Douluo: Zodiac Tower

Chapter 17 Quechuan No. 2 【Recommendation】

Chapter 17 Missing No. [-] 【Recommendation】

Ning Que's innate soul power was as high as level 30, which gave him a capital far superior to that of his peers. Then, within half a year, he absorbed three soul rings in a row, and his soul power reached level 39, only one step away from becoming a soul sect.

This is indeed a good thing. It will take several years or even ten years for many people to cultivate to this level.

Some people can't even reach this level in their entire lives.

But the soul power rose too fast, causing some instability in Ning Que's foundation.

The worries of the Fifth Elder and others were not unreasonable.

If you don't try to stabilize your soul power, but blindly pursue the improvement of your soul power, it will inevitably lead to problems in the later stage and affect further possibilities.

This is probably the happiness and distress that many people can't ask for!
Everyone thinks that he is slow in leveling up, but Ning Que thinks that he is leveling up too fast.

It took Ning Que less than half a year from awakening to obtaining the third soul ring, and many abilities have not been fully developed.

After discovering the problem, Ning Que started to remedy it, and the best way was to practice "King Kong Indestructible Art".

"Vajra Immortality Magical Art" is the top practice of Buddhism. In addition to making manpower as big as a mountain and possessing indestructible physical strength, it can also be practiced to develop the overbearing and pure King Kong Qi, which is strong and yang, invincible, and mixed with wishful thinking.

Diamond True Essence can devour energy, weaken material energy attacks, and refine one's own soul power, making it more pure and domineering.

If the quality of ordinary people's soul power is 1, then the quality of soul power refined by the vajra true energy is 2+.

In a blink of an eye, spring and autumn come, and it is another half a year.

Ning Que's soul power level has not changed, it is still at level 39, but the quality of soul power has been significantly improved.

Ning Que also did not fall behind in the exploration of soul skills and martial arts. Fortunately, there is "Distraction Control" from Qibao Liulizong, which allows Ning Que to multitask. Otherwise, he has so many abilities that he really can't play.

Ning Fengzhi has also made considerable progress in the past six months, and has become a level 16 soul master.

The lower the soul master's level, the more difficult it is to improve.

This is true of most cultivation systems.

As long as you have good talent and work hard enough, you can quickly improve the previous level.

It's normal to go up a few levels a year. After reaching the soul emperor, some talents are not very good. It is very difficult to go up a level a year. It is common to go up a level in a few years.

Only a true genius, coupled with strong financial and material support, and unremitting efforts, can be invincible and triumphant.

Looking at the Titled Douluo in the Douluo Continent, most of them are from the top sects. For others who want to become Titled Douluo, the efforts and risks must be higher than those of the Zongmen.

In the past six months, Ning Xiuyuan and Ye Qingwu visited Ning Que and Ning Fengzhi once, and brought many good things.

Ning Que and Ning Fengzhi don't need to worry about living and cultivation resources, someone will pave the way for them, as long as they cultivate with heart.

Now Ning Que's foundation is as solid as a rock, and his soul skills and martial skills are almost honed.

The only thing lacking is combat experience.

【Maybe I should go to the Soul Arena to fight other soul masters...】

Just thinking of this, there was a knock on the door.

"Boom boom boom!"

When Ning Fengzhi heard the knock on the door, he glanced at Ning Que who was sitting on the sofa, then trotted over to open the door.

Surrounded by hidden guards from the Qibao Glazed Tile School, it is impossible for ordinary people to approach Ning Que's room, with only a few exceptions.

The door opened, and there was a blue-haired little girl carved in jade standing outside.

"It's you again, running here all day, do you want to hold my brother back?"

Seeing Tang Yuehua outside the door, Ning Fengzhi put on a serious face, his unhappiness was completely written on his face.

Tang Yuehua said coquettishly: "I want you to take care of it."

Then, ignoring Ning Fengzhi, he strolled into the room without treating himself as an outsider at all, with a skillful look, obviously this was not the first time he did this.

"It's Yuehua, isn't it your brother who wants to challenge me again?"

