Doctor entering the police gate

Chapter 50 Two-way Acting

Chapter 50 Two-way Acting
Yan Junli spent a few days investigating and inquiring from the ground, and soon after hearing about the "free drug tasting" among the gangsters, Yan Junli immediately thought that this might be a trick of the skeleton, and then he spent some money. After buying the gangsters, he and Li Hong became people on the "drug tasting list" as a matter of course.

"What are you doing here? You're definitely not here to taste poison." Yang Wenbin replied indifferently, "If not, please go back and forth wherever you came from."

"You!" Yan Junli, who originally wanted to rescue Yang Wenbin, was so angry that he almost lost his breath when he heard Yang Wenbin answer him like this, "Yang Wenbin! What are you trying to do! Did you come to this place? I No matter what kind of fanatic you are, come back with me right now!"

Yan Junli's voice was so loud that even the "bodyguards" who were far away at first heard the movement here, looked at each other, and walked over here.But when they just walked behind Yang Wenbin, Yang Wenbin immediately raised his hand to stop them, signaling that he could solve it.

"Yan Junli, you are so embarrassed to say such things to me." Yang Wenbin sneered, and said, "Obviously you are the black policeman on the list, the traitor who turned against Shi Lize, and now you have the face to accuse Me? I am now helping the skeleton to do research on the lethality of high-purity drugs to the human body. Once this research is completed, it will fundamentally block Shi Lize's sales channels to high-ranking officials and dignitaries, which is better than what you, a traitor, are doing now. something much more meaningful."

"How could you—how could you believe the one-sided words of that villain of the skeleton!" Now Yan Junli was really furious, "You actually listened to the nonsense of that kind of person and didn't believe me! Yang Wenbin! You really have a brain! Did it enter the water!"

"I gave you a chance to explain, but you didn't explain it to me." Yang Wenbin's eyes were burning, "Then since you missed this opportunity, don't blame me for making my own choice! I told you, where did you come from? Hurry up and go back there."

After finishing speaking, Yang Wenbin turned around, turned his back to Yan Junli, waved his hands, and motioned for the bodyguards to drive away.

Yan Junli stared, obviously still unable to accept the fact that Yang Wenbin really drove him away mercilessly.

"Yang Wenbin! You have taken the wrong medicine! Don't you know me yet? It's impossible for me to be the ghost—" But before Yan Junli finished speaking, several big men in black rushed forward, They escorted Yan Junli and Li Hong to the elevator and drove them out.

After the elevator door closed, Yang Wenbin sat down on the chair as if he had collapsed, and let out a long breath of relief.But before he could recover, he heard Poppy's soft voice coming from behind him.

"I didn't expect Dr. Yang, you have the potential to be the boss of the underworld."

Yang Wenbin's body tightened, and when he turned around, Poppy was wearing a slim long sweater and a small black coat, with a charming look, she was leaning on the back of his seat and looking at him at some point.

Yang Wenbin forced a smile: "Ha, I don't want to think about it while your boss is still alive. Okay, I wasted time just now, let's continue working."

"How could he say that! How could he think like that! Could it be that everything we experienced together has turned into shit! He actually listened to the nonsense of a villain like a skeleton! He actually thought that I was—"

After coming out of Huahong Company, Yan Junli's eyes were red with anger, like a hungry leopard, wanting to bite whoever it catches.Almost all of Li Hong rushed forward and dragged Yan Junli to prevent his kind and respectable Captain Yan from going to the vegetable market next door to bring back the machete.

"Captain, captain, calm down! Calm down, calm down!"

"How do you tell me to calm down! Yang Wenbin is such a bastard, he dared to talk to me like that, I—"

"Oh, Captain Yan! You are so angry that you can't even turn your head!" Li Hongsheng was afraid that Yan Junli would do something impulsively, so he went up and pulled Yan Junli's arms to his side, "Calm down, Think about it, that's Dr. Yang, Dr. Yang is not an ordinary person, how could he doubt you so casually?"

Yan Junli took a few deep breaths, then turned to look at Li Hong: "What do you mean?"

"I think so." Li Hong said seriously, "If Dr. Yang really just wanted to drive you away, why did he tell us so much information?"

"Wait, information?" Yan Junli realized that he was really dizzy, calmed down and thought about it, and found that he couldn't remember what Yang Wenbin said, "What information?"

"Didn't Dr. Yang say that? He said that he was helping the skeleton to 'do research on the lethality of high-purity drugs to the human body' and that 'once this research is completed, it will fundamentally block Shi Lize's sales channels to high-ranking officials and dignitaries." '." Li Hong reminded.

