Douluo: Zodiac Tower

Chapter 189 The Tribulation of the Xiao Family

Chapter 189 The Tribulation of the Xiao Family
Night, the Gallet family.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, which is a good time to kill and set fire.

At this time, the high-end combat power of the Jialie family and some personnel from the Obappa family have gathered on the martial arts arena of the Jialie family.

On the high platform, Galebi, an upright man in his prime, stood side by side with Obapa, his eyes swept over the thousands of people dressed in black.

Gariebi and Obapa looked at each other, Galebi took a step forward, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone! The purpose of calling you here today with Patriarch Obapa must be clear to everyone. The Xiao family is originally The foreign family wants to take a share of our Wutan city and steal food from the brothers, do you agree?"



The members of the Jialie family and the Obapa family below all began to respond, but they all lowered their voices on purpose.

Obapa said, "That's right. Cutting off a person's fortune is like killing one's parents. Wutan City does not need the Xiao family. Today we will make an alliance with the Jialie family to destroy the Xiao family together."

"Blood for an alliance, let's destroy the Xiao family together!"

"Blood for an alliance, let's destroy the Xiao family together!"

"Blood for an alliance, let's destroy the Xiao family together!"

The people below responded enthusiastically. Wutan City was shallow and full of kings, and there were not many benefits. Originally, the Jialie family and the Obapa family were tit-for-tat, and the relationship was not harmonious.

Question: How to let two people who hate each other let go of their prejudices.

A: Find someone who both parties hate more.

And this person refers to the Xiao family.

Originally, there were more wolves and less meat, and the Xiao family came to intervene, which would naturally cause dissatisfaction between the two families.

Gariebi and Obapa nodded, feeling that their hearts were available.

But this is not enough, if the Xiao family was so easy to destroy, the two major families would have destroyed the Xiao family long ago.

The reason why I am confident now is because I have found a strong foreign aid for a while.

Jialiebi respectfully said to a burly man in a black robe standing beside him: "Mr. Ah Fu, this time I will rely entirely on you!"

"Don't worry, with me, the black tiger Ah Fu, they are dead, but I hope the two patriarchs will not forget the reward agreed before."

This so-called Black Tiger Ah Fu is exactly the dark devil and evil god Tiger who has become fat.

In order to be more confident in dealing with the Xiao family, Jialie Bi spent a lot of money to recruit helpers two days ago.

And Ah Fu, under Ning Que's order, hid his own strength and joined the ranks of dealing with the Xiao family.

Obapa smiled and said: "Mr. Ah Fu, don't worry, we have already prepared the reward, as long as the Xiao family is destroyed, we will definitely give it as much."

Ah Fu grinned ferociously: "Then what are you waiting for?"

"set off!"

Galebi waved his hand and the two tribes present took advantage of the night to sneak towards the direction of the Xiao family.

On the roof of the Yunlai Inn, Ning Que, who had transformed into Qianxunji, was in the invisible field, looking down at the people who were rushing all night.

The moon is dark and the stars are sparse, and the streets are cold.

Xiao family.

The three young Xiao family disciples who were in charge of patrolling the area were wandering in the alley.

The next moment, a gust of wind blew by, and the three of them suddenly felt weak.

"What's going on, my head is so dizzy."

"Me too, no good, poisonous..."


A disciple of the Xiao family who wanted to warn just now, before he had time to blow the whistle, a sharp knife cut his neck.

The situation of people in other places is similar. The poison just now is called Sad Su Qingfeng, a fourth-grade elixir, colorless and odorless, which can make people under Dou Shi feel weak from the smell.

It was also provided by Ning Que as a friend.

The adults of the Jialie family and the Obapa family all took the antidote in advance, so they were fine, but the people of the Xiao family were unlucky.

The entire Xiao family, except for Xiao Zhan and a few elders, the rest are under Dou Shi, and as soon as they smell the sad breeze, they become soft-legged shrimps and can only be slaughtered.

It wasn't until the members of the Jialie family and Obapa family killed all the trainees and broke into the Xiao family's mansion that no one raised their voices to warn.

