
Chapter 117 The Value of Dragon Blood

Chapter 117 The Value of Dragon Blood

Entering the dungeon of Sky City, the first feeling is emptiness, vastness, and remoteness. It has a feeling of climbing to the top of the small world, which is completely opposite to the gloomy depression of Gran's Forest.

In the vast castle in the sky, there are guarding dragonmen wandering one after another.The so-called dragon people are actually humanoid creatures with the blood of the dragon. The blood of the dragon endows them with powerful strength, amazing defense, and excellent combat effectiveness. The humanoid body also endows them with flexible fighting skills. , or even the ability to use weapons.


As if the hissing sound of a poisonous snake spit out a message, one after another, the wandering dragonmen saw Yue Chuan's existence. The strange breath immediately aroused their strong sense of territory, and the three tall dragonmen were suspended halfway from the ground. The height of meters, rushed towards Yue Chuan.

"Three, it should be able to fight a battle! After all, it is a copy of the simple level. I just hope that the battle can end quickly, and don't attract a large group of dragonmen."

Thinking of this, Yue Chuan took out the Blade of Cracking Soul, and gently stroked his heart with his palm. A powerful energy gushed out from the atrium, and quickly spread throughout the limbs and bones. Blood-red flames and violent aura shot up into the sky. Weak and harmless humans turned into bloodthirsty demons.

Several dragon people stopped in horror, because the blood and killing intent on Yue Chuan made them feel danger and fear, but immediately a strong anger was aroused in the dragon people's heart.They are noble dragons, powerful dragons, and the strongest creatures... However, they actually developed fear in front of a small human being.

"kill him!"

"Use his blood to wash away our shame!"

"Give his skull to the king first!"

The three dragonmen talked in Dragon language, and then waved the double-headed spear in their hands and launched a fierce offensive.

These dragonmen have a high degree of intelligence, not only know how to use weapons and martial arts, but also use arrays. The three dragonmen present a sharp front and arrow array, one in front, mainly attacking Yue Chuan's head, chest and hips, and two dragonmen. People protected the flanks, and at the same time stole Leng Zi to attack Yue Chuan's left and right sides.

Simple, brutal and direct!
This is the fighting method of the dragon people. Their power from the dragon race is enough to crush any creature of the same level. Even if the blood is impure, it is not comparable to humans. Pain was unable to hold the weapon and was out of combat.It's a pity that these dragon people are facing Yue Chuan, a freak who can't be guessed by common sense!

The brute force of the Minotaur!

Feeling the power of the dragon man, Yue Chuan didn't dare to push it too hard, and directly activated the additional skills on his belt. Immediately, a powerful force rushed into his body, injecting powerful force into his muscles like an air pump, and Yue Chuan's whole body shuddered Inflated twice.

bang bang bang!
Three impacts sounded almost at the same time, Yue Chuan fought three against one, his wrists were almost broken under the shock of the huge force, but fortunately he had extraordinary perseverance, so he endured the pain and did not let go of the weapon.

But the three dragonmen were a little bit worse, the one in the middle staggered back two steps, the dragonmen on both sides were thrown away by the force of the shock, and rolled four or five times on the ground before standing up.


Yue Chuan jumped forward suddenly, and the blood energy of both arms was poured into the blade of the split wound mind in his hand. The fiery blood energy made the blade of the split wound soul dazzling and shining, like a red-hot iron bar, emitting an amazing red light, Dazzling like a little sun.

The blade of splitting mind hit the head of that dragon man fiercely. Although the dragon tried his best to raise his weapon to resist, the sharpness of the blade of splitting mind was not comparable to his weapon at all. Moreover, the blade of splitting mind The sharpness of the blade is second to none. The huge energy and blood attached to the weapon is like an invisible sledgehammer, hitting the dragon man hard, and the strong force penetrates the dragon man's hard scales and directly penetrates into its internal organs.


Like a rotten watermelon falling to the ground, there was a dull echo from the dragon man's body, and immediately, the dark green eyes of the dragon man turned blood red.Different from Yue Chuan's gleaming scarlet, although the dragon man's eyes were full of blood, they were lifeless.Immediately afterwards, dark red blood flowed from the dragon man's ear holes, mouth, and nasal cavity, which was the legendary bleeding from the seven orifices.

"The power of the Collapsing Mountain Strike is so powerful? This dragon man doesn't look abnormal at all, but all the organs in his body are shattered, and he can't die anymore."

But then Yue Chuan woke up from his astonishment, and shouted with pain on his face: "Dragon's blood, it's all dragon's blood!"

Yue Chuan opened the dragon man's mouth, and the soul-splitting blade cut the dragon man's neck, but the hard scales of the dragon man were slippery, and the soul-splitting blade was cut open when it fell, leaving only It's just the next white seal.

Before Yue Chuan made another slash, the dragon man's body had already become hazy and transparent, refreshed, and turned into a few coins and a bottle of potion.