It was not surprising that Ning Que looked like Tang Yuehua in a white dress.

Ever since defeating Tang Hao, this little girl has been following Ning Que, and often plays tricks to tease Ning Que.

They were all easily resolved by Ning Que.

And Tang Hao seemed to have the potential to become a fighting maniac. He challenged Ning Que every three days and every time he was beaten up by Ning Que, he refused to admit defeat, showing a posture of becoming more and more courageous as he was frustrated.

Even if he has obtained the third soul ring.

As for Tang Yuehua, after tidying up a few meals and telling a few short stories, the little girl rebelled.

Now that she has become Ning Que's number one fan girl, she has the potential to become "Que Chuan No. [-]".

Number one is Ning Fengzhi, the stinky younger brother.

Because of the two little ghost heads, even though Ning Que seldom appeared in public in the past six months, under the bragging of the two small speakers, the legend of Ning Que was still circulating in the Tiandou Imperial Academy.

Therefore, it also attracted dissatisfaction and challenges from some noble children.

Whenever Tang Yuehua and Ning Fengzhi saw this, they would take up the challenge for Ning Que.

That's all for Tang Yuehua, Ning Fengzhi is really a cheater.

It wasn't until a certain time that Ning Que got impatient and beat up ten senior students one at a time, and finally no one dared to challenge again.

As a result, Ning Que gradually came into the sight of those "big shots".

Ning Que also wanted to keep a low profile, but his strength didn't allow it!

Tang Yuehua didn't know the dangers of the adult world. She was only seven years old, and she was a weird elf. She was just at the time when her desire for knowledge was strong. She blinked Kazilan's big eyes and looked at Ning Que: "Brother Ning Que, the Sleeping Beauty you mentioned last time hasn't said anything yet. Done, are you free now?"

Before Ning Que could open his mouth, Ning Fengzhi jumped out from the side: "My brother is not free, and in two months it will be the entrance exam, so forget it if you don't work hard, but you still want to hinder my brother, what is your intention?" ?”

Ning Fengzhi and Tang Yuehua had been at loggerheads, and even suspected that the other party was an undercover agent sent by Tang Hao.

The purpose is to hold back Ning Que's pace of upgrading, so that her brother can surpass his elder brother.

Yes, it must be so.

Ning Fengzhi secretly praised his wit.

Like Ning Fengzhi, Tang Yuehua said in frustration and helplessness, "It's useless to try my best!"

"And Brother Ning Que is so powerful, the entrance exam will definitely be fine."

Tang Yuehua's martial soul is a mutated Clear Sky Hammer, which belongs to inferior mutation. She worked hard during this time, but unfortunately her soul power has only reached level 2. If there is no accident, she will not be able to break through level 10 and become a soul master in her lifetime.

If it's an ordinary person, it's nothing. There are many people in this world who can't be soul masters.

But Tang Yuehua's two older brothers are Tang Xiao and Tang Hao, both of whom are first-class geniuses, and they support Tang Yuehua's mediocrity and incompetence even more.

Others will inevitably compare their siblings and gossip.

This made Tang Yuehua feel ashamed, angry and unconfident.

Ning Que stopped Ning Fengzhi with his eyes, and said to Tang Yuehua: "The mutated martial spirit is a congenital defect, but it is not irreparable. Don't lose heart, Yuehua will always find a way."

"Brother Ning Que, don't comfort me. The elders of the clan can't solve it, or I won't be able to obtain a soul ring in this life. Become an official soul master. This may be my fate!"

Although Tang Yuehua was young and a bit arrogant, she was very sensible, and she smiled and said, "But it doesn't matter, I have two older brothers and older brother Ning Que to protect me, no one dares to bully me."

Ning Fengzhi muttered in his heart: "Sure enough, there is a conspiracy. She must want to rob Big Brother from me. She must not be allowed to succeed. Big Brother, be sober, don't be fooled by this little witch!"

Ning Que didn't know what Ning Fengzhi was thinking, otherwise he would have to teach this stinky brother a lesson.

Does he seem like such an easy-going man?

(End of this chapter)

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