Chapter 229

Haotian World.

Xiahou said: "I just think of some past events. Back then, Mr. Ke killed the Demon Sect's mountain gate with a single sword, and the whereabouts of my Demon Sect master was unknown. The disciples of the sect died and fled. It was miserable! But I fled to the Tang Kingdom , enlisted in the army, accumulated meritorious service, until he became the current Zhenbei General."

Xia Hou brewed up his emotions. In fact, his experience at the beginning was very similar to that of Ning Que. The city encountered force majeure and was implicated.

It's just that compared to Ning Que, Xia Hou lacked a bit of luck, let alone Ning Que's backing.

"Later, the people of Xiling discovered my identity as the Demon Sect, and threatened me with my close relatives!"

Xiahou laughed at himself: "I admit that I have done many wrong things in my life, but I don't regret it."

In the live broadcast room, Duan Lang and others watched the live broadcast and chatted.

The leader of the Tianxiahui: Well said, a man should have such boldness, I support you.

Captain Awei: I can't understand what this is talking about!

Jiang Yuyan: It seems that the general was forced to do something wrong. Mr. Da is a strong man, and now he is coming to ask for his crime.

Instant water stop: Right and wrong are actually secondary, the main reason is the disparity in strength.

[Group leader] Treat with sincerity: I agree with Zhishui's point of view.

Glancing at the message, Xia Hou looked at Li Slowly: "Mr. Da, if you were in my position, how would you choose?"

Li smiled slowly: "If it were me, I would kill as many people as I can."

Xiahou laughed out loud when he heard this.

Li Slowly said it easily, but Li Slowly is not Xiahou after all, the identities and strengths of the two are very different.

Xiahou is just a remnant of the Demon Sect, and Li Slowly is the master of the academy, and he is also a strong man who has surpassed the five realms. Behind him is the master, the strongest man in the world, as his backer. Naturally, he can not be afraid of Xiling. Who in the world dares to threaten him?
Xiahou what?
His martial arts is no match for Wei Guangming vs. Haotian Shenhui, let alone Xiling.

He died as soon as he died, but he couldn't let go of his sister Xia Tian.

"Hahaha, Mr. Da was joking, what is your status as Mr.! And I am just a traitor of the Demon Sect, lingering in the light, hoping to gain a glimmer of life and hope."

"Death is not terrible. What is terrible is carrying those unbearable past. After carrying these things for a long time, it will grow on your body, reminding you all the time, what is heavy!"

"I no longer expect to pull these things out of my body, so all I think is to make myself stronger and have more power, so that I will not be coerced by others in the future, so that I can get real freedom."

In fact, Xiahou is very envious of the gentlemen of the academy. They have an invincible master as their backer, so they can look down on the world without fear of Xiling.

He can't, there are too many constraints on him!

Xiling Keqing, Zhenbei General, these two titles sounded very glorious, but to put it bluntly, he is the dog of these high-ranking people.

He had to bite whoever Xiling told him to bite.

Otherwise, once Mozong's identity is exposed, he and his sister Xia Tian will become street rats that everyone shouts and beats.

As for King Tang, Xiahou never trusted him.

It's not that Xiahou didn't ask to see the Master, but he couldn't even see the Master's face, so he naturally thought that the Master didn't want to help him.

Faced with the tremendous pressure from Xiling, Xiahou can only rely on himself if he wants to survive. Even if his hands are covered with blood, he must protect his sister.

Ning Que with crooked mouth became angrier the more he listened.

Different positions, different opinions, what he knows is that Xia Hou killed his parents, and the blood debt must be paid in blood.

He didn't want to know what difficulties Xia Hou had, but Ning Que, who had a crooked mouth, would kill all the participants!
"What do you mean by saying this?"

Li Manman's old god is there, as the senior student of the academy, he naturally has to stand by the junior junior brother.

Xiahou's past is meaningless in Li Manman's eyes, he only cares about what he cares about.

"I really can't change anything by saying these things. It's just that these words have been hidden in my heart for a long time. There are not many people in the world who can listen to me saying these words. Mr. Da is one of them."

When Xiahou was talking, he kept paying attention to the information in the live broadcast room.

Most of these words are true, and now it is much more fun to say them.

And from the live broadcast room, Xia Hou could see himself, Li Slowly and others from another angle.

This feeling was very novel to Xia Hou.

He can even look at himself.

Looking at the careless Li Slowly, Xiahou's consciousness twitched at Li Slowly's face a few times. Although it couldn't affect the reality, Xiahou's heart calmed down a little.

At the same time, I lamented the magic and power of the chat group.

As for the crooked mouth Ning Que and Mo Shanshan, Xia Hou never paid much attention to them.

He is a goshawk in the sky, why should he care about the ants on the ground.

"Since it's useless to say, why bother talking."

Li Slowly came to stand out for his junior brother, and he would not change his attitude because of Xiahou's few words.

Seeing that Li was slowly determined to stand up for Ning Que with his crooked mouth, Xia Hou's vision switched back.

General Zhenbei: Group leader, are you sure you can deal with Mr. Da and Master?

[Group leader] Treat people with sincerity: Mr. Da can be destroyed by raising his hand, Mrs. Wang is the strongest in the need to pay more!

Zhenbei General: How much?

[Group owner] Treat people with sincerity: 30 points, settle Mr. Big, [-] points, I will help you settle Master. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have so many points now, you can pay on credit and pay in installments without interest.

Ning Que's answer was very clear. Through the live broadcast room, he could clearly feel that Li Ranran's level of strength was only at the level of a five-star Dou Zun.

According to the concentration of aura in the Haotian world, Ning Que estimated that the master was at most at the peak of the nine-star Dou Sheng, and definitely not at the level of Dou Di.

Xiahou looked at his points, and in all fairness, he felt that the price was reasonable, but he still had some doubts about the strength of the group leader.

He has never seen the group leader make a move.

And Master's strength is universally recognized!

However, after receiving the group leader's reply, Xia Hou still had a little more confidence.

He also has a backer now.

It's just that the price of dealing with the master is too high, Xiahou only hopes that the master should not intervene.

With the support of the group leader, Xia Hou felt a lot more stable, and said with a smile: "I don't just say what I say to Mr. Da, whether you like it or not."

Confidence and confidence come from strength and backing.

Li slowly froze for a moment, Xiahou's change was somewhat unexpected.

Why is the other party so stubborn?
Even the Sect Master of the Demon Sect is still practicing calligraphy in the back mountain, and whenever he sees him, he has to obediently call him Senior Brother.

Xiahou is only at the pinnacle of martial arts, and is a master in the secular world, but to Houshan, he is just a rootless duckweed.

Li slowly recuperated well, and did not get angry. He said calmly, "You have already said what you want to say. Next, let me ask some things the general doesn't want to hear."

"Sir, please tell me." Xia Hou raised his hand and said.

He is letting himself go now, if Li Slowly really wants to attack him, then he can only choose to shake people.

Li slowly asked: "Is it Lin Ling who pretended to be the horse thief who wanted to rob and kill my junior brother and Miss Mo in the grassland?"


Everyone is well aware of this kind of thing, and Xia Hou admitted it openly.

Li slowly asked again: "Whose orders are they following?"


Xiahou answered very simply.

Li slowly felt that something was wrong, but he continued to ask: "It was you who tried to kill my junior brother in order to snatch the heavenly book?"

"It's me, it's me, it's me."

Xia Hou dared to act boldly, not to mention that Mr. Da was a witness to what happened at the beginning, and there is no point in concealing it. He is now ready to owe a huge debt to the blocked, and he only hopes that the group leader can be more helpful.

(End of this chapter)

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