"So he wants to tell us that he wants to participate in this plan and go undercover to find out about Shi Lize at the skeleton?" Yan Junli's IQ finally started to come back.

"That's right. And Team Yan, when you were underground just now, you went up in a huff. You must have not seen those bodyguards ambushing in every corner. In my opinion, Dr. Yang may have been forced to Do things for the skeleton. I don't believe that the reason why the skeleton sent so many people around Dr. Yang is to protect him. I'm afraid protection is a cover, and surveillance is the real thing." Li Hong continued, "If this is really the case Well, what Dr. Yang did just now saved our lives. If he came forward to express his attitude towards us, those men in black would not make things difficult for us. What will happen?"

"So..." Yan Junli calmed down while calming his breath and mood, and said after a long time, "So Yang Wenbin didn't suspect that I was an inner ghost at all. On the one hand, it is to protect us, on the other hand, it is to penetrate into the skeleton, and investigate from the opposite position to ours?"

"That's right!" Li Hong clapped his hands twice, and said happily, "Captain Yan, your IQ has finally returned. I thought you were going to be an idiot forever."

Yan Junli slapped Li Hong on the back of the head unceremoniously: "Little devil, if you give you some sunshine, you won't know your last name, will you?"

Li Hong accepted the slap with a smile.

"No, but this is even more unacceptable." Yan Junli frowned, "Yang Wenbin is a weak doctor, not to mention his legs and feet, and he never holds a weapon. It is too dangerous for him to go undercover, and he is a cunning old man like Skeleton. Slippery, it's too dangerous. I still have to stop him!" Yan Junli raised his foot and wanted to go back.

"Hey, hey, Captain, don't go." Seeing this, Li Hong quickly grabbed Yan Junli's arm and pulled him back, "Dr. It's all ruined."

"But..." Yan Junli still had a hesitant expression on his face.

Li Hong put his index finger to his lips, made a silent gesture, and said: "At this time, we should 'shh—'. Since Dr. Yang started, we have to play this scene well Bar?"

With a crisp sound of "crack", Yan Junli's water glass fell to the ground in the office of the criminal investigation department and fell to pieces.

"Zhang Hao! I asked you to hand in the report the day before yesterday, and you report it!"

The criminal policeman named Zhang Hao trembled, his voice trembling: "It's still one page away..."

"Trash! Liu Minbo! Are you the one cleaning up today? What's with the dead leaves and shredded paper on the ground!"

"I... I, scan it again!"

"Wang Jian!"

Wang Jian shuddered and replied loudly, "Yes!"

"Why don't you get rid of those pockmarks on your face? Do you know that every day I see the pockmarks on your face, I get upset!"

"Ah?" Wang Jian was stunned when he heard this, and he didn't react for a while.

"Did you hear that!" Yan Junli slapped the table, his aura comparable to that of a gangster in a Hong Kong movie.

"Yes! I'll go and make the mole tomorrow!!" Wang Jian replied loudly in fright.

"You guys! Sit down and work hard! When I come back, if I find anyone who is not working hard, I will pour a bottle of chili sauce into all the holes in his body!" Yan Junli finally said angrily After leaving such a sentence, he strode out of the office, leaving behind a group of policemen, all of whom covered their buttocks in unison.

"Hey, don't cover it." Li Hong kindly reminded Wang Jian who was sitting next to him, "Maybe it was poured from the nose."

Wang Jian had no choice but to put his hands down, and looked at Li Hong with a face full of tears: "Xiao Hong, I have been pockmarked for 30 years, why is Captain Yan not pleasing to the eye today?"

"The captain is so angry these two days, like a cannon." Li Hong waved his hands disapprovingly, and then found that all the colleagues around him were looking at him with curious expressions, so he said with a surprised expression, "Hey, Don't you all know?"

The policemen shook their heads in bewilderment.

Li Hong first looked left and right, up and down, and after confirming that Yan Junli had gone far away, he waved to his colleagues, and a crowd of policemen "hula" surrounded them, listening to Li Hong's gossip about the captain.

"That's who." Li Hongshen said mysteriously, lowering his voice very low, "Didn't Yang Wenbin, Doctor Yang, get very close to our captain? In fact, his relationship with our captain is a bit I don’t know why, think about it, the captain is 30 years old, and he has never found a girlfriend, right?”

The policemen nodded nervously, and someone asked, "And then? So what?"

(End of this chapter)

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