh, don't be nervous, Doctor Yang, you don't know me?" The "policeman" suddenly changed into a woman's voice, and then he stretched out his hand and tore off a translucent sheet along the hairline. The human skin mask reveals the true face under the mask.

Yang Wenbin was taken aback, the face under the mask, who else could that woman be if not Poppy?
"You—you killed Wu Lei?"

"Doctor Yang, don't get excited." Poppy smiled and straightened her hair, took out a small mirror and put on lipstick on herself, with an unhurried posture, "Let's find a place to sit down and have a good rest." How about a chat?"

Yang Wenbin is now sitting in an inconspicuous coffee shop on the corner of the street, facing Poppy, the atmosphere in the whole space makes Yang Wenbin very restless.Apart from them, there were no other customers in the store. There was only one waiter leaning behind the counter and wiping the glass with very unfriendly eyes. It seemed that he was also from Poppy's side.

It seems that he is unable to fly.

"Doctor Yang, don't be nervous." Poppy took off her police uniform jacket and gently put it on the back of the chair.The slender fingers picked up the coffee pot, and the coffee fell into the ceramic cup in a beautiful parabola.Poppy smiled charmingly as she pushed the cup of coffee over.

"Do I look so scary? Here, try it, the coffee here is very fragrant."

Yang Wenbin raised his head and met Poppy's smiling eyes, as if she was just an ordinary girl dating her boyfriend, not a murderer who disguised herself as a policeman after a perfect murder.

"You don't look scary, but what you did is too scary." Yang Wenbin said expressionlessly, picked up the cup of coffee and didn't drink it, just staring at his own face reflected on the water.

"Put it down, there is absolutely no poison in the coffee." Poppy picked up her coffee and blew gracefully, then took another sip, "Even if I say that the murderer is not me, you won't believe me. But I swear, the purpose of my disguise is just to convey information to you."

Yang Wenbin snorted coldly: "Then you should be glad that the policeman named Wu Lei took Xiaohong's bread, because if you really killed Li Hong, I wouldn't care about information or not, I would Just kill you, Poppy."

"It's really flattering. Doctor Yang, who can't even hold a gun, threatened to kill me." Poppy pursed her lips and smiled.

"You!" Yang Wenbin heard the sarcasm in Poppy's tone, and stood up as soon as he slapped the table.

"Okay, okay, Doctor Yang, don't get me wrong, I'm not your enemy, so sit down and have a cup of coffee." Poppy waved her hand and motioned Yang Wenbin to sit down, "Don't you think I left a message for you?" Are you not interested in the information at all?"

Yang Wenbin had no choice but to sit down when his own thoughts were revealed, "Say it."

"I leave a message to you in this way, just to see if you think the same as I think, and also doubt the people around you. Sure enough, as I thought, you didn't tell Yan Junli or Li Hong about the message you received. .”

"Don't think of me like you." Yang Wenbin interrupted coldly, "I don't tell them just because I can't involve them in possible risks without knowing it."

"You can say whatever you want, anyway, a man like you likes to find steps for himself." Poppy was not angry, but took another sip of coffee, "But you can't deny that, at least the inner ghost On one point, you agree with me, right?"

This time Yang Wenbin was silent and did not speak.

"Even if Shi Lize used to be a policeman, he was a film policeman who could be fired by anyone. How could he have the ability to obtain such a secret list? The few drug dealers who died of carbon monoxide poisoning were all key members of the skeleton's subordinates, and their identities were different. It is hidden very deeply, and only a few people know his identity. No matter who he is, he can't be discovered by a character like him casually. Not to mention sneaking into the police station, killing Wu Lei with unbelievable methods and killing him all over his body. Back off." Seeing Yang Wenbin's surprised eyes, Poppy waved her hands indifferently, "Yes, believe it or not, I did not kill Wu Lei. I just sneaked into the police station to investigate clues, and passed the corpse to you by the way. It’s just a word, I don’t know who the real murderer is.”

Yang Wenbin narrowed his eyes, looked at the woman from top to bottom, and said after a long while: "Okay, even if I believe you. But you are a skeleton, why do you ask me to fight against the enemy with you?"

The woman smiled: "Am I a skeleton person, or in this situation, is the position still so important? Dr. Yang, you only need to know two things. First, we have the same doubts, that is There are ghosts around us. Second, if you get up and walk out of this coffee shop now, you will be shot and killed by the sniper on the roof opposite."

Yang Wenbin sneered, "Coercion and lure?"

"Don't speak so harshly." Poppy picked up the coffee pot and filled Yang Wenbin's cup. "At a time like this, the enemy's enemy is my friend. We should be more united."

Yang Wenbin took a deep breath and asked, "Okay, but let me ask a question first. Why me?"

"Because you have a special charm." Poppy smiled slightly, "Your eyes are not like other people, they are very clean. People with such eyes cannot be a ghost. Who knows, just treat it as a woman." intuition."

"Okay." Yang Wenbin put his arms on the table, clasped his hands to support his chin, and looked at Poppy seriously, "What do you think about the inner ghost?"

"I already have a hypothetical object in my heart, and I have the basis for suspicion." Poppy said, "But before I say it, I still want to hear Dr. Yang's opinion. My instinct tells me, You must also have such a role in your heart."

"..." Yang Wenbin hesitated, "Yes, there is one, but..."

"Don't worry, it's very safe here. There are absolutely no monitors or cameras. If you are worried, you can search it yourself." Poppy pouted at the counter, "The little brother over there is also very strict, no matter what you say Nothing will be said. If you are really worried, I can kill him after our conversation is over."

The little brother behind the counter shook his hand and almost dropped the cup on the ground.

Yang Wenbin looked at the boy at the counter and shook his head: "No, it's not necessary. Anyway, it's just a guess, so it's okay to tell you, I don't have any evidence..."

Poppy nodded, encouraging him to continue.

Yang Wenbin took a deep breath and said slowly, "I doubt... Yan Junli."

At this moment, a smile finally appeared on Poppy's face, and she leaned on the back of the chair: "It seems that we want to go together. The team leader Yan Junli really failed, and he was met by the most trusted person. suspicion."

"Don't get me wrong." Yang Wenbin said coldly, "My suspicion is only based on his recent suspicious actions, and there is no evidence at all. If possible, I will find all evidence that can prove his innocence, because I think he He must have his own reasons, and I still believe in him.”

"You're looking for evidence, right?" Poppy took out a piece of paper from her satchel and pushed it over the dining table without haste. "It's just that you have doubts. I have evidence here."

"Evidence?" Yang Wenbin asked in surprise, "How is it possible, what can you have—"

"Oh, doctor, don't rush to deny it." Poppy pouted, "You should take a look at what's on this list first."

(End of this chapter)

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