Chapter 65 The Eve
Zhu Zhixin was silent for a while, then stopped stroking the cat and said, "Me? At that time Zhu Bairong was missing, of course I was looking for her all over the boat. Are there any witnesses? Of course not! Yes, because I was Really care about Bai Rong, instead of just wanting her inheritance like these two hypocritical people!"

Zhu Zhixin's outburst made everyone look this way, Yang Wenbin looked at him in surprise: "Inheritance?"

"Zhu Zhixin! What are you talking about!" Mao Yingqin almost screamed to stop Zhu Zhixin from continuing, but the latter continued very firmly.

"What is there to hide now! We all know that the old man has always had a mysterious property, and he has been guarding it so that no one will touch it. After he came back, he suffered a serious illness and gave it to Bai Rong before he died. Therefore, both Zhu Haoran and his wife suspected that there were some clues related to the inheritance on the necklace, so they desperately wanted to get the necklace! They don't care about curses or not, and they don't care about Bai Rong at all, they only care about Can the inheritance be in my own hands!"

Zhu Haoran's face flushed red with anger, and he stood up abruptly: "Nonsense! You spout blood!" As he said that, he rushed towards Zhu Zhixin, and he was about to punch him.

Yan Junli hurried forward, and restrained Zhu Haoran in two or three strokes.Yang Wenbin held back Zhu Zhixin, whose eyes were red, to prevent him from doing anything impulsively.

"Okay, stop for me!" Yan Junli sternly yelled, "What time is it now, how can you have time to fight among yourself! Go upstairs and go back to your room, and so will the rest of you! If this happens again In this situation, I directly believe that the murderer has handcuffed him, do you understand?"

It took a lot of effort for Yan Junli and Yang Wenbin to mediate the conflict and drive back all the spectators in the room.Finally opened the room, entered the room, Yan Junli was exhausted physically and mentally and threw himself on the narrow sofa.

"Are we here for vacation or to torture ourselves?" Yan Junli complained.

"It is undoubtedly the latter." Yang Wenbin was also exhausted, and he felt that his legs were almost unconscious.

"We are here for vacation! Why do murder cases haunt us all the time when we come on vacation!" Yan Junli still said indignantly.

"Do you know Conan?" Yang Wenbin said suddenly.

"What?" Yan Junli obviously did not follow Yang Wenbin's train of thought.

Yang Wenbin lazily stretched out his hand and patted Yan Junli's shoulder: "There is no murder case, how can it reflect the hero's wit and bravery?"

Yan Junli was amused all of a sudden, and then he seemed to feel that it was not appropriate to use the murder case as a joke, so he coughed dryly: "Cough, well, what time are you still joking. What do you think of what Zhu Zhixin said just now?"

"Well—I'm not sure." Yang Wenbin didn't enter the analysis state at all, and he still looked a little lazy, "Who knows."

"But what exactly is the inheritance they are talking about?" Yan Junli was puzzled, "A necklace can be a hint of what kind of inheritance it is, do you really think this is some kind of puzzle game?"

"I don't think they're really looking for that necklace." Yang Wenbin waved his hand, seeming to ignore Yan Junli's question, "If you really just want that necklace, you can steal it or snatch it at any time. The murderer is looking for Yes, it should be something more secretive related to the necklace."

After speaking, Yang Wenbin stood up: "By the way, can you check something for me? I'll go see how that girl Luo Yan is doing."

Luo Yan's room was next door to Yan Junli's and Yang Wenbin's room. When Yang Wenbin knocked on the door, Luo Yan who opened the door unexpectedly had two lines of tears on her face.

"I borrowed your money, and I will definitely pay it back when I get rich." Luo Yan stood stiffly, uttering these words bluntly.

"What?" Yang Wenbin was taken aback, "Why?"

"Because I don't want people to think that I'm a thief and murderer who doesn't pay back the money!" Luo Yan clenched her lips.

"Hmm... can I go in?" Yang Wenbin put his hands on Luo Yan's shoulders and said softly, "Let's sit down and have a good chat."

To be honest, Yang Wenbin doesn't have much experience with teenagers.But it seems that his innate patience and affinity have a way of putting these children down.He still remembers a time when he performed surgical reduction on a boy with a broken bone. The boy struggled so badly that it was difficult to give him an anesthesia injection.The nurses had nothing to do with him, but Yang Wenbin just took off his mask, smiled at the child, and said, "Don't be afraid, it won't hurt." The boy quickly quieted down.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, in any form." Facing the hostility in Luo Yan's eyes, Yang Wenbin said softly but firmly.

Not long after, Luo Yan nodded lightly, opened the door completely, and let Yang Wenbin enter the room.

