Douluo: Zodiac Tower

Chapter 45 Elephant Armor City

Chapter 45 Elephant Armor City

At noon, Ning Que rested on the side of the road. In the scorching summer, Ning Que was not afraid of fire and water, but the two girls, Irene and Lan Weiwei, were not.

Irene took a sip of water and summoned the Martial Soul Snow Monster.

The snow monster is an ice-type martial soul, and its own cold air can be used to escape the heat. It is really a mobile air conditioner, but it only blows cold wind, and it consumes soul power.

Ning Que observed it and felt that he should be able to simulate it.

His fourth soul skill "Transformation Light" can change the shape, the more it fits the changes of Ning Que's own attributes, the more powerful it can be.

After taking Star Anise Black Ice Grass and Blazing Fire Xingjiaoshu, Ning Que's soul power has two attributes of ice and fire. It is a good choice to transform into ice or fire martial souls and soul beasts.

But there is a prerequisite, that is, Ning Que must understand the goal of the transformation.

Otherwise, it's just a superficiality, not a god.

After thinking about it, Ning Que said, "Irene, your martial soul is of the ice type, right? It looks interesting. What is the soul skill?"

It is not polite to ask someone about their soul skills after only getting along for two days.

But Ning Que didn't care, and Irene also didn't feel that something was wrong, and said: "My first soul skill is the Ice Chain, which can release cold air to freeze the enemy. A normal ten-year soul beast can freeze for 3 seconds."

Hearing this, Ning Que smiled and said, "Use the soul skill at me, and I will feel the power of your soul skill."

"It's not good."

Although Irene knew that her soul skills couldn't hurt the other party, she felt it was inappropriate to do so.

"It's okay, let's do it."

Seeing that Ning Que insisted, Irene said, "That would be an offense."

"The first soul skill—Ice Chain!"

Putting her hands together in front of her body, Irene murmured a spell, and the clear sky was filled with snow, and two crystal clear ice chains sprang out, wrapping around Ning Que's body.

The speed of the ice chain is not fast. If Ning Que wants to, he can easily avoid it. If ordinary people are entangled, they may feel cold all over their bodies, numb and stiff, but for Ning Que, this cold air has no effect at all.

With a slight shock, the ice chain turned into crushed ice and fell.

Xu San and Lan Weiwei were not surprised to see that Ning Que was unscathed.

It would be unreasonable for an existence like this that could easily kill a thousand-year-old soul beast to be injured by Irene's first soul skill.

Ning Que felt it for himself, and said: "As a control-type soul master, your release speed of soul skills is too slow, your attack method is relatively direct, and the density of the ice chain is not enough. If you want to increase the power, I suggest you increase the volume of the ice chain Compress it a little bit, try to condense the frozen air on several nodes of the ice chain, and hurt ten fingers, it is better to cut off one finger."

Hearing Ning Que's words, Irene was thoughtful.

After the sun was a little lower, several people continued on the road.

About two hours later, Ning Que and his party came to a tall city wall.

The Elephant Armor City is the residence of the Elephant Armor Sect. The tall city is built in the middle of two mountains, forming a natural fortress. Soldiers are patrolling back and forth on the city wall. There are two tall mammoth stone sculptures on both sides of the city gate. Sworn to its inviolability.

After approaching, it can be seen that there is a natural moat around the city wall, with a water depth of more than ten meters, and some water-type soul beasts that have been around for more than ten years can be seen in it.

A suspension bridge more than ten meters long spans the moat, and opposite is the huge city gate. Several burly soldiers are chatting listlessly against the edge of the city gate.

Seeing someone entering the city, he didn't bother.

Passing through the city gate, the buildings inside are all in the style of the medieval West, with towers everywhere and roads intertwined.

After entering the city, Ning Que separated from Xu San and the others.

After walking for a while, Ning Que saw the logo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect on a jewelry shop. He walked into it and took out a token.

Then he handed a letter to the boss here, briefly explained a few words, and after getting some information, he turned and left.

The reason why the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect is the richest sect is because it involves a lot of business. There are stores of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect in every major city of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Even in the Star Luo Empire, there are some shops, but they are relatively few.

To some extent, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is more like a business empire.

What Ning Que gave just now was a family letter declaring safety, so as not to worry his parents.

After leaving the shop, Ning Que started to wander the streets, buying things he liked or useful when he saw them.

Walking and walking, I came to the market where soul beasts were sold.

Such as the fur, scales, bones, meat, organs, and cubs of soul beasts.

The seemingly bustling streets, in the eyes of soul beasts, may be hell on earth.

Ning Que is used to this, if you tell these people that there is no harm if there is no business, you are playing the piano against the bull.

They are all operating legally, and Qibao Liulizong also has similar shops.

Selling soul beasts is their livelihood, just like those who sold cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs in the previous life.

Ning Que is not the Holy Mother, nor is he a beast lover, if he sees a pitiful soul beast, he goes to rescue it.

For example, if it is said that because someone likes rabbits, people in the whole mainland are not allowed to eat spicy rabbit heads, then such people will definitely be considered crazy.

The reality is not a fairy tale, no one will accommodate you if you are not relatives or friends.

Ning Que had no intention of buying a soul beast. If he wanted to, he could easily capture it for Ning Que as long as it was a soul beast under ten thousand years old.

He can also catch soul beasts by himself, but wild soul beasts are difficult to tame.

Many of the soul beasts sold here are bred from cubs, so they are domesticated.

Most of these soul beasts have something in common, that is, they are petite in size, cute in appearance, and their age is not high, usually not more than a hundred years.

Of course, there are some exceptions.

For example, turtles, and some relatively mild plant-type soul beasts, can be sent away for several generations, or even dozens of generations, if they are well raised.

In the back mountain pond of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, there is a thousand-year-old soul beast, the money turtle.

It is said that it was raised from the generation of Grandpa Taizu, and it has been passed down for more than ten generations. If Ning Que can't cultivate to become a god, maybe this old tortoise can send him away!

At this time, there seemed to be something interesting ahead, which attracted a group of people to watch.

Ning Que also became curious, stepped forward to have a look, and found that the one sold here was not a soul beast, but a little girl with fox ears.

The fox girl in front of her was locked in a huge iron cage, her body curled up, and her young body was slightly thin.

She has a pair of blue eyes, golden orange hair hanging down to her waist, wearing a red dress, bare feet, and a pair of ears. She looks only seven or eight years old, cute and cute, In the pure, with a touch of charm.

But in Ning Que's eyes, it was a different scene.

(End of this chapter)

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