Douluo: Zodiac Tower

Chapter 250 The Arena

Chapter 250 The Arena

The leader of the Tianxiahui: The newcomer is very attractive, what is the origin?
Gray Robe Wizard: Are you really from another world?

Hero out of interest: Ah, whoever is the strongest in the group, fight with me.

One Punch Man World.

Saitama was sitting at home, looking around with a dull face, the shining forehead reflected the sunlight.

Since defeating the Crabman, he has carried out a three-year arduous practice.

Do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and run 10 kilometers every day.

Regardless of whether it is winter or summer, he does not turn on the air conditioner. Although it is painful, he perseveres in order to become a hero.

The first three months were the most difficult. Even if my legs were stiff, I still had to do squats, even if my arms made strange noises, I still had to do push-ups, and beat all kinds of weirdos in the process of exercising.

Three years later, he was bald, but also stronger!
He even lost his emotions as a human being, and rarely had emotional fluctuations.

If Saitama still cares about anything, it is nothing more than discounts in the supermarket, or an opponent who can fight as much as he wants.

Ning Que spoke.

[Group leader] Treat people with sincerity: Be quiet first, this time the eldest princess will explain the basic information of the chat group to the newcomers.

Princess Eldest: Thank you, the group leader, the three newcomers, the Tiantian chat group is...

Li Yunrui Bilibili explained the various functions and rules of the chat group, detailing everything, and Gandalf, Saitama, and Scar from different worlds watched silently.

Ning Que took the time to look at the levels of other group members.


Apart from Ning Que and Saitama, Uchiha Shisui and Xiahou are considered to be the second level of the pyramid, but the group level only represents their own strength, and does not count external objects.

For example, Iron Blood Scar, although he is only level 1, has a miniature nuclear power computer on his arm. If he is given a chance, he can pull Zhishui, or a level 4 group member like Xiahou will die together.

This is the power of technology.

All roads lead to Rome, and the technology has reached a certain level, and it also has the power to open up the world and kill gods and demons.

It was Jiang Yuyan who surprised Ning Que. When Jiang Yuyan first joined the chat group, she was just an ordinary person. Now she has reached level 2 without saying a word. It seems that she has already practiced "Transferring Flowers".

About ten minutes passed.

Ning Que sorted out the new function information of the chat group, including the information of the traversal symbol, and uploaded it to the group file.

Jiang Yuyan and other elderly people immediately downloaded the group files to check.

Lord of the Rings world.

Gandalf walked on the country road with his magic wand.

He wore a blue peaked hat, a gray cloak, and a silver scarf, a white beard that reached to his waist, and heavy black boots.

While some know his true nature, others mistakenly believe he is nothing more than an ordinary magician.

When he first came to Arda, he was thought to be a man, until it was discovered that he could live forever.

Later, some people thought that Gandalf was an elf, so he was given the title of Gandalf (meaning "the elf of the wand").

But Gandalf is completely different from the elves, because the elves can be forever young, but Gandalf has always looked like an old man.

In 3319 of the second era, after the fall of the Númenor Empire, Manwë, the god of the atmosphere, decided to send five Maiyas who were as powerful as Sauron to Middle-earth to assist the elves and humans against Sauron.

But only Kurunel (Saruman) volunteered to take on the task, so Manwe found four others, and Oroin (Gandalf) was one of them, and Oroin was also the wisest of all Maia. .

The five Maya incarnations are old human beings, knowledgeable and knowledgeable in appearance but not affected by the years. They call themselves Estali, but their abilities are limited.

In the year 1000 of the third era, Gandalf was the last one of Estali to reach Middle-earth. When he reached the shore of Gray Harbor, Cirdan saw that Oroin would achieve extraordinary things in the future, so he gave him the ring of fire Naya .

In 2941 of the third era, Gandalf met Thorin Oakenshield by chance, so he launched the Lonely Mountain mission to prevent Sauron from forming an alliance with Smaug.

If they fail, Middle-earth will be lost forever.

The Tiantian chat group may be the turning point.

After reading the message sent by the eldest princess, Gandalf understood a little bit, and was not in a hurry to read the group files.

Gray Robe Wizard: I see, I never thought there would be such a magical item.

Grey-robed Wizard: @【Group Master】Treat people with sincerity, respected group master, I saw in the group file, there is a function called memory copy, it seems that you can see the past and future of the group members, please tell me about this Lonely Mountain operation Can it be successful?

[Group leader] Treat people with sincerity: I believe in exchange of equal value. If you agree to exchange with the Supreme Lord of the Rings, I can provide a copy of your memory about the world.

