
Chapter 115 Group 1, Level 5 Trumpets

Chapter 115 A Group of Level 5 Trumpets

The splitting wave not only shattered the druid's sure-killing blow, but also disturbed the natural power in his body. The fragile man couldn't resist the splitting mind blade at all, and he was chopped into pieces without triggering the special effect of the weapon. Rotten flesh.

The golden light of the weapon's blessing on the blade of the cracking soul gradually dimmed and dissipated, and the sacred golden light faded away, revealing the scarlet and strange blade again.Coupled with the bloody appearance on Yue Chuan's body, it has a devilish smell.

However, the people around were not frightened or fearful, but looked at Yue Chuan enthusiastically. Even Alexis and others who had just arrived looked up at Yue Chuan as if looking up to a hero, their eyes were full of respect and admiration.

After all, what happened this time was ultimately the provocation of other sects against the Guangming Church, and at this critical moment concerning the honor and disgrace of the sect, Yue Chuan stepped forward and tried his best to kill the enemy, no matter what method he used, this Both behaviors are commendable.

Blood represents evil and death, but it also represents military exploits and martial arts!Even though the God of Light is known for his benevolence, the God of Light still has battle angels and angels of judgment. In ancient times, the most powerful magic of the Church of Light was to summon the angel of judgment to come to the world, burn everything with the holy flame of light, and reshape the world.

Therefore, the blood-stained Yue Chuan was lifted up as a hero by the priests of the Bright Church, and was thrown high into the air. The loud and exciting hymns were sung in the mouths of the priests, chanting...

"Umont, you are doing well, you are a devout believer!"

Hearing Alexis's praise, Yue Chuan put away the Soul-Cracking Blade, bowed slightly, and said, "I would like to become the sword and shield of the God of Light, and let the blood of the heathen stain my whole body. "

After saying the words that made him feel goosebumps all over his body, Yue Chuan secretly thought in his heart that with this foreshadowing, when he uses the power of blood and energy in the future, when he is covered in blood, no one will make irresponsible remarks.If he could use Bleeding Rage from the very beginning, how could this druid be so rampant!
How could Alexis know what was going on in Yue Chuan's mind? He had a golden light in his eyes, scanned the surrounding crowd sharply, and said in a low voice: "There is more than one heretic here, and what happened this time was just a temptation, there will be more later." Continuous attacks, you have to be careful!"

Yue Chuan nodded heavily. He also noticed that there were many people around him who were evasively looking at them and were quietly retreating. They were obviously the accomplices of the druids.

Although Yue Chuan really wanted to capture them, with the help of Bishop Alexis and his entourage, he should be able to capture all these druids, but there are too many ordinary people here. This is not good for the image of the Church of Light.

"We can only wash them slowly after nightfall!" Yue Chuan secretly thought.

The recruitment of the clergy of the new church is proceeding in an orderly manner. After experiencing the Druid incident, the confidence and enthusiasm for the Church of Light among the surrounding groups soared. Rui Yi's wonderful moves have attracted countless people of all ages, men and women.

Not only ordinary people, but also some mercenaries joined the assessment team.Some of these mercenaries were rookies who had just entered the rivers and lakes, and some were veterans who had become well-known. At this time, they all looked at Yue Chuan with excited eyes.From Alexis's point of view, these people were all attracted by Yue Chuan's heroic figure just now, but only Yue Chuan knew what the wave splitting he used just now showed them.

These people are all the players of the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world that Yue Chuan invited before, and they stayed there for more than half a month. Among them, those who chose Ghost Swordsman are very familiar with the basic skill of splitting waves, so, Seeing Yue Chuan kill the druids with the split wave, they immediately realized that Yue Chuan was also a person like them. Although they could not reveal the secrets of the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world, communicating with each other was not a violation of the rules. Bar?So, these people all chose the conscripts.

Yue Chuan also expected this kind of scene. Of course, he was not worried that these people would be unfavorable to him. On the contrary, after these people joined the Guangming Church, they would spontaneously gather around him to form a faction of the Lei Ze family, which would be his future The strength of the team is also the grassroots of the conceived Guardian Knights.

When the players in the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world approached, Yue Chuan immediately felt a sense, so he stopped asking the set of questions for the assessment, but asked directly: "What level?"

