
Chapter 107 Blood Rage

Chapter 107 Blood Rage

Yue Chuan suddenly felt that he hated Han Bing, and these guys who play tricks.However, dislikes are dislikes, Yue Chuan has to admit that Navia's strength is very strong, even higher than Ice Krahe - no matter her cultivation base or the use of skills.

Ice Kracher's strength lies in the connection of magic and the grasp of timing, using control skills to drive the enemy to death step by step, and finally the lore.And Navia is different, she doesn't need any skills at all, and she doesn't need any certainty, she just needs to use her strength to crush everything.

Magic can indeed change the terrain, but it's all done by landslides and earth-shattering.Navia was the complete opposite. She transformed this hot room with a trace of coolness into a polar landscape in the blink of an eye, and the transformation process was smooth and free, without the slightest ups and downs, which showed her strength.

If Navia wants to kill Yue Chuan, Yue Chuan has no room to fight back.Although protected by the white lotus, Navia instantly turned the entire room into a polar cage. Although the ice clinging to the walls is not thick, there is azure light flowing inside them, reflecting the complex array of runes Law, its defense is almost indestructible.In a short period of time, even the siege catapults couldn't hurt it at all, and Bailian couldn't enter it at all, let alone stop Navia.

But fortunately, Navia didn't mean to hurt Yue Chuan, after all, she only used confinement, not attack.Because what she wants is the secret of magic equipment, not a dead person.Moreover, Yue Chuan's pure fighting spirit made her jealous, if he hurt Yue Chuan, would it attract revenge from the big man behind him?The Eugenie family is now strong on the outside and weak on the inside, and they can't stand the toss.

"How is your considering?"

Navia said playfully. While speaking, she stretched out her fair ten and middle fingers, and tapped lightly on the teacup on the table. A piece of clear ice crystal emerged from the cup, and was gently held by Navia, and then slowly Put it in your mouth.Her lips were dark red, with a hint of azure blue in them, as if what flowed in her body was not blood, but frost, which complemented the clear ice crystal perfectly.


Navia's teeth clenched lightly, and the ice crystals immediately shattered into ice powder. After that, Navia closed her eyes in enjoyment, as if she was absorbing the coldness in the ice crystals, and savoring the ice crystals that melted. The scent of tea that comes out is very human, and it really has an extraordinary enjoyment.

The sound of shattering ice crystals came into Yue Chuan's ears clearly. Yue Chuan had an illusion that if he rejected her, he would be crushed to pieces like that ice crystal and become a delicacy in her mouth.Although it is very imaginative to let a beautiful woman bite her body to absorb her body fluids, but if it is an iceberg-like beauty, it is a kind of torture.

In fact, long before Navia came, Yue Chuan knew that the visitor was not good.He knew that most of the exercises practiced by the Eugenie family tended towards ice, so he took the anti-freeze potion in advance, but the same ice played different tricks in Navia's hands.She didn't freeze her flesh and bones, but directly created a coffin-like ice prison, trapping herself in it, unable to move.This method is like burying people alive, but it is even more overbearing.

"Grandma's, I have to hurry up and get a set of magic resistance equipment!" Yue Chuan cursed secretly in his heart, and then he tried his best to stimulate his blood battle qi to maximize his strength.

The hexagonal-shaped ice coffin is completely sealed, without the slightest contact with the outside world, and the inside is self-isolated to form a boundary, without air, heat, and everything needed to sustain life.All it takes is the imminent death.

Death is exactly Navia's intention. She wants to use the oppression of death to make Yue Chuan collapse and submit, and obediently hand over the secret of magic equipment.Violence is not the best way to solve problems, but it is undeniable that violence is the most effective way to solve problems, especially when you have the crushing advantage.

Therefore, Navia's white and slender fingers slowly touched the teacup, and then an ice crystal floated out of the cold teacup, which was precisely grasped by her, and sent into the mouth, and then "clicked", chewed, and immediately felt comfortable Close your eyes and enjoy the wonderful aftertaste.

The blood battle qi surged and reverberated in this narrow ice coffin, and the scarlet blood instantly rendered the ice coffin into a ruby, which also made Navia's eyes a look of surprise, because she clearly felt the pure blood of the blood battle qi. Breath, and fierce murderous aura, no matter what kind, ordinary people can't have. The person who passed down this fighting spirit must be a great peak powerhouse!
At this moment, Navia couldn't help feeling a bit of hesitation in her heart. She didn't know whether it was right or wrong for her to have an affair with Yue Chuan rashly. Magic equipment is indeed of great value, but is it really worthwhile to offend a strong man for this?However, Navia immediately thought of the family's embarrassment, and couldn't help but harden her heart.It's okay to fight against that unknown strong man, as long as the family has heard about the current test, there is no hurdle to pass.Besides, I am not without support.

