Douluo: Zodiac Tower

Chapter 5 Chapter 1 Soul ring, work hard to create a miracle!

Chapter 5 The first soul ring, work hard to create a miracle!

The lavender thousand-year-old soul ring surrounded the top of his head. Ning Que sat cross-legged, and with a thought, the Zodiac Tower appeared between his hands.

The body of the tower produced a strong suction force, and after a little struggle, the thousand-year spirit ring began to shrink, becoming the size of a bracelet, and fell onto the second floor of the Zodiac Tower.

Unlike the general Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda that absorbs soul rings, the Twelve Zodiac Pagoda absorbs soul rings, not layer by layer.

Ning Xiuyuan and the Fifth Elder had never seen such a situation before. They didn't know whether it was good or bad, and they didn't dare to disturb them.

When a soul master absorbs a soul ring, it is the most vulnerable period. If he interrupts it rashly, his previous efforts will be wasted, and his life will be in danger.

At this time, Ning Que had reached the critical moment to absorb the soul ring.

I just felt that the tower of the Chinese zodiac that was suspended on both hands vibrated violently, like a wild horse running wild.

At the same time, a powerful and thick soul power rushed into the body frantically, and the body couldn't help shaking violently.


Under the intrusion of soul power, the zodiac tower in Ning Que's hand became heavy, and the bull-shaped pattern on the second floor seemed to be animated, emitting bursts of mysterious light.

In just a short moment, Ning Que felt that the Zodiac Tower, which was originally as light as a feather, now weighs a thousand catties. If Ning Que's physique hadn't gained a huge boost when absorbing the soul ring, he might have been crushed and climbed down.

The whole process of absorbing the spirit ring was not particularly difficult. It only took about 10 minutes, and the spirit ring was completely integrated into the Zodiac Tower.

After absorbing the first soul ring, Ning Que's soul power broke through the bottleneck, allowing his soul power to increase rapidly. Although he couldn't break through the shackles of level 30 due to the lack of soul ring, the amount of soul power was comparable to that of a level 32 soul master level!

Not only that, the gate to the starry sky that was originally out of reach in my mind has undergone some changes at this time.

In a blink of an eye, Ning Que's consciousness appeared in a starry sky. Inside the huge starry sky gate in front of him, a black mist as vast as a sea of ​​stars emerged. The mist seemed to contain many illusory souls. Some swords slash the stars, majestic and terrifying...

Ning Que wanted to go forward, but seemed to be blocked by an invisible force, unable to advance half a point.

Staring closely at the black mist for a long time, a faint phantom flew out from the edge of the black mist.

This phantom has a blurry face, and it can only be judged from its figure that it is a man in white clothes with two ponytails in ancient times.

Before Ning Que could see the truth, countless dancing golden figures poured into Ning Que's mind.

Immediately, the black mist in front of him dissipated, and Ning Que's consciousness returned to the real world.

My mind was boiling hot, and a phantom appeared in my mind, practicing martial arts with great openness and closure.

Ning Que collected his mind and observed carefully.

Xu Ying was speechless by default, his body was shocked, his appearance was like wearing a golden armor, which could resist all attacks from external forces, his whole body was strengthened into a golden body, and he became an invulnerable person who was invulnerable to weapons, water and fire.

Meditation pose, roots of dead trees, sea fishing for the moon, arhat holding a tripod, King Kong glaring, and holding the moon in his arms.
Following the phantom's martial arts, strong and domineering moves evolved one by one.

Then there is another completely different martial arts.

When everything was over, Ning Que obtained the other party's martial arts inheritance.

It is mainly divided into "King Kong Indestructible Magical Art" and "Suction Dafa".

[That figure ancient three link? 】

Recalling the memories in his mind, Ning Que thoughtfully, and slowly opened his eyes.

When Ning Que got up, Ning Xiuyuan and the fifth elder were waiting anxiously. They had no idea in their hearts about Ning Que's first soul ring absorbing the thousand-year soul ring, and they were always protecting Ning Que.

It wasn't until seeing that the spirit ring was completely absorbed that he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems to be a success!"

The stone that Ning Xiuyuan hung in his heart finally fell.

Ning Que lifted the tower with one hand, felt the swelling strength and smiled, "It feels really good."

Not only the improvement of soul power, but also the general breakthrough of "King Kong Indestructible Magical Skill" and "Suction Power Dafa" to the third level, which is considered a small success.

Seeing that Ning Que had leapfrogged to absorb the thousand-year-old soul ring without any sequelae, the fifth elder stroked his short beard: "It's fine, young master, tell me quickly, what is your first soul skill?"

After Wuhun obtains the spirit ring, the skills have to go through a mutation process to be produced.

The skills produced by different spirits and the same spirit ring are absolutely different, and vice versa.

Even if the age of the spirit ring is different, the skills will be very different.

Only the deity knows what soul ability he has obtained.

Ning Que replied, "Why don't Fifth Elder and father experience it for themselves."

As he spoke, he began to release his martial soul and soul skills.

"The twelve zodiac signs are blessed by the ugly cow! Work hard to create miracles!"

With the Zodiac Tower in hand, a round of purple soul ring was suspended on Ning Que's body.

Immediately, a golden light fell on the Fifth Elder and Ning Xiuyuan.

The Fifth Elder and Ning Xiuyuan suddenly felt their bodies full of strength, and the Fifth Elder circulated his soul power, feeling horrified in his heart.

Ning Xiuyuan said excitedly: "It's not just a unilateral increase in strength, but also physical fitness, hitting power, impact power, explosive power, and even soul training power will be greatly improved. Even stronger than the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda."

"This is because two people are boosted at once. If only one person is boosted, it can boost soul masters of the same level by 50%."

Ning Que said silently in his heart: "If you use it on yourself, the increase effect will be 100%, and every time you cross a title after that, it will increase by 100%."

Even so, Ning Xiuyuan and the Fifth Elder were stunned.

The first soul skill can achieve a 50% increase. According to the increase effect of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, it is twice as strong. If you get the second soul ring, wouldn’t it be able to increase the increase by 60%. Calculated based on the increase of 10% for each soul ring Ning Que can surpass him as long as he gets four soul rings.

Ning Xiuyuan and the Fifth Elder didn't know at all that Ning Que's Zodiac Pagoda had a completely different algorithm from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, and that the first ring was stronger than the nine rings, otherwise he might have a heart attack from excitement.

At the same time, it made them more determined to focus on training Ning Que.

Such an increase effect is simply terrifying.

Once Ning Que became a Titled Douluo, he could even easily influence the direction of the war.

Moreover, Ning Que's martial soul has twelve layers. If all of them were equipped with soul rings, what kind of terrifying existence would it be?

If it wasn't because Ning Que was his child, and Ning Que was replaced by someone from a hostile force, Ning Xiuyuan would definitely do everything possible to kill such an existence in the bud at any cost.

Comparing his heart with his heart, Ning Xiuyuan decided to increase the protection of Ning Que.

As long as Ning Que grows up, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School will definitely surpass the Haotian School, the Wuhun Palace, and surpass all other schools.

Thinking of the scene of the sect standing proudly on top of the world, Ning Xiuyuan and the fifth elder couldn't help but get excited.

People are ambitious. The reason why most people don't put it into action is not because they don't have ambitions, but because they don't have the corresponding ability.

The talent shown by Ning Que right now, as long as he becomes a Titled Douluo, no, as long as he becomes a Contra or even a Soul Sage, it is enough to change the pattern of the mainland, which can't help but make Ning Xiuyuan's mind active.

[At the beginning of the fifth game, come to Bo Tickets to support. 】

(End of this chapter)

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