The man obviously didn't expect Yue Chuan to be so straightforward, looked around, and found that there was no third party besides himself and the examiner, so he whispered: "Level 5, died thirteen times in the abyss trial, can't pass. "

The corner of Yue Chuan's mouth twitched, and he glanced at the child who fell into the abyss and couldn't get out sympathetically, and said, "Fill out this form, deal with the matter with the mercenary group, and the Lei Ze family will report it in three days. .”

Although mercenaries belong to a mercenary group, the mercenary group has very little binding force on mercenaries.Except for mercenaries like the Sotheby family who were born as private soldiers, most of the others are the relationship between employers and employees. Everyone gets together to complete the task and then distribute the profits. thing.Therefore, this mercenary will be able to finish the matter soon and report to the Lei Ze family. Yue Chuan's behavior does not constitute poaching.

The man filled out the form, jumped up and down happily, and then another mercenary entered the interview room.

"A few levels?"

"I can't move up to level 5. I was blasted to death by the abyss goblins more than a dozen times. I have to go back to be weak after finishing the task today."

Yue Chuan rubbed his temples, thinking to himself, is the abyss so difficult?Why are they all stuck at level five and can't move up?The first trial is so difficult, you will collapse after thinking about the subsequent levels.This has died into a mass grave before leaving Novice Village. Do you want to be corpses for future high-level maps, ancient maps, and alien maps?No, the corpse is also a promising career.

Yue Chuan didn't say anything, but gave him a form, asked him to register, and then sent him away.

Then came the third, fourth... A dozen or so players in a row, all of them were level five, and none of them passed the abyss trial.However, during the conversation with them, Yue Chuan found that even though they died again and again, they were still full of interest in the abyss trial.It's not that they have masochistic tendencies, but that when performing mercenary missions, they often encounter various irresistible accidents, and many teammates die every time.In reality, death is death, but the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" is dead and can be resurrected, which is just a punishment for weakness.

This kind of life-and-death test sharpens people's minds. Every time they experience death, they will improve their minds. Many mercenaries have died again and again, and their strengths that have not been improved for many years have actually broken through. It is not without gains.

Yue Chuan rubbed his chin and thought to himself, the abyss trial isn't that difficult, I've used the cleric's trumpet all the way through in seconds, these people died ten times and eight times didn't improve at all.

But how did Yue Chuan know that when many warriors first came into contact with DNF, they would walk awkwardly, let alone use skills, or even form exquisite and powerful combos. Facing ordinary goblins, they can still rely on their strength for many years. The mercenary experience to deal with it, but in the face of the abyss lord, there is only hehe.

These people who were invited to enter the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" were forced by the rules and never dared to disclose any information to the outside world. When they saw Yue Chuan, they immediately seemed to meet old acquaintances in other places, and fellow villagers meet fellow villagers.However, not everyone is willing to accept Yue Chuan's recruitment. There are many mercenaries who are doing well in the mercenary world and those who are not very interested in the Guangming Church. They just come here to greet Yue Chuan, and they don't show any intention of joining the Guangming Church. .

In the eyes of these people, Yue Chuan is just like them, one of the many players, maybe he is stuck at the level 5 level and can't get past it, he is doing well by himself, why should he move the place.

For these people whose eyes are higher than the top, Yue Chuan did not show much desire to attract.These people with strength and individuality are often thorns who don't obey discipline, and their temper is stronger than their ability. On the contrary, they are not as easy to manage as those who are mediocre but obedient.Anyway, for Yue Chuan, all abilities can be cultivated, and loyalty and obedience are the most important. He doesn't want to cultivate a group of white-eyed wolves who are too self-aware and will rebel as soon as they are incited.

The first day of recruitment has finally come to an end. After passing Yue Chuan's assessment, they really recruited a lot of talents. During this period, they were gathered in the Lei Ze family for training first, and then moved there after the church was completed.

When he got home, Yue Chuan couldn't wait to enter the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors". He checked the status of the players with administrator privileges. He found that the levels of these thousands of players were all level 5. Not one or two are stuck in the abyss.

"Hey... there is a level 10 here!"

Yue Chuan suddenly noticed a magician named Fenghua Xueyue, her level was actually level 10.Yue Chuan wanted to check her profile, but unfortunately she was offline and couldn't check it.

"Could it be that there are talented players in this other world? Otherwise, how can we stand out from thousands of people? Well... let's talk about adding a friend first."

Yue Chuan changed into a tuba, added the only level 10 player to his friends, and then rushed to Novice Village through the teleportation array.

 I didn't get home until after eleven o'clock yesterday, and it's only now that I finished yesterday's two changes.

(End of this chapter)

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