Douluo: Zodiac Tower

Chapter 156 Soul Beast Siege City 【Ticket Request】

Chapter 156 Soul Beast Siege City 【Ticket Request】

"Dong dong dong dong..."

The drums of war are beating and the alarm bells are ringing.

Hu Yanzhen immediately issued an order to mobilize manpower.

"The beast horde is coming, everyone defends!"

"Soul masters with long-range attacking soul skills are ready, and when the flying soul beast reaches the range of the range, it will hit it hard."

"Auxiliary soul masters pay attention to assisting and healing the wounded."

"Strong attack department soul masters are in the front, and agility attack department soul masters are in the middle to support them."

"Food-type soul masters gather soul power in the rear, and try to provide supplies for the front-line fighting soul masters!"

"The archers stand in good position and listen to my password..."


It has to be said that Hu Yanzhen has some skills. After the order is issued, he mobilizes troops and divides them into several waves to take turns to ensure the maximum output. At the same time, he will also be given a certain amount of rest time.

There are a huge number of soul beasts, and it takes a protracted battle. His arrangement is not amazing, but it is quite satisfactory.

Ning Que and the others want you to participate in this battle sequence.

The surrounding warriors all stared nervously into the distance. There were so many flying spirit beasts covering the sky and covering the sky. Coupled with the huge number, it was difficult to accurately distinguish the species and age of these spirit beasts.

Behind the flying spirit beasts are densely packed ground-moving spirit beasts.

Moon-watching rhinoceros, mammoth, three-eyed demon ape, cockscomb snake, bright white tiger, lightning leopard, fire fox, powerful king kong bear, blast wolf and other soul beasts galloped, the earth shook, dust and smoke roiled the sky, and the momentum was frightening.

Ning Que's vision was excellent, and he could see some people running in front of the tide. There were soul masters and ordinary people. Those who ran slowly were trampled by beasts, and they were crushed in the blink of an eye.

The tide of soul beasts advanced very fast, especially the flying soul beasts, which soon reached a place about five miles away from the city wall.


In the air, a six-winged flying dragon led a large group of flying spirit beasts towards the Elephant Armored Sect.

The six-winged wyvern is a sub-dragon species, and it has dragon blood. It is considered a relatively powerful spirit beast. This six-winged wyvern can reach 35 meters in wings, which is much larger than the dark gold three-headed bat. Because there are many spirit beasts, The breath is messy, and it can only be judged from the body shape that it has a cultivation base of 7 to [-] years.

All kinds of flying spirit beasts behind it have red eyes and are full of violence. The small ones are not as big as a palm, and some are large, with wings spread 30 meters, which is daunting.

Bubbled on the ground in the forefront is the herbivorous spirit beast, the Jiaojiao Demon Bull. This kind of spirit beast is huge in size and relatively docile in character. Unless it is attacked or feels threatened, it is very good at attacking humans.

But at this time, they all had red eyes, stepping on the person in front of them like a light bulb.

Ordinary people, no matter men, women, young or old, beautiful or ugly, good or bad, they only have to be pushed on, and then they are separated by ruthless iron hoofs, and they die a horrible death!
Almost everyone on the city wall took up weapons or gathered their soul power.

Among the gathered masters, a soul sage said, "My lord, it's almost time to start!"

The number of soul beasts is huge, and if they want to get down, they need to rely on the tall city walls and use the wheel tactics.

That is to say, let the stronger soul masters launch a wave of attacks first, and after these soul masters consume only three layers of fighting soul power, they immediately retreat to the rear to rest under the cover of others, and let the guards on the city wall drag for a while. The soul masters had almost rested, and continued to rush forward. Only in this way can the soul masters play their fullest role.

"Don't panic, wait for my password!"

Hu Yanzhen waved his hand, looking at the thousands of spirit beasts galloping towards him, he couldn't help trembling in his heart, but the flying spirit beasts have not yet reached the optimal range, and if they attack now, even if they consume a little more soul power, it may cause The battlefield was defeated.

"Quack quack..."