Just as Navia was enjoying the ice crystals piece by piece, intense blood light shot out from the ice coffin, like a sharp sword, trying to pierce the sky, but was always blocked by the blue ice , every time the blood light surges, complex and mysterious rune arrays will always emerge from the solid ice, pressing them back.

Under the threat of death, all the potential in Yue Chuan's body burned crazily, his organs squirmed, gushes of fresh blood gushed out and merged into his limbs and bones, strands of pure energy sublimated from the blood and merged into the blood Dou Qi made the bloody light colliding in the ice coffin more intense and tyrannical!
The blood battle qi, which had been unable to break through the siege, gradually became manic. The narrow space could not allow them to swim freely, and they were squeezed back into Yue Chuan's body. Under the unimaginable pressure, the battle qi deeply fused with Yue Chuan's muscles, bones, and blood. become an inseparable whole.

A berserker is a strong man who lives from blood. Blood contains the life of a berserker, and it also contains the power of a berserker. It is everything to a berserker.Originally, Yue Chuan had to integrate blood battle qi and blood in order to truly comprehend the profound meaning of a berserker.This process may be very fast, or it may be very long, but now, under the confinement and oppression of Navia, Yue Chuan's blood and blood battle energy are gradually fused together, and become the source of the power of the berserk battle—— blood!

A drop of liquid seemed to emanate from it, making a slight sound.The voice was very subtle, almost imperceptible, but the room was as deadly still, and no sound could escape Navia's five senses and six senses.


Navia couldn't help wondering, in her own frozen domain, there was only solid ice, how could there be liquid?What exactly is going on?


Another drop of liquid derived.Moreover, this is just the beginning, and after that, the liquid derivation speed is getting faster and denser, like a rain curtain under the eaves, or like big beads falling on a jade plate.

Navia's slightly closed beautiful eyes slowly opened wide, and her elegantly pursed lips slowly opened, because she felt a destructive power, like a peerless monster that had been sealed for thousands of years, Finally, at the moment when the ground split, it stretched out its claws and grabbed the ground, and squeezed out with all its strength.

"It's him? How is this possible!"

Although Yue Chuan's strength was good, in Navia's opinion, it was not enough to pose any threat to herself, otherwise she wouldn't be able to restrain him with just a single spell.But now, Navia really wondered if her magic had sealed the wrong target. In just the blink of an eye, the strength of the person in the ice coffin increased by more than ten times.Is this still human?This is simply a devil!

Yes, that's right!
It's the devil!

The blood battle qi and blood all over his body are integrated, as if they are one, regardless of each other, Yue Chuan's hematopoietic organs no longer produce blood, but continuously produce blood qi, and the overflowing blood qi makes Yue Chuan's body swell a little bit, deep in his heart, even more An uncontrollable destructive impulse and desire to kill impacted Yue Chuan's rationality, causing deep roars to come out of his throat.

"Hmm, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh..." (The first few words were pronounced in one go in two seconds, and it was the sound effect of double swords. The sound effect of double swords contained too many syllables, and I repeated them over and over again. I listened to it dozens of times and still didn’t understand it, so I can only express it in these few words)
It seemed to be the ridicule of the devil, and the contempt of the gods, Yue Chuan in the ice coffin let out a chilling laugh.This laughter was not loud, but it was like the sound of war drums, beating Navia's heart fiercely. This laughter was not gloomy, but it made Navia, who was calm in the cold ice, subconsciously tremble.


That's right, coercion!

Navia suddenly thought of this word in her heart, but then she thought that the word coercion has always been the patent of the Dragon Clan, and the Dragon Clan is born with the majesty of the king, and has a deep soul for all creatures. oppression.But the man in front of him is clearly a human being, how could he be a dragon?But if it wasn't for the dragon clan, why would there be coercion?What kind of existence is he?
A blazing blood flame centered on the chest where Yue Chuan's palm was, and spread rapidly to the surroundings, covering every part of Yue Chuan's body in the blink of an eye. The mysterious and complicated rune formations collided fiercely, and blood and blue blended and fought.

clack clack...

The blue magical power is not an all-in-one enemy at all. It is defeated for thousands of miles in the blink of an eye, and the blazing and rising blood flames instantly burst into a brilliance that cannot be seen directly. The master of the room.


The hexagonal column-shaped ice coffin exploded suddenly, but before the broken ice flew out, it was completely shattered by the blood flames, turning into water droplets, water vapor, and disappearing into the air. The body, and the scarlet and demonic blade that shone with bloodthirsty light——Crack!
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(End of this chapter)

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