Douluo: Zodiac Tower

Chapter 148 Magic Flow Sword. Wind Scar

Chapter 148 Magic Flow Sword. Wind Scar

Another soul ability brought by the Dark Devilgod Tiger is Yin-Yang Balance.

The soul curse is "Twelve zodiac signs, blessings from Yinhu! Heavenly King Gaidihu!"

The sky is yang, and the earth is yin. This soul skill has the magical power of a tiger that balances conflicting forces, and can make Ning Que balance Yin and Yang or separate Yin and Yang.

That is to resolve energy conflicts, alleviate coordination defects, and doppelganger.

Both soul skills are good.

After the soul power reached level 76, the effects of Ning Que's other soul skills also increased accordingly.

For example, vigorously exerting miracles and super speed can reach a terrifying seven-fold increase.

The effects of transforming into light, weaving dreams, controlling spirits, invisibility domains, and restoration domains have also doubled, and their overall strength has definitely surpassed the level of a 99th-level Ultimate Douluo.

Ning Que doesn't know if there is a 100-level Shenzi, but he is confident that he can single out the three peerless Douluo.

Strength can be said to be explosive growth.

However, the matter was not over yet. After Ning Que realized his soul skills, the starry sky gate changed again.

Ning Que's consciousness entered the mysterious space deep in his mind, and saw a figure of Juechen floating out of the gate of the starry sky.

This man is majestic and refined, his white hair is dyed pink, dancing in the wind, his white clothes are better than the snow, lonely and cold, and he has the demeanor of a master who is not angry and majestic.

"Hold your head up a thousand hills away, roaring in the wind; you can find enemies to discuss swords together, and the heights are too cold."

Fengzhihen, the peerless swordsman in the legend of the devil world, no one can match him. He pursues the ultimate swordsmanship all his life, advocates freedom and unrestrained, and has no interest in martial arts struggles such as power.

What he brought to Ning Que were two completely different sword techniques, "Wind Scar" and "Magic Flow Sword".

Fengzhijian swordsmanship: Fengzhihen, Fengguo, leaving a trace, residual wind sword shadow, sword following the wind, Liufeng sword shadow, Liufeng Yihen, Fengguo Wuhen, Xiaoao Kuangfeng, Fengzhi residual trace alone sword.

Demon Flow Sword Sword Technique: Sword Weeping Blood, Sword Demon Flame, Sword Demon Flow, Sword Weeping Rain, Sword Jiuxiao, Sword Demon Death, Demon Flow Weeping Blood, Demon Sword Kuangliu, Demon Wind Sword Flow , Wind of Demon Flame.

One is calm and pleasant, and the other is ruthless and crazy.

The two sets of swordsmanship have their own characteristics, and they complement each other, and the combined power of wind and demon is even more powerful!
Two figures, one white and one black, were rehearsing sword moves in Ning Que's mind. In terms of their subtlety and power, the two sets of swordsmanship were still above "Piao Miao Swordsmanship".

On the contrary, it goes well with the soul skill of balance of yin and yang. If Ning Que uses "Wind Trace" and his avatar uses "Magic Flow Sword", the combination of two swords will be more interesting to think about.

After a while, Ning Que regained consciousness, slowly opened his eyes, and put away the Zodiac Tower.

After shaking his hands, feeling the surging power, he picked up a rock casually, held it in his hand and squeezed it lightly, without much force, the hard rock was crushed into fine powder.

"It seems that the physical strength has also been significantly improved. Fortunately, the balance of yin and yang allows you to adjust your own strength, so that you don't need to deliberately exercise your control strength."

The balance of Yin and Yang can transform energy and power, allowing Ning Que to perfectly control his own power.

Otherwise, with the explosive increase in strength, if the control cannot keep up, a simple slap on the shoulder may directly slap the person to death.

"With my current strength, it's not difficult to deal with Qian Daoliu, but I don't know what the gods in the God Realm think?"

Other worlds dare not say it, but Ning Que dares to say that he is now invincible in the Douluo Continent.

Not to mention Qian Daoliu, even Di Tian at the core of the Star Dou Forest is definitely not Ning Que's opponent.

The Silver Dragon King is indeed a strong man, but he hasn't recovered yet, if he really fights, he might not be as good as Di Tian now.

The only thing that worried Ning Que was God Shura's troubles.

Most of the Shura God himself already knew about the matter of clearing Hell Road, how would the other party treat him?

To observe secretly, or to strangle him in the cradle with thunder?
If it's the former, fine.

As long as Ning Que is given time to develop, he is sure to surpass God Shura.

I was afraid that God Shura would bring justice to him and judge him.

"Forget it, thinking about these things won't help, change your vest and continue to roam."

With a firm mind, Ning Que activated his transformation light, turning himself into the appearance of Wind Scar, and turning the little phoenix into a huge green luan.

Qingluan, which looks like a peacock, has gorgeous plumage and many red-yellow and white eye-shaped spots on its wings, which make it look like a phoenix when unfolded.

The ancients regarded the red one as a phoenix, and the blue one as a luan. According to legend, a divine bird similar to a phoenix is ​​auspicious and auspicious.

There are also soul beasts similar to Qingluan in this world, but they are very rare.

Then he released the third soul ability again, forming an invisible field to envelop himself and the little phoenix.

Ning Que sat on the little phoenix and told it to fly in the direction of Tianshui City.

Under the cover of the invisible field, outsiders could not see the figures of Little Phoenix and Ning Que, but Ning Que was still not sure whether a being like God Shura could observe his movements.

But this is Ning Que's overthinking. In fact, the gate of the starry sky deep in his mind can isolate the observation of spiritual thoughts. After leaving the killing capital, Ning Que has already escaped the observation of God Shura.

The little phoenix was originally the king of the air, and was born with the ability to fly. After turning into a green luan, he took advantage of the wind and soared upwards.

Ning Que chose the place to absorb the soul, which is about 300 miles away from Tianshui City. It only took about 10 minutes for the little phoenix to fly over Tianshui City.

Being in the sky, Ning Que condescendingly looked down at the location of the Pearl Tower.

As far as the eye can see, there are only ruins left.

"Qian Daoliu invaded your mother's cave!"

Ning Que was originally in a good mood, but the moment he saw the Huanzhu Tower was destroyed, it was completely destroyed.

When he left, the Huanzhu Tower was about to be completed, but when he came back, the tower was stolen. Even if Ning Que thought with his toes, he knew that the old man Qian Daoliu must have made someone do it.

It is not difficult to see from the charred stones and carbonized beams that it was obviously set on fire by humans.

It is not surprising that Ning Que reported the name of Huanzhulou to the outside world, and it was not surprising that Wuhundian came to liquidate it.

It's just a building, it's no big deal to destroy it and rebuild it. What Ning Que is worried about is the safety of Gu Rong, Chen Xin, and Chen Mu's uncle and nephew.

The most valuable thing in this world is talent.

It's hard to find good migrant workers. Ning Que has invested so much, and after getting along with him for a while, he has some feelings.

"Go down."

After Ning Que's words fell, the little phoenix folded its wings and flew down from the sky quickly. When it was [-] meters away from the ground, it suddenly spread its wings and slowed down.

In the smoke and dust, Ning Que canceled the invisible field, and under mental scanning, he found a group of people approaching quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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