Douluo: Zodiac Tower

Chapter 158 7 Absolutely Nether Firefly

Chapter 158
Meat-eating has never been a tiger's head, thirty years of books and swords Hai Tianqiu.

Fortunately, the article did not meet Huang Zu, and he was still embarrassed by Ma Zhou today.

Since it is difficult for you to be useful in the world, is it true that I am not suitable for you?
It is important to know that taking Yunzhi for a few days has been the best in the world.

Above the head of the city.

A thousand-year-old blade-edged praying mantis more than three meters long and taller than a person flew up to the wall with its insect wings. It suddenly flew forward, and its sharp forelimbs cut off the left arm of Hu Yanyu, a disciple of the Elephant Armor Sect in the front.

Originally, the blade mantis was going to chop off Hu Yanyu's head, but at the critical moment, Hu Yanyu blocked the blow with his left arm.

"Give me death!"

Angry and painful, Hu Yanyu had no time to howl, so with his remaining right hand, he grabbed the barbed triangular bug head of the blade mantis and crushed it violently!
Brains splattered, and the blade mantis that lost its head did not die immediately, or the nerves of the body had not died yet, and the headless worm was struggling on the ground.

Then he was kicked off the city wall by Hu Yanyu.

Before the broken arm Huyanyu retreated to the back to bandage the wound, two hundred-year-old Fifteen Ton Ants climbed up, and their sharp and powerful jaws clamped Huyanyu's bites up and down. It was thick, but it was difficult to break free in the face of the infinitely powerful Fifteen Ton Ant, and was quickly pinched off by the giant jaw of the Fifteen Ton Ant.

Such a serious injury, even with an auxiliary soul master, cannot save it.

"Sword One. Break!"

Chen Xin's sword movement was ethereal, and a blue sword energy shot out, killing the two Fifteen Ton Ants who were about to be dismembered.

But I saw a 5000-year-old cockscomb snake suddenly flying up to the wall, jumping up from behind Chen Xin, opening its mouth wide, revealing two fangs, biting towards Chen Xin who had just killed the Fifteen Jun Ant.

"Be careful."

Someone sounded a reminder.

Hearing the sound, Chen Xin felt the wind blowing from behind, and immediately cast the second soul skill 'Guardian of the Spirit Sword', the powerful sword energy formed a protective cover with a diameter of two meters around itself.


The Cockscomb Snake hit the protective shield like it was hitting an iron wall. When she was dizzy, Chen Xin slashed at seven inches above the Cockscomb Snake with a backhand and chopped off its head.

Chen Xin just wanted to thank the day he made the sound for the reminder, but when he turned around, he saw that the man was pierced through the heart by the claws of a two-headed thunder eagle flying past, and then was taken into mid-air, where he was torn into pieces!
Chen Jianjun rushed out suddenly, splitting the two-headed Thunder Eagle in two with a single sword.

In the high sky, Ning Que and Little Phoenix rushed all the way, and they were already [-] meters away from the six-winged dragon.

The six-winged wyvern, as the name suggests, is a flying dragon with three pairs of wings. It is a variant of the flying dragon. In addition, the tail is more than 20 meters long, and the six wings are nearly 40 meters wide. It looks like a lizard with wings, but it has a hard body. Scale armor, coupled with extremely fast flying speed, it is difficult for the title Douluo of the general assault system to kill alone!
But as long as the distance is enough, for Ning Que, it is a matter of one sword.

"Wind without a trace!"

Ning Que's sword was powerful and powerful, and its speed was extremely fast. Where the wind passed by, the roar of beasts was absolutely resounding.

After finishing the seraph, the flying spirit beasts in the sky were suppressed by the little phoenix, especially those bird spirit beasts, which were supposed to honor the phoenix, collapsed immediately.

"The north wind is blowing, it's time to act!"

Ning Que looked down at the scuffle scene below. Most of the spirit beasts had poured into the pass outside the south gate of Elephant Armor City, and some had already climbed up from the steep dodge on both sides. Take the shot, I'm afraid it won't last long.

With a firm mind, Ning Que cut through the sky with his sword, and slashed out a thousand-meter-long sword glow.

"It's the landlord's signal."

Seeing this, the royal guards in full gear on the city wall shouted in unison.

"Guarding Tiandou, even death is an honor!"

"Guarding Tiandou, even death is an honor!"

After the words fell, the troops of the royal guard took out a silk scarf to cover their mouths and noses, possessed their martial spirits, spread out pairs of golden wings behind their backs, and took off in formation.

As members of the Heaven Dou Imperial Guard, these people are all soul masters who have been strictly selected, with an average age of no more than forty, and the lowest strength is soul master, proficient in battle formation, and they are all ace pilots.

Without the hindrance of the flying spirit beasts, the three hundred royal guards took off quite smoothly.

When they flew over the tide of soul beasts, they unscrewed the medicine bottle they were carrying and sprinkled green powder from it.

When these powders touched the fur of the soul beasts below, especially those of the fire-type soul beasts, they spontaneously ignited with a puff, and the valley in front of Elephant Armor City instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Those soul beasts piled up in the valley screamed pitifully in the sea of ​​flames, and the fire spread, engulfing tens of thousands of soul beasts in an instant, and the range of flames was still spreading.

Not only that, in addition to the flames, there is also poisonous smoke.

God Gu Wen Huang's name is not called for nothing.

The powder carried by these royal guards is called 'Qijue Youying', which not only has a burning effect similar to that of white phosphorus, but also has the toxin of jade phosphorus and Qijuehua. died of poisoning.

For a soul beast with a thousand-year cultivation base, even if the poison does not kill it, it will make it weak and weak.

Even soul beasts with ten thousand years of cultivation will have weak legs and feet when they smell it. Only a few soul beasts with high resistance to poison can withstand it.

Under the combination of fire and poison, a large number of soul beasts died unexpectedly, and the poisonous smoke fluttered along the north wind, causing many soul beasts to show symptoms of poisoning.

This thing was originally prepared by Ning Que for Qian Daoliu and others, but unexpectedly encountered a wave of soul beasts, so he had to take it out for emergency.

As for human inhumanity, there is no need to consider it at all.

Ning Que didn't want to kill soul beasts indiscriminately, who told them to attack humans on a large scale!

At a time like this when the heart is soft and the hands are soft, what about the human beings who died in the mouth of the soul beast?
The tide of soul beasts is moving forward, it doesn't mean that it can be stopped when it stops. The gate in front of Elephant Armor City is like an inner horoscope. Many soul beasts have poured in, and their corpses have already piled up on the city mountain. The corpse was one-third full, and there was still a big spirit beast charging behind.

The soul beast in front saw the sea of ​​flames and wanted to stop, but the soul beasts behind couldn't see clearly. When the soul beast in front stopped, it would either be trampled to death by the soul beasts behind it, or pushed into the sea of ​​flames.

Those soul beasts that were burned by the poisonous fire would die straight away. Those soul beasts that had been cultivated for ten thousand years had rough skin and thick flesh, and tenacious vitality.

Such a scene, even those royal guards who cast down the Qijue ghostly fireflies, were unexpected, and some knights even felt sympathetic.

"How miserable!"

"Don't cry like a cat, if these beasts rush into the city, it will be us humans who are pitiful."

"There is still a little medicine powder, sprinkle it all down, and try to kill more soul beasts."

(End of this chapter)

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