Yue Chuan picked up the potion bitterly, but as soon as he got the potion, he could feel the difference. Looking carefully, this potion was no longer a "novice life potion", but an "intermediate life potion". The recovery effect and recovery speed They have all been raised to a higher level, but this kind of medicine is not suitable for everyone.In the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", only players at level 20 can use it, but in the real world, only those with fighting spirit can use it, otherwise the violent medicinal power will explode the body.You know, even tonics are not to be taken indiscriminately, and a bad supplement is poison.

"Not bad! Although I didn't get the dragon's blood, this medicine can be regarded as a harvest. Hurry up next time!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Yue Chuan approached the other two dragonmen with a three-stage slash. The two dragonmen were hit by Yue Chuan's gust of wind and rain just as they got up. Can't head up, can't stand up.


A dragon man screamed and fell limply, Yue Chuan rushed up without saying a word, pinching the dragon man's lower handle with his iron-like palm, and stabbed the dragon man's jaw hard with the blade of cracking soul. on the spots.

The dragon has reverse scales, touching them will make you angry!The reverse scale, which grows on the jaw and neck of the dragon, is the Achilles' heel of the dragon clan.The whole body of the Dragon Clan is extremely hard, but this place is very soft. Usually, the Dragon Clan will try their best to protect this vital point, and the slightest touch will cause endless hatred.And once Ni Lin received a heavy blow, the Dragon Clan would immediately be on the verge of death.

The Blade of Cracking Soul didn't feel the slightest resistance, it directly pierced in along the Nilin, and as soon as it drew out the blood column, it sprayed Yue Chuan all over his head and face.Without the slightest hesitation, Yue Chuan put the empty bottle he had prepared on the blood spring, and filled it up with a gulp. At this moment, the dragon man's body gradually became hazy, and then disappeared.

Looking at the bottle of gold and red liquid in his hand that continuously emitted faint energy fluctuations, Yue Chuan felt ecstasy in his heart!This, it is really possible, dragon blood, this is genuine dragon blood.

Yue Chuan had already felt the effects of the dragon's blood, because he was sprayed all over when he took the blood just now, and the dragon's blood splashed on his body, and there was a sudden pain, as if being splashed with sulfuric acid.But this little pain was nothing to Yue Chuan. After the pain passed, Yue Chuan felt a change in his body. Where the dragon's blood was poured, a trace of coolness spread into his body. It grows, expands, and shrinks, and becomes dense and strong between expansion and contraction.

Legend has it that after a dragon slaying warrior bathes in dragon blood, he will become invulnerable and invulnerable, and his body will become as strong as a dragon's, with extremely high resistance to the smashing of swords and the bombardment of magic.However, that said the real Dragon Clan, the supreme king of the Dragon Clan, not the little bastard dragon people in front of Yue Chuan.However, even the dragon people with impure blood, their blood still has the ability to improve their physical fitness.Coupled with Yue Chuan's blood rage state, he can actively absorb the life energy in the blood of other creatures, and his absorption of dragon blood essence has almost reached the extreme.


The only surviving dragonman struck out angrily, and the double-headed spear slammed on Yue Chuan's shoulder fiercely.Yue Chuan didn't dodge or dodge, he forcibly took the blow.Although the pain was deep into the bone marrow, it was not as serious as a broken tendon and fracture as imagined. Yue Chuan immediately pushed his shoulders, and the dragon man who burst into an instant burst of force fell back and staggered back.


The soul-cracking blade exuded a cold and deadly blood light, piercing fiercely into the dragon man's reverse scales, and the vigorous blood spring was like a shower nozzle, pouring heartily on Yue Chuan's body, Yue Chuan was bathing in the dragon's blood, While taking out a few bottles to fill them in, while his body became stronger little by little, the bottles in his pocket gradually became fuller.

After tidying up the booty that the three dragonmen burst out, Yue Chuan continued to move forward, and not long after, he saw a group of pterosaurs fluttering in mid-air with their wings flickering.These pterosaurs are pure dragon forms, not the half-human, half-dragon form.

The bloodlines of the dragon clan are numerous and complicated. Many creatures such as lions, tigers, fish, turtles, snakes, lizards, etc. have the bloodlines of the dragon clan. However, although those bloodlines have inherited the power of the dragon clan, they only have a few characteristics of the dragon clan in their appearance. In general, the characteristics of mixed bloodlines are still maintained.That is to say, the closer the appearance is to the dragon clan, the purer the dragon blood in the body.

Therefore, Yue Chuan can conclude that the pterosaurs waving two wings like flies in front of them have blood in their bodies that is much more pure than those dragonmen just now, and their blood ability will be stronger.

"Well, these are all baby dragons, with pure blood but weak strength, they are the easiest to hunt and kill!"

At this moment, Yue Chuan somehow thought of a sentence: Luoli has three good things, delicate body, soft body, and easy to push down.Little Lolita and Zhengtai of the Dragon Clan, it’s time to donate blood...

[I'm going to be on the free recommendation list of QQ Bookstore, I'm secretly happy]

(End of this chapter)

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