The Supreme Lord of the Rings has no effect on Ning Que, it just wants to satisfy his hobby of collecting.

Gray robe wizard: I don't have the Supreme Lord of the Rings, can I change the conditions?

[Group leader] Treat people with sincerity: Then the Aken gem.

Gandalf was silent.

The Aken gem is a treasure of the dwarves, not to mention he doesn't have it, even if he finds it, he won't be able to trade it.

Hero out of interest: Group leader, are you good?Let's have a fight.

Since becoming stronger, no matter what kind of opponent he is, he can't take a punch from Saitama.

This made Saitama gradually forget the feeling of passion.

Now the appearance of the Zhutian chat group made Qiyu look forward to it.

[Group leader] Treat people with sincerity: I'm refining weapons recently, if you want to fight, you can wait a few days.

After reading the group files, Li Yunrui saw this message and thought, "The group leader has actually challenged. It seems that this newcomer is not easy!"

Scar: I'm coming.

【Ding!The group member Scar invites heroes who are interested in the group to enter the arena to challenge, do you accept it? 】

Qiyu looked at the information on the chat interface, tilted his head slightly, and showed a kind smile.

Choose to accept now.

To open the arena, both parties need to pay 1000 points, or 2000 points can be paid unilaterally.

Although Saitama and Scar have just entered the chat group, their fate has changed, and it is not a problem for one of them to get 1000 points.

【Ding!The heroes who are motivated by the interest of the group members accept the challenge, and the arena opens! 】

[System prompt: Open the duel mode, both parties pay 1000 points, the loser loses all points, and the winner gets 9% of the total points. 】

Looking at the information on the chat interface, Ning Que felt that the scar was the real problem.

A young Predator who hadn't even had a coming-of-age ceremony dared to challenge the bald-headed demon king.

Still too young!

At the same time, a system message appeared in front of Scar.

[The arena is open, please select the battlefield. 】

Then, venues appeared in front of Scar's eyes.

There are endless deserts, vast oceans, urban streets, glacial canyons, jungles and mountains.

As the initiator of the arena, Scar has the power to choose the venue.

Scar didn't think much, and directly clicked on the glacier as the battlefield.

The leader of the Tianxiahui: the arena?Can I start a live broadcast?
Zhenbei General: The rookie who can challenge the leader of the group, look forward to it.


In a blink of an eye, the consciousness of Saitama and Scar appeared in the arena.

Fighting in the arena does not really die.

There are no rules in the arena, the game will end only if one loses combat effectiveness, dies, or voluntarily admits defeat.

This duel field is based on the Antarctic glacier, and only Saitama and Scar exist.

【Ding!The hero who is interested opens the live broadcast room, do you want to enter? 】

[Group member Jiang Yuyan enters the live broadcast room. 】

[Group members Tianxia will help the master enter the live broadcast room. 】

[Group member Zhenbei General enters the live broadcast room. 】

[The gray-robed wizard of the group enters the live broadcast room. 】

Ning Que did not enter the live broadcast room, because he knew that there was no suspense in this battle.

After Jiang Yuyan and others entered the live broadcast room, a brand new scene appeared on the interface in front of them at the same time!

In the vast and endless glaciers, Saitama's bald head like a light bulb is his signature symbol. Apart from the bald head and hanging eyes, his appearance is very ordinary, without any personality that a strong man should have. Superman suit.

Opposite Saitama is a humanoid creature. The physical characteristics and appearance of the Predator is a bipedal humanoid creature, about [-] meters tall, with braided hair, fishing net clothing, and simple armor. There is a mask on the face, the face cannot be seen, and the skin is reptilian, slightly yellowish and spotted.

Saitama said, "Weird?"

He spoke Japanese, which Gandalf, Jiang Yuyan, Xiahou and others could not understand.

There is a translator on the helmet of the Predator, which records the languages ​​​​of intelligent life on many planets, including Japanese, so it can be understood.

The scar man didn't talk much and didn't explain anything. With a wave of his hand, a wrist knife that looked like Wolverine's claw popped out.

This wrist knife is made of an alloy with high mechanical strength. It is usually assembled on the right hand of the Predator. It is the most conventional weapon of the Predator, and any Predator is equipped with it.

At this time, Scar has not yet passed the adult ceremony, and the equipment on his body is relatively simple, not even a shoulder cannon, only a few super alloy cold weapons.

Scar charged aggressively at Saitama, and Saitama threw out his fist.

With a sound of "pia ji", the knife scar exploded, the kind with no bones left!

(End of this chapter)

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