At this time, the nearest flying spirit beast was less than 200 meters away from the city wall of Elephant Armored City, and the archers on the city wall could clearly see the sharp beaks and fangs of some spirit beasts.

"Shoot the arrow!!!"

Hu Yan shook his arms and shouted. At this time, this distance was just within the range of the archer, and he could maximize the power of the arrow.

The words fell, and the archers arranged in three rows let go.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Amidst a burst of dense wind breaking, thousands of arrows were fired at the flying spirit beasts.

Countless sharp arrows pierced into flesh and blood, and some were blocked by hard feathers or scales.

Three rows of archers shoot in turn. After the first row is finished, they will switch to the second row, and after the second row, they will switch to the third row.

All of a sudden, the arrows rained down, and those ten-year or even hundred-year spirit beasts were hard to resist, and fell from the sky after being hit by the arrows.

But those thousand-year-old soul beasts have rough skin and thick flesh, and it is difficult for ordinary arrows to penetrate their feathers or scales.

"The first soul skill - Gale Arrow!"

"The third soul skill—Fire Rain Heavenly General!"

"Second Soul Skill - Flame Shockwave!"

"Fifth Soul Skill—Burst Flame!"

"The third soul skill——Thundermark!"


The soul beasts with long-range attack soul skills also started to launch soul skills attacks.

Under the lasing energy of wind, fire, water, thunder, etc., it was colorful, and the sky was full of blood rain, dyeing the sky red, and many corpses fell from the sky.

But not all soul beasts are vegetarians, and some soul beasts can also use long-range attacks.

Inevitably, feather blades, fireballs, poisonous gas, and wind blades will attack, and the disciples of the Elephant Armored School will turn into human shields and stand at the front, but some attacks will still spread to the rear.

Some flying soul beasts fly even bigger, and arrows and soul skills are difficult to hit. They rush from high altitude and kill heavily.

In addition, the battle line is very long, and it is difficult to be comprehensive.

"Sixth soul skill - Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect!"

"Sword Ten. Sky Burial!"

Chen Xin and Chen Jianjun's father and son attacked at the same time, and the Seven Killing Swords came out, turning into a large amount of sword energy and beheading many flying soul beasts.

at the same time,

All the soul beasts on the ground roared wildly, one by one ran wildly, and rushed towards the Elephant Armor City.

The terrifying roar of the beast made the ground tremble, and the dust rose and fell in mid-air.

Facing the overwhelming spirit beasts, many soldiers were pale, and some were ignited with blood, and their eyes turned red.


The trebuchets moved together, and many large stones weighing several tons were thrown out, smashing some running spirit beasts to their bones, tendons, and blood.

The spirit beasts were not afraid of death, some hit the city walls and gates directly with their heads, while some lizard and snake-like spirit beasts climbed along the city walls.

There are also some climbs along the sides of the city walls.

The cliffs are indeed difficult for ordinary people, but for some soul beasts, it is indeed like walking on flat ground.

Soon some soul beasts avoided the log, and the hot oil climbed up the wall.

But what greeted them was a pair of cold spears.

The battle was fierce, and many spirit beasts with the ability to fly flew into the air, fighting with those flying spirit beasts. Almost every moment, people or spirit beasts fell from the sky, and some fell outside the city. The beast was torn to pieces.

Some fell on the soldiers at the top of the city, and some fell into the city, smashing through some houses.


Accompanied by a phoenix cry, the little phoenix that Ning Que turned into a fire phoenix spread its wings and set up a large flame, burning dozens of soul beasts with one body.

After all, it doesn't belong to a soul beast, but a real phoenix, which is at the same level as a real dragon, and now it only listens to Ning Que, the daddy.

Ning Que agreed not to be idle, and the telekinetic force formed a huge invisible barrier in the sky, and many flying soul beasts hit it, and fell from the sky with their heads bleeding.

There is nothing unusual about the death of human beings, but after the death of soul beasts, soul rings will appear, but the battlefield is too big, and there are so many dead soul beasts, it is impossible to tell who killed who.

White soul rings were the most, followed by yellow and purple soul rings, and a few black soul rings, like blooming flowers of death, soon spread out under the city.

(End of this chapter)

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