"There is an enemy attack!"

"Dang Dang Dang Dang!"

It wasn't just someone who sounded the alarm, and soon many houses in Xiao's house were lit with fire.


"Don't let go of any of them."

Seeing that their deeds had been revealed, Galebi and Obapa were no longer hiding, and directed their men to rush in.

In the originally quiet night, there were sudden killing sounds, and many Xiao family disciples died tragically under the butcher's knives of the two clans before they could react.

"Wow wow wow..."

Hearing the sound of killing outside, Xiao Yan opened his eyes in a daze. At this time, he was still a baby in his infancy, unable to do anything, he could only cry and seek shelter.

"Don't take pictures of Yan'er, my mother is here."

Gu Wenxin embraced Xiao Yan.

"Take good care of Yan'er, I'll go meet the enemy."

Xiao Zhan put on his clothes and went out with a weapon in hand.

At this time, raging fires had already ignited in many places of the Xiao family, and countless disciples of the Xiao family were slaughtered mercilessly.

There was still a sad breeze in the air, Xiao Zhan took two puffs as soon as he went out, feeling lack of energy, he quickly covered his mouth and nose, and activated fighting qi to detoxify.


"Save me~"

Xiao Ding and Xiao Li were lifted out of the room, weakly calling for help.

The masked Jialiebi happened to see Xiao Zhan at this time, and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhan, now your son is in my hands, put down the weapon, and capture him without a fight. Maybe I can let them live."

"Dinger! Lier!"

"Galib, you're so mean."

Xiao Zhan glared at Galebi who was grabbing the hair of the two children, his red eyes revealed hatred, although Galebi was masked, his figure and voice were easily recognizable.

"Hahaha, I know I can't hide it from you, but it's not wise to expose my identity."

Since his face was completely torn, Galiebi luckily tore off the scarf, which also meant his determination to get rid of Xiao Zhan.

"Let my child go, or I will make you die."

Xiao Zhan yelled angrily, and the blue douqi gradually covered his body, and finally gathered on his face to form an illusory lion's head.

"Hahaha, if you die, your son will die first."

Jialiebi's hands became claws, and he twisted the necks of the two sons of the Xiao family without mercy.

Today he wants to destroy Xiao's family, so naturally he will not be merciful and do the stupid thing of letting the tiger go back to the mountain with the benevolence of that woman.

"Galeb! I'll kill you!"

Seeing his son being killed, Xiao Zhan was like an enraged lion, with red eyes and a roaring lion head, running towards Galebi.

But before the lion's head, which was condensed with grudges, got close to Galebi, it was crushed by a black shadow falling from the sky.

The visitor was dressed in a black robe, with a burly figure, and a pair of dark energy wings behind him.

Shocked by Xiao Zhan, Jia Liebi respectfully said: "Mr. Ah Fu, I'm sorry to trouble you."


Ah Fu nodded and looked at Xiao Zhan: "I am the black tiger Ah Fu, you are ready to die!"

"Fighting Qi transforms into wings, fighting king and strong!"

Xiao Zhan was frightened and angry, and he was able to condense his fighting spirit into flying wings. This is the symbol of the Dou Wang. His father Xiao Lin was once a Dou Wang powerhouse. Xiao Zhan naturally knows the horror of the Dou Wang.

It's just that what he can't figure out is how a strong fighter can be put into work by Galiebi.

With the value of the Gajalie family, it should be impossible to invite such a strong man!
At this time, the three elders of the Xiao family also came out of the room, and when they saw the energy wings behind Ah Fu, they were all shocked.

Even if the entire Xiao family is combined, it is not enough for the opponent to beat the Dou Wang powerhouse.

In fact, Ah Fu is not using grudges, but dark energy.

After the Dark Devilgod Tiger became Ning Que's soul, its strength has now returned to its heyday, comparable to the three-star fighting sect in this world.

If Ning Que hadn't told him to hide his strength, Ah Fu would have killed a lot of people with an aura comparable to the three-star Douzong.

(End of this chapter)

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