Douluo: Zodiac Tower

Chapter 52 The Weird Jiangxin Town

Chapter 52 The Weird Jiangxin Town


The body of the swamp octopus fell down, splashing a large amount of water, and a dark purple soul ring emerged. Ning Que didn't absorb it, but took off a section of the octopus' tentacles, preparing to make a steel octopus.

"That is……"

"This man in the cloak is really not simple."

"It killed the swamp octopus with one blow, so powerful!"

"Emperor Soul, this is definitely Lord Soul Emperor."

The survivors on the boat were pleasantly surprised to see Ning Que kill the swamp octopus with one blow.

Just now they thought they were doomed. After all, none of these people possessed flying martial spirits and soul skills. Once the swamp octopus sank the boat, they would definitely become the rations of aquatic spirit beasts.

The Soul Emperor is very common to sect disciples like Ning Que, but on the mainland, he can already be regarded as a strong man who can sit on one side.

In some remote places, the Soul Sect can even be a local emperor.

Even Robbie Kay, the high-spirited aristocrat just now, died down at this moment, hiding behind others and not daring to show his head.

"This guy didn't die, it's really good people don't live long!"

Slightly emotional, Ning Que looked at the crew and the soul hunting team: "Fix the damaged place quickly, clean up the blood, and avoid attracting other soul beasts."

"Yes Yes Yes."

The crew came back to their senses and began to get busy.

Ning Que started to take out tools and start cooking ingredients.

Su Jiuer took the books Ning Que gave her to learn knowledge.

In the cabin, a white-haired old man looked at Ning Que, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and murmured, "Hun Emperor, I didn't expect there to be a big fish..."

His voice is so low that outsiders can't hear it at all.

Three days later, in the early morning, the big ship approached a small island in the middle of the river.

After the big ship landed, it lowered its sails and dropped its anchor.

After the crew tied the thick ropes, they disembarked to purchase supplies.

Ning Que and Su Jiu'er walked in front, and when they turned their heads, they found Robbie Kai and the captain Jason gathered behind, seeming to be talking about something.

Su Jiuer whispered, "These people have problems."


Ning Kuang nodded, not much.

Today the ship does not set sail, and everyone is resting on the island.

This is equivalent to a supply station for the passing fleet, and it is relatively bustling and lively.

The island is surrounded by mountains, and there is a basin in the center, forming a natural haven. At this time, it is summer, and the mountains are covered with green grass and lush greenery, giving people a sense of vitality.

A small town has been established in the center of the island. The houses are generally relatively low, and no three-story buildings have been demolished. When we came to the town, we could see that some farmers were farming in the fields.

Ordinary domestic animals are gnawing on the green grass leisurely, a piece of idyllic scenery in a paradise.

Walking into the town, the first thing you see is an unknown female statue, with the words "Goddess of the Forest" written on it in ancient Chinese.

Some of the surrounding residents are drying clothes in the yard, some are chopping firewood and carrying water, and some are sitting in twos and threes under the trees to enjoy the shade. They will greet outsiders friendly.

At this time, a fifteen or sixteen year old brown-haired boy wearing a hat came to Ning Que and Su Jiu'er.

"Welcome to Jiangxin Town, if you need anything, I can help you."

In every city there are some poor children who act as guides for outsiders in order to make a living. This kind of thing is very common.

Ning Que waved his hand: "No need."

Disappointed, the boy walked to the back and asked about other people.

Residential buildings and shops on both sides showed enthusiastic smiles when they saw outsiders.

But this smile made Ning Que feel fake.

They came to a seemingly good hotel to stay. Ning Que and Su Jiuer lived in one room. The room was clean and tidy without any peculiar smell.

Take a book on his desk called "The Goddess of the Forest", the author is named Eric the God Envoy.

The content in the book was about the legend of the Goddess of the Forest, and some teachings. Ning Que was not interested, so he threw it back on the table.

Suddenly, Ning Que sensed someone watching his room, looked through the window, and found a man in black standing under a tree across the street, who looked like one of the crew.

The man seemed to be alert, and immediately walked away pretending to be nonchalant, and entered a tavern not far away.

"Da Da~"

At this time, the door was knocked, Ning Que knew who was coming, and said, "Come in, the door is unlocked."


Su Jiu'er pushed the door open, looked around, and whispered, "Yan Guiren, something is wrong with this town."

While talking, Su Jiuer took out a piece of soil wrapped in a cloth from his sleeve like a thief and put it on the table, saying seriously: "I just dug this soil at the back of the hotel, and the soil has a strong smell of blood. It smells like human blood."

The fox's sense of smell and hearing are very keen. Now she and Ning Que are in the same boat. She may not be honored if Ning Que is honored, but if Ning Que is missing, she will definitely be unlucky, so I specially reminded her.

Ning Que also noticed that there was indeed something abnormal in this small town. In addition, there were people secretly watching, and most of the visitors were not friendly.

They have changed their appearance now, even Title Douluo can't see through their true identities.

Presumably it wasn't people from the Elephant Armor Sect chasing and killing them.

Then there is only one possibility, this small town in the middle of the river is probably a den of thieves doing murder and looting.

"Be careful, don't get too far away from me."

Ning Que released his mental power and scanned the surroundings. He found that the residents of the town put down their work and began to gather towards a church-like place.

Captain Jason and nobleman Robbie Kay are among them.

Then there was a prayer-like singing in the church.

"Come on, let's go out for a walk."

Ning Que is a bold man, confident in his own strength, and plans to take the initiative.

in the church.

A middle-aged man dressed like a priest is giving an impassioned speech.

"We are all God's people, and because of God's protection, we can survive in this chaotic world."

"Her calling leads us forward, and her kindness and grace endows us with a good life."

"He chose me to be God's messenger, endowed me with wisdom, walked the world instead of God, and spread God's will."

"We have no wars or taxes here, it's all God's gift, and you... are all God's people, you are the freest people."

After the words fell, there was thunderous applause, and the eyes of the people in the church became wild.

Under the influence of the transformation light, Ning Que and Su Jiu'er turned into two little birds, standing on the branch outside the church and watching secretly for a while.

Ning Que felt that this was very similar to the MLM den in his previous life, but it didn't seem to be for money.

After the prayer, the crowd dispersed.

Ning Que and Su Jiuer flapped their wings and watched the town residents from the air.

It is found that the island is rich in products, the residents do not even need to trade gold soul coins, the neighbors are harmonious, and the doors are not closed at night, just like the legendary Garden of Eden.

It looks peaceful and harmonious.

But Ning Que and Su Jiu'er's hearts became more serious.

Passing through the town, Ning Que and Su Jiu'er came to the east of the town and saw Robbie Kai, the captain and the angel in the church walking into a wooden house.

The two were going to follow up to have a look, but when they flew halfway, they hit an invisible barrier and fell from midair.

"Haha, two silly birds."

A boy's voice came, and the boy in the hat who had been a guide outside the town before came out.

Previously, Ning Que thought that the boy in the hat was a guide to make money, but after seeing the living conditions of the residents in the town, he changed his mind.

These people don't care about money at all, or money from the outside world has no value at all to local residents.

(End of this chapter)

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