Yang Wenbin sat down on the sofa opposite Luo Yan, cleared his throat: "Why are you crying?"

"I'm not a murderer, I didn't kill Zhu Bairong." Luo Yan said bluntly.

"I know, don't be nervous." Yang Wenbin comforted, "Didn't I already tell you downstairs? You are definitely not the murderer. I even think that you are not a bad girl. Why on earth did you steal Miss Zhu?" What about the necklace? No, maybe I should ask you, why on earth are you on this ship? Is it really because you want to travel?"

Luo Yan lowered her head, not daring to look into Yang Wenbin's eyes, her lips were tightly pursed, and it took a while before she said, "No."

"Then, what is the reason?"

Luo Yan pinched her fingers and said, "I... came here for the Zhu family."

"The Zhu family?" Yang Wenbin asked suspiciously, "Why are you looking for the Zhu family?"

"Actually." Luo Yan took out a jewelry box from her pocket, which was very similar to Zhu Bairong's necklace. When she opened it, there was a pair of pearl earrings inside. "Just a month ago, the orphanage suddenly told me , my biological grandmother found me. I danced with joy, thinking that I could finally live with my relatives, but soon I knew that when my grandmother found me, it was already in the late stage of breast cancer. Not long after, She died of illness. Before she passed away, she gave me a pair of earrings. She said that this is a pair of jewelry she especially liked, and she has been wearing it for most of her life. She also told me that my surname should be Zhu, and I am the daughter of a rich family. At first I didn't believe it, I just thought it was the nonsense of the old man before his death. But one day, I saw a photo in the newspaper, which was the news of the death of the head of the Zhu family. I saw a woman in the photo I was holding a jewelry box in my arms, and that box was exactly the same as the one in my hand. I began to suspect that maybe what grandma said was true, so I investigated the whereabouts of the Zhu family all the way, and finally followed this ship... ..."

"So, you stole Zhu Bairong's necklace... Could it be that you just wanted to investigate your own background?" Yang Wenbin asked.

Luo Yan nodded, and said in a low voice: "Well. Although I don't know what is a curse or not, I think that necklace must have something to do with my life experience. How can there be such a coincidence in the world. I think , if you steal the necklace and find someone to do an appraisal on it and my earrings, you will definitely know what relationship I have with the Zhu family."

After Yang Wenbin finished listening, he took a deep breath and said, "Okay, then I will ask you a question now, and you must answer it accurately, and you must not lie."

Luo Yan nodded blankly.

"At that time," Yang Wenbin asked word by word, "you only returned the necklace to Zhu Bairong, didn't you?"

Yan Junli was taken aback by Yang Wenbin who suddenly broke into the room with a "bang", and the laptop almost slipped off his lap.

"Hey, what's the matter with you, you're scared to death."

Yang Wenbin's expression looked anxious, and he asked Yan Junli directly as soon as he came in, "Did you find out what I asked you to check?"

Yan Junli nodded: "I found it, but what are you going to do to check this kind of thing?"

But Yang Wenbin didn't mean to answer Yan Junli's question, he sat down beside Yan Junli directly, grabbed the laptop, and browsed Yan Junli's search results at a glance.Not long after, a knowing smile appeared on the doctor's face.

"Yan Junli, we can solve the case now."

"What? Why..." Yan Junli said helplessly, "I didn't follow your train of thought at all this time, tell me, what's going on?"

Yang Wenbin waved his hand: "I can't tell you now, because I still don't have any evidence."

"How do you expose the murderer without evidence?"

"It's very simple." Yang Wenbin laughed, "Just set a trap and let the murderer jump in by himself."

As night fell, the sun sank slowly below the sea level.Throughout the day, the island was filled with a deadly silence, not to mention that no one came out to play.Good beaches and hot springs are just beautiful decorations.

"How long do we have to stay so aggrieved! We are here for vacation, not to be punished."

Mao Yingqin muttered in an unfriendly tone, as if she had been wronged greatly.

"We didn't kill anyone!" Zhu Haoran also shouted angrily.

"No one said that you killed people, nor imprisoned your personal freedom." Yang Wenbin came down from upstairs, and said to the two people coldly, "You are afraid of being suspected, so you dare not take a step out of the hotel, right? "

Seeing Yang Wenbin, the couple shut their mouths immediately, and went about their business as if they hadn't said anything.

At this moment, Yin Mingxu came in from outside the hotel, panting a little, saw Yang Wenbin at a glance, and hurried over: "Mr. Yang, I didn't find what you asked me to find in Zhu Bairong's room." .”

(End of this chapter)

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