Chapter 74

In the extreme north, it was snowing heavily.

In the cold weather, even in summer, there is no warmth.

The closer it is to the depths of the extreme north, the lower the temperature.

In such a harsh environment, only some relatively cold-resistant plants can grow, so that there are few herbivorous spirit beasts in the extreme north, and more carnivorous spirit beasts. Compared with the Star Dou Great Forest, the number of spirit beasts here Much less, and generally more vicious and powerful.

The harsh weather and environment, coupled with the ferocious spirit beasts, resulted in relatively fewer soul masters coming here to hunt and kill the spirit beasts.

If you want to hunt soul beasts here, you have to fight with the sky, with the earth, and sometimes you have to fight with people in order to fight for the soul beasts!
But even so, as long as it is profitable, it cannot stop the progress of mankind.

Frost covered the cold sky, and a piece of crystal clear trees stood in the cold wind, lonely but firm, and clustered yet proud.

They stand on the vast land, enduring the cold bones alone, like rows of soldiers guarding the territory.

This is a snow crystal tree, which is a special tree in the extreme north. It is not found in other places, and it is not a plant-type soul beast.

At this time, a team of seven people wearing white fur furs moved forward in the snow and came to the Snow Crystal Forest.

They are from the Insect God Mercenary Group, and they are very famous in Tianshui City.

The so-called mercenary group is actually a team composed of soul masters. There are many ways out for soul masters, they can join sects, Wuhun hall, royal family, or work under nobles.

But there are also some who like to be free and will form a soul hunting team or a mercenary group.

Unlike the soul hunting team, the mercenary group will also take on some tasks, such as escorting someone to a designated place to protect their safety, and they can also be hired to inquire about information, hunt soul beasts to earn money, and so on.

The difference between the two is not big, but the mercenary group is more formal, has stronger centripetal force, and pays more attention to reputation.

The team leader is a lady-like blue-haired woman named Leng Bingning. She is 63 years old, but she looks like she is in her 40s, and she still has a charm. The martial soul is the top beast soul 'Ice Jade Scorpion'.

When she was young, Leng Bingning was a famous femme fatale in Tianshui City. She used to study in Tianshui College, and currently she also holds the post of honorary elder of Tianshui College.

Next to her is the deputy head Cao Zhenghong, 68 years old, with a burly physique and a height of nearly two meters. One of Bing Ning's suitors.

The other players are of different grades.

But this time going deep into the extreme north, the risk factor is very high, so the team members who came here are all soul emperors above level 60.

Rogers with dark circles, 72 years old, level 70 Assault Soul Emperor, Wuhun 'Ironback Centipede'.

Tall and thin Zhang Hanxuan, 77 years old, level 67 Sensitive Attack Department Battle Soul Emperor, martial soul 'Shadow Mantis'.

Li Rencheng with a goatee, 70 years old, a level 65 control system war soul emperor, and a martial soul 'Crypt Spider'.

Gao Yalan with blue hair, 58 years old, level 64 auxiliary soul emperor, martial soul 'Bright Goddess Butterfly'.

The gray-haired Cheng Mingyao, 81 years old, is a level 62 food-type soul emperor, and a martial soul "fruit platter".

There are seven people in a group, five men and two women, and they are all in grades.

Among them, Cheng Mingyao has the highest grade and the lowest level, because it is the most difficult for food-type soul masters to advance.

It's embarrassing for him to go deep into the extreme north with the team at a young age, but in the team, food-type soul masters are indispensable.

It has been more than thirty years since the establishment of the Insect God Mercenary Group.

From the prime of life to the gray-haired, during which some people left and some died in battle, it was not easy to develop to this scale after ups and downs!
Entering the Far North this time is because Rogers in the team has reached level 70 and needs to obtain the seventh soul ring to advance.

Once the promotion is successful, their worm god mercenary group will have three soul saints.

And their target is a mirror image beast around 28000 years old.

Mirror image beasts are very rare soul beasts with strong defense and the ability to clone themselves. They can also devour the blood of other people or soul beasts to launch corresponding soul skills to fight. They are quite difficult to deal with.

It also took them more than half a month, nearly [-] gold soul coins, to find out the approximate location of this ten thousand year mirror image beast.

According to intelligence, the Wannian mirror image beast lives in the Snow Crystal Forest.

After carefully sneaking for a while, Leng Bingning and the others finally found the target.

The scale armor of the mirror image beast is very peculiar, each scale is like a small mirror, if it stands still, it can reflect the surrounding environment.

If it weren't for Leng Bingning's strong mental power, it would not be easy to spot the mirror image beast from a distance.

After confirming the target, Leng Bingning and the others lurk behind the distant stone pile.

"Old Cheng, please."

He stared coldly at Cheng Mingyao, who was beside him with white hair and long beard.

Cheng Mingyao nodded. He had reached the age of retirement, and adventures were no longer suitable for him. This visit was his last contribution to the Insect God Mercenary Corps.

There was a flash of light in the slightly cloudy eyes, and six spirit rings of white, yellow, purple, purple, purple, and black rose from under his feet, and then he raised his old right hand, and uttered the third spirit mantra hoarsely.

"Bloodthirsty dragon fruit!"

There was a flash of light in the palm of Cheng Mingyao's right hand, and a platter of bloody red dragon fruit appeared.

Leng Bingning and the others took a piece and ate it, increasing all attributes by 30.00%.

Several people cooperated tacitly, after taking the bloodthirsty dragon fruit, Gao Yalan then released her Wuhun Light Goddess Plate.

I saw a pair of blue butterfly wings spread out from Gao Yalan's back in an instant. The color of the two ends of the front wings changed from dark blue, deep blue, and light blue. Bring light to the world.

Its shape, its colours, are of incomparable and impeccable beauty.

The entire wing surface is like white waves rising from the blue sea. Its color and pattern are very spectacular, purple-blue. The entire wing surface is like a blue sky inlaid with a string of bright halos, sometimes dark blue, sometimes blue, and sometimes blue. Light blue, the white Manchu inscriptions on the wings are like jewels inlaid on them, shining brilliantly and very charming.

The Butterfly Goddess of Light is the most beautiful butterfly spirit in the Douluo Continent. It can only appear on beautiful female soul masters, and it cannot be inherited. The chance of appearance is not high. It is an extremely rare spirit.

"Fifth Soul Skill - Butterfly Transformation!"

Gao Yalan with long water-blue hair floated in mid-air like a butterfly fairy. Six soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, and black rose up under her feet, and the colorful light shone on the bodies of several old teammates.

Under the light, a pair of illusory butterfly wings stretched out from behind the six people.

Butterfly Change, which allows people to have the ability to fly, has a time limit of 3 minutes, and can greatly increase the speed.

After the preparations were completed, Leng Bingning and Cao Zhenghong attacked head-on, Rogers, and Li Rencheng assisted from the side, while Zhang Hanxuan activated the stealth soul skill, intending to find an opportunity to attack the mirror image beast ruthlessly.

Gao Yalan and Cheng Mingyao are behind, depending on the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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